Sinopsis dan video klip Drama Asia (Korea)- The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 17/ Synopsis and video clips of The Great Queen Seon Deok of Episode 18
Title: Queen Seon Duk
Format: Drama
historical drama
Yowon Lee
Hyeonjeong Ko
Yejin Park
Taewoong Uhm
Country of origin South Korea South Korea
No. of episodes 62

Deokman (later known as Queen Seon Deok) was born as a twin but was abandoned as a baby. She was later brought back to the Silla palace, where she joined forces with her twin sister Princess Cheonmyeng to oppose Mi-shil, who wanted to seize power. Mi-shil devised sinister plans to have the two Silla princesses exiled from the kingdom, and in a secretive battle, Princess Chonmyong was assassinated by Mi-shil. However, Princess Deokman shrewdly enlisted the help of General Kim Yusin and eliminated her archenemy Mi-shil. She became the first female ruler of the Silla kingdom.
Video clips of 선덕여왕(Queen Seon Deok) OST 아이유(IU) - 바람꽃(Wind Flower)
- Lee Yo Won as Deokman/Queen Seondeok
- Nam Ji Hyun as young Deokman
- Ko Hyeon-jeong as Lady Misil
- UEE as young Lady Misil
- Park Ye-Jin as Princess Cheonmyeong
- Shin Se Kyung as young Princess Cheonmyeong
- Uhm Tae Woong as Kim Yushin
- Lee Hyun Woo as young Kim Yushin
- Kim Nam Gil as Bidam
- Park Ji Bin as young Bidam
- Yu Seung-ho as Kim Chunchu
- Lee Seung-hyo as Alcheon
Extended Cast
- Jo Min Ki as King Jinpyeong (Deokman's Father)
- Baek Jong Min as young Jinpyeong
- Kang San as child Jinpyeong
- Baek Jong Min as young Jinpyeong
- Yoon Yoo Sun as Lady Maya (Deokman's Mother, Kim Jinpyeong's wife)
- Park Soo Jin as young Lady Maya
- Seo Young Hee as So Hwa
Sinopsis Drama Asia (Korea) - The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21
Tayang: 9-Dec-2009 16:30 WIB
Memacu kuda sekencang-kencangnya, Yushin (Uhm Tae-woong) berhasil lolos dari kejaran Alcheon (Lee Seung-hyo) dan Imjong (Kang Ji-hoo). Pulang dengan tangan hampa, Alcheon memberanikan diri bertanya pada Eulje (Shin Goo), namun sang penasehat raja hanya bungkam.
Sadar kalau apa yang dilihatnya sangat penting, Chilseok (Ahn Kil-kang) langsung melaporkan ke Mishil (Go Hyeon-jeong) kalau putri bungsu Raja Jinpyeong (Jo Min-ki) ada di Seorabol. Ucapan itu keruan saja membuat Mishil kaget, namun Sejong (Dok Go-young) menyangka bahwa apa yang dilihat Chilseok hanyalah halusinasi.
Barulah ketika Chilseok menyebut putri tersebut bernama Deokman, semua langsung terkejut terutama Mishil, yang langsung meminta semua yang hadir : Sejong, Seolwon (Jun Noh-min), Misaeng (Jung Woong-in), dan Hajong (Kim Jung-hyun) untuk tidak bicara sepatah katapun karena dirinya perlu konsentrasi untuk memikirkan langkah selanjutnya.
Gagal mendapat penjelasan yang memuaskan, Eulje (Shin Goo) berusaha mencari tahu tentang apa yang terjadi dengan menginterogasi Jukbang (Lee Moon-shik) dan Godo (Ryu Dam). Begitu melihat Sohwa, yang meski masih belum bisa bicara namun ekspresinya sangat kentara begitu nama Deokman disebut, Eulje langsung bisa menebak apa yang terjadi.
Berhasil menghentikan kurir yang dikirim oleh Yushin, Eulje harus berhadapan dengan Putri Cheonmyeong (Park Ye-jin), yang marah besar saat tahu sang penasehat berusaha mencelakai Deokman.
Dengan wajah serius, Eulje menyebut bahwa apa yang dilakukannya adalah demi mempertahankan kekuasaan Raja Jinpyeong. Siapa sangka, ucapannya soal identitas Deokman yang sebenarnya terdengar oleh sang raja, yang kebetulan datang ke kediaman Putri Cheonmyeong. Bisa dibayangkan, bagaimana marah dan kagetnya Raja Jinpyeong.
Begitu mendengar kalau Sohwa ditahan di bagian interogasi yang dikuasai Eulje, Mishil memerintahkan Seolwon untuk mengambil paksa sang dayang istana dengan cara apapun. Tidak cuma itu, ia juga meminta seluruh jajarannya untuk mengawasi tindak-tanduk pihak yang dekat dengan Deokman untuk mengetahui keberadaan sang nangdo.
Sadar kalau pihak yang mengincar Deokman adalah suruhan Eulje, yang bertindak tanpa persetujuan Raja Jinpyeong, Yushin mengutus anak buahnya Daepung (Park Young-seo) untuk meminta bantuan Kim Seohyeon (Ju Sung-mo).
Siapa sangka, tak lama kemudian Kim Seohyeon dikunjungi oleh Eulje yang meminta dua hal pada sang ipar raja : membawa pulang kepala Deokman. Sebagai imbalannya, Yushin bakal dinikahkan dengan Putri Cheonmyeong yang memang memerlukan pendamping.
Perseteruan antara kubu Seolwon dan Eulje tidak bisa dihindari ketika balai interogasi diserbu dan Sohwa bersama Jukbang-Godo diambil paksa. Dengan santai, Seolwon menyebut Sohwa sebagai wanita yang dicurigai sebagai mata-mata kerajaan Baekje sehingga Eulje tidak bisa berbuat apa-apa.
Dalam pelarian, Yushin dan Deokman (Lee Yo-won) yang tengah bersembunyi di sebuah gua bertemu dengan seorang pria eksentrik. Pria tersebut, yang bernama Bidam (Kim Nam-gil), ternyata mendapat tugas dari gurunya untuk mencari tanaman jahe liar untuk mengobati penduduk dari wabah yang tengah melanda.
Perkenalan Yushin dan Bidam dimulai ketika sang hwarang yang kelaparan meminta sepotong ayam bagi dirinya dan Deokman. Sebagai imbalannya, Bidam meminta ikat kepala Yushin yang berfungsi sebagai tanda pengenal klan Kembang Naga.
Setelah membawa Deokman ke tempat yang aman, Yushin menemui ayahnya Kim Seohyeon. Siapa sangka, sang ayah tengah bersiap untuk menuruti perintah Eulje untuk membunuh Deokman. Sadar kalau nyawa Deokman dalam bahaya, Yushin langsung pergi.
Dugaannya benar, gubuk Deokman telah dikepung oleh segerombolan pria berpakaian sipil. Siapa sangka saat keadaan semakin genting, muncul Bidam yang ternyata lebih dari sekedar pria biasa.
Synopsis/summary of Episode 22
Deok Man draws her sword to prepare to defend. Vassal orders to take Deok Man by force. Then Kim Seo Hyeon’s men prepare to take her by force when Bi Dam calls out to them to come over here. Deok Man is surprise to see Bi Dam. Vassal sends one of the man to deal with Bi Dam but ended up being slain viciously by Bi Dam. Then Bi Dam rushes to hit Kim Seo Hyeon’s men & strike them with his rapid & fluid martial arts. Bi Dam stroke is without mercy. Bi Dam tells them he will killed them all.
Bi Dam goes to engage them & leaves Deok Man wondering who he is as Bi Dam takes Kim Seo Hyeon’s men one by one without mercy. Vassal & his remaining surviving men runs for their life. Bi Dam went to claim Kim Yu Shin’s head band which one of Kim Seo Hyeon’s man has taken from him. Deok Man doesn’t know his intention hold defend against him. Kim Yu Shin runs to the hunting shed to see Bi Dam taking a sword & approaching Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin jumps on Bi Dam with the swords where Bi Dam turns around to block with his swords & snap the blade of Bi Dam’s sword. Deok Man asked Kim Yu Shin to stop as Bo Dam save her life. Kim Yu Shin redraw his sword & asked whether Deok Man is alright. Bi Dam feels the brute force from Kim Yu Shin strikes. Bi Dam calling Kim Yu Shin Chicken meat gave back Kim Yu Shin’s Hwa rang head band. Kim Yu Shin apologise to Bi Dam for the misunderstanding
Kim Yu Shin tries to take the head band but Bi Dam asked for the money for last night chicken. Kim Yu Shin doesn’t have that with him. Bi Dam thinks it is a big fat joke as Kim Yu Shin takes out his leather lamellar or scale armour for payment for some more chicken that he thinks it is more than sufficient. Bo Dam smells the cowhide leather like perfume. Bo Dam must be a voracious carnivore that strive on meat like an addiction. Bi Dam then finds that his clothes is tainted with blood & surely knows that Moon Noh will reprimand him for that. Kim Yu Shin enquire where did Bi Dam comes from. Bi Dam said he doesn’t have any residence but currently lodging in Yangji village. Bi Dam asked he will more than grateful if he can get Se Shin but none is available due to the plague that is going on. Bi Dam return the head band & tells Kim Yu Shin is really heavy on his swordsplay strokes & find it amusing
Se Shin is Xi Xin in Chinese root of wild ginger (Asarum Sieboldii) is use to treat pain & inflammation in Korea. It is antinociception drug for reduction of pain like opioid; Anti-inflammation property to find infection. It also acts as a bradykinin as a biologically active polypeptide, consisting of nine amino acids, that forms from a blood plasma globulin and mediates the inflammatory response, increases vasodilation, and causes contraction of smooth muscle. It release a histamine that is an organic compound found widely in animals and plants that in humans and other mammals is released as part of the body’s immune response, causing physiological changes including dilation of the blood vessels, contraction of smooth muscle (as in the airways), and increased gastric acid secretion. The itching and sneezing typical of respiratory allergies are caused by the release of histamine.
Kim Yu Shin asked to leave as Deok Man asked where are they supposed to go. Kim Yu Shin said that for the moment they should avoid all contacts. Kim Yu Shin takes Deok Man by the hands like leading a reluctant child. Kim Seo Hyeon’s men still linger around. Kim Seo Hyeon learns of Bi Dam’s sudden intervention & interference & his men had failed in getting Deok Man. The vassal tells that the person who came to rescue Deok Man was skilled in martial arts that he had never seen before. The swords stroke is similar to Im Jong of Ho Guk Seon Do. Kim Seo Hyeon asked whether he is a cadre of Im Jong’s corps. The vassal said that the person swords strokes has extreme speed in execution than Im Jong. Then Kim Seo Hyeon asked whether if he send by Mi Shil. The vassal said that he is in pheasant clothing & speak with a county dialect, so he doesn’t think it is Mi Shil’s men
Seol Won Rang paying visit to the Administrative official of Yangji village as he asked what is it that Seol Won Rang would graciously come to visit. Bo Jong asked for lodging from the official. Seol Won Rang asked whether there is any news from the planted cell group in Kim Seo Hyeon’s camp. Bo Jong said he will inform Seol Won Rang as soon as it comes to him. Seol Won Rang asked Seok Bum to go around the neighbouring village to look for the whereabouts of Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man & to observe careful & don’t even allow a rat to cross their sight
Deok Man asked Kim Yu Shin about his father intention. Deok Man know that the person who led the attack on her is one of Kim Seo Hyeon’s vassal Jeong Gwan which means that Kim Seo Hyeon also wants her demise. Kim Yu Shin doesn’t answer her but Deok Man shouts that everybody wants her dead. Kim Yu Shin shouts at her for not being stupid with her insecurity & let not think about the matter. Kim Yu Shin detect other Il Wyol Seong Do cadre which belongs to Bo Jong going around gathering information. Kim Yu Shin tells Deok Man that Mi Shil is also having a hand in the matter. Kim Yu Shin takes Deok Man away from the market as Deok Man said that they could have block all access roads
Kim Yu Shin drags her along as she demands where can they go. Kim Yu Shin said they can’t be sitting like ducks as she will surely dies. Kim Yu Shin said there is one place they can go. Kim Yu Shin takes her to Yangji village where the plague is there & Kim Yu Shin said that this is safest place they can hide, since they dare not come near the place as there is deterrence. Kim Yu Shin tells that everybody is out to get her from King Jinpyeong right to Mi Shil. They know only if they don’t count on themselves to survive, if they give up on themselves then a certain death will definitely come to them. Kim Yu Shin assures Deok Man he will never give up on Deok Man but however if Deok Man gives up, then it will be double the laden of burden on him & pleas to Deok Man not to give up. Kim Seo Hyeon’s is still tracking Kim Yu Shin & informs that Kim Yu Shin has make his journey for Yangji village
Kim Yu Shin’s vassal tells is where the plague is. Kim Seo Hyeon asked his men not to act rash as Kim Yu Shin is with Deok Man. Mi Shil cell group is listening in. Kim Seo Hyeon reads his son well that Kim Yu Shin is not risk taker. Kim Seo Hyeon asked just to keep surveillance on Yangji village & not to take any action. Bi Dam knees before Moon Noh as he queries over why he didn’t bring Se Shin back & his clothes is stained with blood & question whether he was involves in a fight. Bi Dam said that he went to save someone that was in a dire situation. Moon Noh asked whether there were deaths involve in saving this someone. Bi Dam debates his argument of the strong is bullying the weak. Moon Noh wants to know whether Bi Dam killed in the process of his rescue. Bi Dam said he was only trying to save, but Moon Noh said that his actual intention is not saving but to seek vengeance as an excuse. Moon Noh tells that Bi Dam has never show mercy & compassion to any humans & Bi Dam will go on the killing spree of he can’t hold his anger in. Bi Dam insists that he went to save someone as Moon Noh scream at him. Then Kim Yu shin comes in to greet them & Bi Dam is surprise
Bi Dam tells that they are the people he tries to save. Bi Dam asked Kim Yu Shin to explain the encounter to his teacher on what happened. Deok Man came forwards to confirm that Bi Dam did rescue her from certain situation. Moon Noh tells Bi Dam that patient are increase rapid in numbers. If they don’t curb, it will spread the plague to another village. Moon Hon asked they Se Shin must be found at all cost if need be he needs to purchase. Bi Dam leaves & Moon Noh asked Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man to leave as there is a plague in this village & not wise to stay here. Kim Yu Shin said they have certain reason that they need to be here at the moment. Moon Noh looks at them. Meanwhile Seol Won Rang & Bo Jong are all looking for Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man. Then they notices Bi Dam trying to haggle for some Se Shin. The merchant said that if Bi Dam give him a lot of money for it, he still can’t get the goods for him. Bi Dam tells that it is not only Yangji villagers that will be dying of the plague, if they don’t curb, it might spread the plague here. The merchant said he can’t do anything about the matter & asked Bi Dam not to come disturbing his stall for business & chase him away. Bi Dam is wasting their time trying to save the villager in Yangji village, it is a lost cause.
Bi Dam is brought to see Seol Won Rang. BI Dam tells Seol Won Rang that he didn’t do anything wrong & why he is brought here. Bi Dam said he was just trying to get Se Shin for the Yangji village that he was just trying to haggle for some. Seol Won Rang asked if Bi Dam is from Yangji village. Bi Dam said that he doesn’t reside there but his teacher was passing through & stop over to treat the villager. Seol Won Rang praise his teacher good intention. Seol Won rang enquires if there are 2 people who is in Hwa Rang uniform. Bi Dam said that he didn’t see them. Seol Won Rang bargain that with Bi Dam that he will give Bi Dam what he wants for them. Bi Da is surprise as Seol Won Rang said that Bi Dam wants Se Shin, he will supply Se Shin to Bi Dam, in exchange for Deok Man that is in Nang Do uniform that have a feminine look but doesn’t require Kim Yu Shin
Bi Dam leaves Seol Won Rang who tells that he can give Se Shin in 3 days as much as he wants in quantity but he must bring the person they requested to them. Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man working chore as to chop wood. Deok Man tells Kim Yu Shin to leave her as he doesn’t have the reason to stand by her. Kim Yu Shin wouldn’t take heed of what she is saying. Deok Man doesn’t want friction between father & son. Kim Yu Shin asked whether she is just worth that much. Deok Man already wish to give up everything although she doesn’t know what she is giving up. People are dying because of her. It is already bad enough that her mother died in the quest. Deok Man feels that the same fate will come to Kim Yu Shin just as her mother did in the attempted to save her, they died. Deok Man can’t bear to have that though that may killed her & she will hate herself for it. Deok Man asked Kim Yu Shin to leave her before it happened as she is not worth it. Kim Yu Shin tell Deok Man is such a fool as he has already chosen her over his father. Deok Man is shocked
Is that a declaration of love from Kim Yu Shin?
Deok Man leaves as Kim Yu Shin takes his anger on the chop block as Moon Noh comes in & notices the chopping block crack. Moon Noh takes a closer look at the chopping block when Kim Yu Shin apologises for the damage done & he will reimburse it later. Moon Noh asked for Kim Yu Shin’s name. Kim Yu Shin caught by surprise as Moon Noh takes a look at his hand. Kim Yu Shin hands is all blistered. Moon Noh asked whether he have a teacher. Moon Noh said that he didn’t have guidance from expert to has engage in wasteful training & must have been a difficult journey to have come to this degree of level. Kim Yu Shin doesn’t get on what Moon Noh is trying to implied
Moon Noh asked whether he had been in a swordsplay fight lately. Moon Noh tells him that Kim Yu Shin doesn’t understand his own potential. Moon Noh leaves & Kim Yu Shin is left to ponder what moon Noh meant. Deok Man went to the medicine store & took a look at the bag Bi Sang. Deok Man said why looking at the bag to said whether she should just disappear from this earth
Bi Sang is Chinese white arsenic. It is also known as arsenous acid or arseni Trioxidum, These preparations are all of similar therapy & are antiperiodic, antiseptic, and alterative. In doses 1-30 to 1-15 grain arsenous acid is valuable in neuralgia of the fifth and intercostal nerves, periodic neuralgia, chorea, paralysis, agitans, chronic arthritis, malarial cachexia, enlarged lymphatics, obesity due to defective assimilation, diabetes of hepatic origin, albuminuria, eczema, lichen, psoriasis, and other skin lesions. In general, it may be said that moderate doses of arsenic are indicated when there is defective nutrition with deposits of low or imperfect albuminoid material. Its antiperiodic influence is marked, but it should not be employed in doses of any size where there is irritability of the nerve centers of an acute character. In small doses arsenic is regarded as a vital stimulant, and is used in states of debility, exhaustion, and restlessness, and where burning pain and prostrating diarrhea exist. Small doses are applicable in the degenerative changes of aged persons, bronchitis with burning expectoration, irritative dyspepsia, cirrhosis of the liver, reflex vomiting, some cases of chronic diarrhea, and in skin rashes occasioned by indigestion. Arsenic was widely use as a chemical warfare in ancient China Other known poison to have been use cinnabar (mercury), realger (arsenic), green vitriol (copper sulphate), lodestone. It medicine there is always a fine line between cure & poison. Everybody knew what happened to Alexander the Great
Bi Dam takes Kim Yu Shin & Deok to the local administration building. Kim Yu Shin asked why would there be a jail in such a remote village. Bi Dam said that it was a holding area for hill bandit before transfer, but due to the plague it had been apparently been abandoned. Bi Dam said that his teacher plans to treat this place as an isolation area for the seriously ill, so Bi Dam asked Kim Yu Shin & Deok Man to clean the place up to accommodated that patient. Kim Yu Shin asked for the question of the usage of the place as Bi Dam said that they have no choice with the circumstances at hand, they need somewhere to put the patient. Bi Dam said that they need to earn their keep for their meal ticket by doing chores
Kim Seo Hyeon is informed that Seol Won Rang is seen within the vicinity. Kim Seo Hyeon is surprise that Mi Shil has made her move on the matter. Kim Seo Hyeon tells his vassal that Deok Man must not fall in the hands into Mi Shil. Kim Seo Hyeon would rather have Deok Man killed then Mi Shil gets hols of Deok Man. Bi Dam comes back to see that Deok Man & Kim Yu Shin finished cleaning up the area. Kim Yu Shin asked Bi Dam what other chores he wants them to do. Bi Dam thinks that the straw bedding is a little too much in the jail & asked to have it by half. Kim Yu Shin went in to deal with the matter & Bi Dam casually close the jail door behind him & padlocked him in. Deok Man & Kim Yu Shin surprise by Bi Dam’s action. Bi Dam points a knife at Deok Man & said that she needs to be tied up. Bi Dam needs to do this as he know Kim Yu Shin’s sword’s skill is heavy handed
Bi Dam ties up Deok Man around a tree as Kim Yu Shin demands an explanation. Bi Dam is sorry about the matter as Deok Man asked who has asked Bi Dam to do this. Bi Dam said he doesn’t know their identity but he will enquire for her. Bi Dam asked Deok Man not to think this matter is unfair as she may able to save 200 people’s lives in the process. Deok Man ponder on the matter as Kim Yu Shin asked her to find a way to escape her ropes. Deok Man thinks that this is the best way to go about it. If she falls into Mi Shil’s hand, death is not instant but it may ripple the effects to King Jinpyeong & Cheon Myeong but if she falls into King Jinpyeong’s hand, death will be instant, it will be the most fortunate relief that she came to Gyerim to die. Deok Man tells how many people dies for the sake & is deem fruitless in their effort to keep her alive. If she survive the perils she bring more harm than good
Kim Yu Shin asked Deok Man to have courage & not to lose hope on the matter & have strength. Deok Man asked where she should reap that strength from when people including her birth parents is out to get her & want her dead. Deok Man is already immune to hearing this strength & deem hopeless. Deok Man doesn’t want to listen to anymore. Deok Man recalls Bi Dam telling her that she can save 200 people if she surrenders herself. Bi Dam meets Seol Won Rang to said that he has Deok Man & Kim Yu Shin & asked that Seol Won Rang to abide by their promise
Seol Won Rang whisper to Bi Dam to asked that they need to prepare to bring Deok Man alive & make the necessary arrangement. Bi Dam goes to enquire who are they actually as they don’t look local. Bo Jong thinks that Bi Dam is disrespectful towards Seol Won Rang & introduces Seol Won Rang as Seorabeol Minister of Military. Seol Won Rang assures Bi Dam that he is acting in the matter of the country security, so Bi Dam need not been suspicious of him
Bi Dam asked whether they have the medicine goods for him that they had agreed upon. Seol Won Rang gave his assurance that once Deok Man is handed over to them, the medicine goods is his to take away. Bi Dam nods & leaves. Seol Won Rang convey to Bo Jong that send a message to Mi Shil that they have now apprehended Deok Man. Bo Jong acknowledge the instruction. Seol Won Rang is pleased
In Seorabeol where Mi Saeng comes in to inform that Seol Won Rang already have Deok Man in their hands. Mi Shil is pleased as Se Jong said that the time has ripens for them. Ha Jong tells his mother they can now expose the twin birth & the time is now waiting for them. Mi Shil said that this was the moment that they will begin to set the pace into place after they have been doing for the necessary preparation. Mi Shil’s camp went out to prepare whatever is instructed
Before leaving Seo Ri gave some concern advice that Deok Man is also the child who is born under the prophesy of the Gaeyang star that split to the 8th star on the Big Dipper & reminds Mi Shil that hasn’t she forgotten on the prophesy told to her by Moon Noh. Mi Shil recalls Moon Noh’s letter to her & recites as long as the Big Dipper’s seven stars formation does not become eight…There will be no one to oppose against Mi Shil’s authority, but when the next time the person who will oppose against Mi Shil’s authority will come on the day when the 7 stars formation of the Big Dipper becomes 8. Mi Shil is slightly startled. Seo Ri reminds that Deok Man is also that child was born with the fate from the Gaeyang star. Seo Ri weary that although they have to bring Deok Man back alive as proof that the twin birth exists but they need to eliminate Deok Man for their own good
Mi Shil now full of herself brushes this as utter nonsense that Seo Ri is concern over these matters, that Seo Ri is weary since she is the High Priestess of the Royal Celestial Shrine & it is an occupation hazard. Seo Ri displease that Mi Shil now don’t believe in divine intervention but only her almighty self. Mi Shil tells that she is person who can asked to rain within her finger tips & makes the moon loses its radiance then what it is with just a mere Gaeyang star of the Big Dipper is just a joke to make her laugh. Mi Shil tells that she is Mi Shil. Mi Shil leaves but Seo Ri is definitely not pleased with the arrogance of Mi Shil
Eul Jae goes to see King Jinpyeong over the matter of Deok Man that Mi Shil’s camp finds out about the twin birth the only method to have this resolves is matter is by this. Eul Jae have asked that an alliance marriage between Princess Cheon Myeong & Kim Yu Shin. King Jinpyeong is concern that decision of marriage that is of a sudden nature is uncalled for. Eul Jae voice out the concern that once the heir apparent successor issue is settled, even Mi Shil’s camp faction will not be able to make any accusation & makers their move towards it as they pleased. Eul Jae needs to further strengthen Kim Seo Hyeon’s position of authority. Princess Cheon Myeong doesn’t agree that Eul Jae suggest a Royal Wedding as being so casual as they brushes Deok Man’s dangers under the carpet without giving any account. The suggestion is also to help out in their affairs as these issue arise that the Royal Household doesn’t have an heir apparent in sight. Eul Jae suggest that if Kim Yu Shin becomes the Royal son in law then he can succeed in acting as interim Crown Prince then, the issues about the prophesy of the seeds of Seonggol male being vanished will not be the issue on contempt.
Seonggol is Silla Royal bloodline
Queen Maya apologise to her daughter over the matter in rushing her to a marriage of alliance without giving Cheon Myeong any concern. Cheon Myeong spoke directly to her mother that if the Royal Wedding occurs with the Gaya lineage then they can newly established foundation of power base & furthermore they have no knowledge how or when Mi Shil’s camp will move to bring up Deok Man’s matter as an excuse. Queen Maya said that this what worries her with anxiety each day. Cheon Myeong said that rather than sitting idly to be anxiously wait for that fateful day she thinks it will be wise that they are well prepare to anticipate for that day to come.
Im Jong announces his presence. Im Jong enters & inform that the Hwabaek council has commence. Princess Cheon Myeong dreads for the worst had come of the emergency Hwabaek meeting
Hwabaek is the Council of nobles
Se Jong chaired the Hwabaek council about the reasons that for the sake of Silla & the future of the Royal Household then it is unfortunate that the lineage of Seonggol males of Silla is danger of being extinct. King Jinpyeong, Queen Maya, Princess Cheon Myeong & Mi Shil is presence. Se Jong reminds about their founding father Hyeokgose of Geoseogan confederacy’s prophecy of the royal household family passed down that if a Silla ruler were to borne twins, then the seeds of all Seonggol males will varnished. Kim Yong Chu interrupts how dare Se Jong brings up the prophesy in the council that Se Jong is implying that there is existed a twin birth. Se Jong confirms as Eul Jae exclaimed the existing of the twin birth & what Se Jong have in term of evidence that supports & backs his claims. Eul Jae tells Se Jong that it is contempt in the council to bring up such allegation of accusation. Ha Jong tells them that they have the evidence that they will bring forwards. Se Jong asked Mi Saeng to enter. The doors opens then Mi Saeng walks in to reveal Chil Sook behind him standing as Chil Sook enters & greeting the council. Everybody is astonished at his appearance. Se Jong tells that it is the law that only allow that the other than Dae Deungs to speak in the Council but Se Jong makes a propose to the Council for Chil Sook to speak on his behalf. Se Jong puts his propose to vote & in the council they got the majority vote. Eul Jae also opted for for as Kim Yong Chu stops him but Eul Jae tells that if they don’t do so & goes against the propose, it will be telling them that they acknowledge the twin birth that will bring more harm than goods. Eul Jae & Kim Yong Chu puts their vote in favour for Chil Sook to speak on behalf of Se Jong
Se Jong after having the unanimous majority asked Chil Sook to make his report. Chil Sook begins his story about 20 years ago, Queen Maya borne to twin daughters. King Jinpyeong entrust the younger twin to his palace maid So Hwa & send them far away to a distance land & he was instructed to prove the twins existence, that Chil Sook pursue after that said palace maid, but was unable to catch her but then after he return to Silla he has witness that the that said palace maid and the other younger twin with his own eyes that they have indeed return to Seorabeol. King Jinpyeong looks at Mi Shil who gave him a cunning smiles of “Checkmate”
Bi Dam serving them a meal as Kim Yu Shin is not appreciating of his hospitality & breaks his food tray that how dare he do this to them & he will not forgive Bi Dam for his action. Bi Dam apologise but asked Kim Yu Shin to be understanding. Bi Dam goes to the tied up Deok Man & tells that Kim Yu Shin doesn’t want his food tray so he guess that he doesn’t want to eat & asked if it the same with Deok Man. Bi Dam said that she doesn’t seem she wants to eat then Bi Dam mutter that the people is from the Ministry of Military that wants him to catch her & asked Bi Dam that he must bring Deok Man to Seol Won Rang alive at all cost. Bi Dam assures her not to worry & tell her that he will be back with the dinner tray. Deok Man thanked him & caught Bi Dam by surprise that Deok Man thanked him that he is about to sell her off to her enemies & she must be mad to be grateful to him on his doings. Bi Dam asked Deok Man to come to her sense & tells Deok Man is crazy. Bi Dam leaves
Mi Shil confronts Cheon Myeong over the fact the Cheong Myeong knew the fact that Deok Man was her sister. Cheon Myeong plays along that to asked Mi Shil that she is implying that Deok Man is that alleged other younger twin. Mi Shil said as for now, they need to be direct about the matter. Cheon Myeong continues to said that is it not that Deok Man a male & Mi Shil to imply that Deok Man is the other younger twin. Mi Shil threaten that once Deok Man is brought back, do Cheon Myeong wants Deok Man to be strip of her clothes to reveal her gender. Cheon Myeong asked Mi Shil to confirm her allegation & save it once Mi Shil has Deok Man. Mi Shil laying her bargaining chips that she now have Chil Sook & So Hwa. Mi Shil correct herself by address Deok Man as Princess that she will be brought to Seorabeol & proof by showing her birth mark behind her ear. Thereafter Queen Maya & both the twin Princess must bear the responsibility of the Seonggol heirs’ bloodline to vanish. Princess Cheon Myeong tells that she will do so if they managed to bring Deok Man before the council. Mi Shil insists that Deok Man will brought before them. Cheon Myeong said that if Mi Shil unable to produce Deok Man then Mi Chil is charge in contempt by insulting the royal household by instigating to have Hwabaek Council to commence over the matter & will be frown upon by the Dae Deungs and the people of Silla. Mi Shil is so sure of herself. Mi Shil asked who do she think will be the 1st to be able to get their hands on Deok Man. If His Majesty is able to, even if King Jinpyeong is able to get her then what does King Jinpyeong plan to do to Deok Man. Mi Shil weights the consequences that King Jinpyeong will killed Deok Man & leave without a trace. Mi Shil will meet Cheon Myeong in the next Hwabaek Council.
Mi Shil leaves as Cheon Myeong mentioned that although Mi Shil speaks as if Mi Shil hold all divinity under heaven’s providence & favour, but Cheon Myeong reminds that the favour can vacillate & be short lived before she knows it. Heaven’s grace & favour does not come in duration of ling period of time. Cheon Myeong asked Mi Shil not to be too confident to that fact. Mi Shil is not startled by Cheon Myeong’s remark as Mi Shil tells that when she was at Cheon Myeong’s age, she too feared Heaven’s providence grace & proceeded to believe in providence but now as it is Mi Shil doesn’t need to have those kind of providence to do her will. Mi Shil confidently leaves
Princess Man Myeong assures King Jinpyeong not to be too worry as Kim Seo Hyeon has gone there before Mi Shil & will definitely able to bring Deok Man back. Eul Jae also concurs that Deok Man is with Kim Yu Shin, & since Kim Seo Hyeon has hasten to give them a chase ahead of time Mi Shil will not be able to get her hands on Deok Man. King Jinpyeong tells that MI Shil already has Chil Sook & even So Hwa & they may have to anticipate that at the next Hwabaek Council meeting, So Hwa will also make her appearance to testify. Queen Maya asked whether they are finding the whereabouts of So Hwa being held. Eul Jae said they are searching for So Hwa everywhere. King Jinpyeong conceit that this is indeed a tragedy that lies before him. As a father he had abandoned his child, & now he can’t even protect his own child who has returned & repeats the same matter over again by finding her & yet again to abandon
Eul Jae goes to see Princess Man Myeong. Eul Jae tells Princess Man Myeong on the importance to the fate of Kim Seo Hyeon’s family about whether if they can execute his plans. Eul Jae said that if Kim Seo Hyeon divert from the plans that the future will deem bleak for Kim Seo Hyeon. Eul Jae tells that they have to killed Deok Man immediately once they have apprehended Deok Man & makes sure that it is left without a trace. This is the only method for the survival of the Royal household & Princess Man Myeong’s family. Princess Man Myeong is shocked that what his husband is suppose to do when he meets with Kim Yu Shin
Kim Yu Shin weaving a rope out of straw as Deok Man call to him to asked what he is doing. Kim Yu Shin is trying to find a way out of enclosure. Deok Man asked what if they can escape what then, can they able to do anything about the matter. Kim Yu Shin said that they things one step at the time, Kim Yu Shin said that he will not let Mi Shil take her away. Deok Man agrees to that if she falls into to Mi Shil’s hands, then King Jinpyeong will be in dire straits in the meanwhile Queen Maya and the Princess Cheon Myeong will be deposed. There is also no of knowing what catastrophe repercussion will siege to happen to Kim Seo Hyeon & Kim Yu Shin. Kim Yu Shin said they are referring to that subject of discussion. Deok Man said that it is best that she should just disappear. Deok Man resign to fate that she just went to the medicinal store & there was poison of white arsenic around as she was looking at it, she thought to herself wouldn’t it be best for everybody if she just disappear from existence that was playing in her mind while looking at it. Kim Yu Shin tells that Deok Man is being foolish with her thoughts
Deok Man said that she just needs to die that she had thought of that. Kim Yu Shin asked Deok Man to come to her sense & get a grip & avoid those foolish thoughts. Deok Man feels that she is really pitiful then until now her life had been fruitless & it will be the same in death that she must be pity upon. Deok Man said that she has nothing to look forward to a future but however that she can the least seek shelter
Bi Dam comes with dinner & overhears Deok Man’s conversation. Kim Yu Shin wants to know what she is about to do. Deok Man looks at Kim YU shin but she said in her heart that the least that 200 people will able to live in her sake that she feels that is sufficient
Kim Yu Shin calls out Deok Man who is silent. Deok Man told herself that although, she is left with nothing to regret, but for Kim Yu Shin parting from him will be with a great regret & remorse. Kim Yu Shin doesn’t like the silence & asked Deok Man to speak to him. Deok Man tells Kim Yu Shin that she will refuse to play into the plans in helping that Mi Shil get what she wants & Deok Man will not let Mi Shil have her. Bi Dam asked who is that person that Deok Man has referred. Kim Yu Shin kept his rope aside. Deok Man said that there is this particular person. Bi Dam throw Kim Yu Shin his dinner.
Deok Man enquire whether Bi Dam got the medicinal herbs. Bi Dam said that he will have them once he hands Deok Man over to them. Then next morning Bi Dam informs Kim Yu Shin that he is going to take him to the Seol Won Rang the Minister of Military & will be back soon. Kim Yu Shin shouts that Bi Dam can’t do that & tries to shake the door open. Bi Dam went to untied Deok Man as Kim Yu Shin shouts for Deok Man. Bi Dam leads Deok Man away. Bi Dam said that he has assurance from the Minister of Military that no harm will come to Deok Man. Kim Yu Shin in rage that if he comes out from here, he will get Bi Dam for what he is about to do
Deok Man thanked Kim Yu Shin for everything as Kim Yu Shin shouts for Deok Man that she can’t do this & demands the door to be open like a mad man. While walking Bi Dam tells Deok Man that after he hand Deok Man over, he will release Kim Yu Shin. Then Bi Dam finds that Deok Man has King Jinheung’s dagger tuck under her sleeves & takes it out but wonders in surprise that if she had the dagger all this while in her sleeves why didn’t she use it to escape by cutting the ropes. Deok Man said that she want Bi Dam to take that medicinal herbs & make sure those 200 lives will be able to save. Bi Dam returns King Jinheung’s dagger to Deok Man. Bi Dam brought Deok Man to the rendezvous point where Seol Won Rang is waiting for them. Bi Dam asked for the Se Shin as Seol Won Rang showed Bi Dam the goods he had promised. Bi Dam takes a peek to find that there is a lot of it that he can’t even find any of it in this area no matter how hard he had searched.
Seol Won Rang asked Bi Dam to surrender Deok Man to them. Bo Jong & Seok Bum escort Deok Man to see Seol Won Rang as he bows before Deok Man & address her as Princess as it is certainly a strange fate meeting as Deok Man is Her Highness. Deok Man has no intention of even helping Seol Won Rang to achieve their plans. Seol Won Rang said that it may be if that is apparent to be credible. Bi Dam takes his Se Shin goods as he looks at Deok Man. Bi Dam pulls his cart of Se Shin away & ponders. Meanwhile Kim Yu Shin attempts to rope something for his escape & gets a staff & tries to hit his way out but in avail then he recalls Moon Noh about Bi Dam telling that his wield his sword laden with such heavy stroke & how much it hurts Bi Dam’s hands from making contact with his strokes. Then Moon Noh telling he doesn’t have guidance from a master & have embarked foolish training regime. It must have been difficult to have attain this level. Moon Noh tells Kim Yu Shin that he doesn’t know his potential himself well enough to use his skills. Then Kim Yu Shin starts to strike the wooden pole with his whacking strokes
Moon Noh is shocked on what Bi Dam has done that Bi Dam sold that Deok Man to obtain the Se Shin. Bi Dam said that his teacher told him that Se Shin can save the lives of 200 people. Moon Noh scolds him for being such a wretched brat. Bi Dam said that if it is a choice between a person versus 200 people, it is natural to choose the larger quantity. Moon Noh asked how dare Bi Dam able to weigh the value of a human life & how dare Bi Dam plays numbers on with the stakes of a human life. No matter how & what the reason of importance it may be, it will never outweigh more than a human life. Bi Dam said that there is the lives of the 200 people are worth more versus against a life. Moon Noh tells that if Bi Dam has a focus of aim then he is implying that it doesn’t matter in whatsoever method on how you achieve that goal. Moon Noh asked Bi Dam what has he been learning all this while. Bi Dam defends that the people had assures him that they don’t want to killed Deok Man & Deok Man thanked Bi Dam before he left. Moon Noh shouts at Bi Dam that it indeed absurd that Deok Man may want to thanked Bi Dam on what he has done to her that does she really sincerely thanked him for the matter. Bi Dam realise that there is something amiss as he recalls Deok Man telling Kim Yu Shin that she is looking forward to something & she will not conceit to be a part of Mi Shil’s plans & scheme, then the time she had King Jinpyeong’s dagger under her sleeves & she didn’t want to escape as she explains that she wanted Bi Dam to have the medicine & able to save those people. Moon Noh is in rage on what Bi Dam has done but Bi Dam excuses himself that Moon Noh needs to adjourn his scolding some other time as he has business to attend to
Bi Dam runs back to the rendezvous point but no longer there as he draw his sword to look at it & runs. Meanwhile Kim Yu Shin whacking his way out of his cell. Seol Won Rang taking Deok Man as Deok Man cuts her ropes. Kim Yu Shin finally breaks open his cell & runs to look for Deok Man as Bi Dam also running to catch up with Seol Won Rang. Deok Man managed to cut her ropes through then showed her dagger to everybody, Bo Jong & Seok Bum is send to deal with her as she takes the dagger to aim for her neck & Bo Jong stops her with his hands & gets cut by the dagger. Seok Bum came to restraint her & Seol Won Rang asked Deok Man to be gagged in her mouth. Seok Bum asked whether Bo Jong is alright with his injuries. Then Bi Dam comes running calling out to Seol Won Rang that he had finally caught up with them. Seol Won Rang tells him that there is nothing else between them as their business transaction is over since he has taken the goods. Bi Dam said that he has taken good but then he has a change of mind on the method of payment that it is not correct. Bi Dam said that he will pay for the value of the medicine later but he needs to take back Deok Man at once
Seok Bum thinks that Bi Dam is crazy to single handed to demand Deok Man from them. Bo Jong wants to deal with Bi Dam but Seok Bum seeing that Bo Jong is injures goes to approached Bi Dam & asked him to leave here immediately & how dare Bi Dam that he doesn’t know his placing. Bi Dam starts to fight his way in & stand in front of a gagged Deok Man as he tales out her gag & asked him why has he return here. Deok Man said he has to go & save that 200 people. Bi Dam gave back the same sentence that Moon Noh told him about the value human lives weights in a play of numbers. Then more of Seol Won Rang men comes in numbers.
Deok Man asked what he is going to do now. Bi Dam tells he needs to kill so many people today & get scolded for it. Kim Yu Shin comes running to aide by whacking everybody in sight. Deok Man is surprise of Kim Yu Shin’s appearance. Bi Dam surprise that he came out from his cell & asked him how he did that. Kim Yu Shin comes to Deok Man & tell Bi Dam that after this is over he will kill Bi Dam. Bi Dam said that let them discuss this after this when this is over. Bi Dam & Kim Yu Shin ready to engage with Seol Won Rang for Deok Man.
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21 Part 1
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21 Part 2
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21 Part 3
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21 Part 4
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21 Part 5
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21 Part 6
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21 Part 7
Sinopsis Drama Asia (Korea) - The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21
Tayang: 9-Dec-2009 16:30 WIB
Dengan wajah penuh darah, Bidam (Kim Nam-gil) tersenyum sinis melihat musuhnya lari terbirit-birit. Sikapnya yang tidak bisa ditebak membuat Yushin (Uhm Tae-woong) yang baru tiba salah sangka, keduanya nyaris terlibat pertarungan kalau saja Deokman (Lee Yo-won) tidak melerai.
Setelah menyerahkan baju tempurnya, sebagai ganti ikat kepala yang digunakan untuk membayar makanan, Yushin bergegas mengajak Deokman meninggalkan gubuk persembunyian. Namun, keduanya tidak sadar kalau mata-mata Kim Seohyeon (Ju Sung-mo) terus menguntit dan mengabarkan perkembangan yang terjadi pada sang majikan.
Begitu sampai di desa, Yushin melihat sekelompok hwarang tengah sibuk dan sadar bahwa Mishil juga tengah mengincar Deokman. Karena hampir semua jalan keluar diblokir, satu-satunya kesempatan bagi mereka adalah pergi ke desa Yangji yang tengah dilanda wabah misterius.
Kedatangan Yushin dan Deokman di desa Yangji bertepatan dengan saat Bidam (Kim Nam-gil) tengah dimarahi oleh gurunya, yang rupanya sudah hapal dengan watak muridnya yang tidak pernah melakukan segala sesuatu tanpa pamrih.
Penuturan Deokman dan Yushin yang membenarkan penjelasan Bidam membuat pria setengah baya yang ternyata adalah Munno (Jung Ho-bin) tersebut akhirnya mengalah, namun ia tetap memerintahkan sang murid untuk mencari bahan obat-obatan sebelum semuanya terlambat. Tidak cuma itu, Munno juga meminta Yushin dan Deokman untuk meninggalkan desa Yangji.
Saat tengah mencari akar jahe liar, sosok Bidam terlihat oleh Seolwon (Jun Noh-min). Dengan iming-iming memberi apa yang dicari Bidam, Seolwon mengajukan satu syarat : pria berpenampilan seperti gelandangan itu harus menyerahkan Deokman sebagai imbalannya.
Memutuskan untuk tinggal membantu Munno, tanpa tahu siapa pria itu sebenarnya, Yushin dijebak oleh Bidam hingga terkurung di kandang yang sempit. Tidak memperdulikan teriakan penuh amarah dari pria itu, Bidam mengikat Deokman yang rencananya bakal diserahkan ke Seolwon.
Dengan wajah dingin, Bidam menyebut bahwa Deokman bakal menyelamatkan ratusan orang yang tengah terjangkit penyakit. Ucapan itu membuat mental Deokman semakin ambruk, ia sadar bahwa bila dirinya sudah tidak ada, keadaan akan lebih baik bagi semua orang.
Di Seorabol, kabar ditangkapnya Deokman membuat kubu Mishil (Go Hyeon-jeong) begitu gembira. Saat tinggal sendiri, Mishil diingatkan oleh Pendeta Seori (Song Ok-sook) tentang ramalan bintang biduk. Dengan senyum sinis, Mishil menyebut tidak percaya akan segala bentuk ramalan.
Pergolakan politik istana makin panas setelah Sejong menggelar rapat kabinet darurat. Seperti yang bisa ditebak, rapat tersebut membahas soal putri kembar Raja Jinpyeong (Jo Min-ki). Tidak sekedar asal bicara, Sejong menghadirkan bukti hidup berupa Chilseok (Ahn Kil-kang). Setelah pengambilan suara yang dimenangi kubu Sejong, Chilseok akhirnya menuturkan semua yang dialaminya selama 20 tahun.
Setelah hari berganti, Bidam menggiring Deokman ke tempat dimana ia berjanji bakal bertemu Seolwon. Di perjalanan, Bidam baru sadar kalau sang tawanan selama diikat menggenggam belati Raja Jinheung. Sudah tentu ia heran, pasalnya dengan belati tersebut Deokman bisa meloloskan diri namun hal itu tidak dilakukan.
Rupanya Deokman punya rencana lain, ia berhasil meyakinkan Bidam untuk membiarkan dirinya memegang belati Raja Jinheung. Sesuai perjanjian, Bidam akhirnya menyerahkan Deokman ke tangan Seolwon dengan imbalan beberapa peti akar jahe liar. Namun sepanjang perjalanan pulang, pikiran Bidam melayang pada sikap aneh Deokman yang seolah pasrah.
Begitu menceritakan apa yang terjadi pada sang guru, Munno langsung marah besar dan membentak Bidam sambil menyebut kalau nyawa manusia terlalu berharga untuk ditukar dengan apapun termasuk nyawa manusia lain. Ketika sibuk membantah, Bidam tiba-tiba teringat sesuatu dan langsung berpamitan untuk mengejar rombongan yang menahan Deokman.
Usaha Deokman untuk bunuh diri dengan menggunakan pisau Raja Jinheung gagal, namun tiba-tiba muncul Bidam. Menyebut telah berubah pikiran dan bakal membebaskan Deokman, ucapan Bidam langsung ditertawakan oleh Bojong (Baek Do-bin) dan Seokpum (Hong Kyung-in).
Hanya meringis karena diremehkan, Bidam langsung menghunus pedangnya dengan satu gerakan cepat. Dikeroyok oleh belasan orang berkemampuan tinggi, tiba-tiba dari belakang muncul Yushin yang berhasil membebaskan diri. Kini, semuanya tergantung Yushin dan Bidam untuk menolong Deokman.
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 22
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 22 Part 1
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 22 Part 2
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 22 Part 3
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 22 Part 4
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 22 Part 5
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 21 Part 6
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 22 Part 7
Source of synopsis/summary of Episode 22 taken from: (Thank you and credits to
(Terima kasih dan kredit diberikan kepada,, dan semua pihak atas sumber maklumat dan video)
(Thank you and credits to,, and all sources for the information and videos)