Death Note 3 - L change the World - don't ever miss watching this movie. This is the best movie I have watched so far for the year 2008.
Helo, good evening everyone - sapphire blu continues to share her thoughts with you again. I have been waiting to watch Death Note 3 - L change the World and at last I have watched it at Star Cineplex, Level 9, Medan Pelita, Lebuh Temple/Wayang, 93000 Kuching.

I would like to share with you how I think of L:
Most people who watched Death Note 3 said he's kinda weird looking guy, but for me he's just the coolest and he is cute too! He has the strongest character in Death Note Movies. He is always seen eating candies, chocolates and sweets and doesn't even get any fatter at all.

L has the coolest looks. I just love watching him acting in Death Note 3 L change the World
He has the cutest way of sitting posture position and I just admire his eating habits. Most of all I like his unique coolest looks that no one has, so the character in this movie just suits him well.
I can assure you that it is a must watch movie. The story line is totally different from the other two parts of Death Note. At the end of the story, it was a bit touching and I couldn't help myself from getting my eyes wet. It has a very unique ending.
To refresh your memory Death Note has 3 part where the previous Part 1 and 2, the movies are about the battle between two geniuses the good one and the bad evil one. I love to see both the handsome casts who acted these movies.
It all started with Shinigami or Death God dropped a notebook in the human world where a weary genius whose named Light Yagami acted by Tatsuya Fujiwara found and picked it up. He tried to become Kira, God of a new crime-free world by executing criminals with the notebook. Inside the front page of the book is said "The human whose name is written in this note book shall die". The notebook determined people's death.
Light Yagami was a genius bright university studend who decided to create an ideal world and he began to hold the scales to judge any criminals in his deiscretion with the notebook that he found. Meanwhile, The International Criminal Police Organization or ICPO worked together a mysterious detective, Lawliet who was known as "L" to help investigate and solving the sudden mystery death of the criminal cases.
Both "Death Note" and "Death Note the Last Name" have a very interesting story line and what about the continuation from the two movies, Death Note 3 - L change the World (Japanese movie with subtitles. This movie starring Kenichi Matsuyama and directed by Hideo Nakata, L enters a new evolutionary stage in 2008.
L acted by Kenichi Matsuyama, who was the genius detective, confronted Kira (Light Yagami) who was his toughest enemy ever. In the end, L managed to close the case of Kira but had to pay a painful price, with his life in exchanged. Now, with only 23 days to live, there was another serious case confronts L.
A boy and a girl hold the keys to solving this case and L happens to meet them while researching a deadly virus that is 10 times more infectious than the Ebola virus.The story also tells us Maki acted by Mayuko Fukuda, who witnesses the murder of her father, a scientist who found the cure to the deadly disease, by his colleague, K.
Maki avenges her father’s death by taking things into her own hands. At the same time L had to get into a desperate situation to protect the kids like a babysitter to them. How was he going to do it?
As you watch the movie, you will see L trying to overcome a new form of villain, that is, a group of psychopath scientists, headed by Dr Koichi Matsudo — or better known as K (Sei Hiraizumi) — who plans to kill the entire human race with a deadly virus. The story continues...
Video clip from Death Note 3 - L Change the World. Do watch this short gazzette of the story and you will want to watch them from the movie too.(thank you for the sources taken from)
Death Note 3 L-Change the World
Release Date: 3 April 2008
Language: Japanese
Classification: U
Running Time: 2 hours 8 minutes
Director: Hideo Nakata
Cast: Kenichi Matsumaya
Mayuko Fukuda as Maki holds the keys to solving this case together with Narushi Fukuda as Near(he got the name given by L when the show comes to an ending). He is the only survivor of the virus outbreak and he has the memory of a genius.
Shunji Fujimura, Youki Kudoh, Kiyotaka Nanbara, Sei Hiraizumi, Bokuzo Masana, Yuta Kanai, Megumi Sato, Renji Ishibashi.
I was waiting so long to watch this movie and in the end I watched it. I do not mind watching it for the 2nd. time and will be doing that again soon. What about you? You may also want to ask if you need to watch the "Death Note" and "Death Note the Last Name" to understand "Death Note L change the World"?
Well, the answer is likely no you do not have to. However, you may likely lose a little connection from the two movies but it is okay because this movie has his own different storyline of it's own.
L change the WorLd 公開直前 Special theme song for you to view (thank you for the sources taken from)I just love this theme song from Death Note - L Change The World titled I'll Be Waiting by Lenny Kravitz
Death Note 3: L Change the World
Pengarah : Hideo Nakata
Genre : Aksi
Penulis asal : Tsugumi Ohba
Ilustrator : Takeshi Obata
Pelakon : Kenichi Matsumaya, Shunji Fujimura, Youki Kudoh, Mayuko Fukuda, Kiyotaka Nanbara, Sei Hiraizumi, Narusi Fukuda, Bokuzo Masana, Yuta Kanai, Megumi Sato, Renji Ishibashi.
Kepada sesiapa yang ingin mengikuti Death Note Bahagian Ketiga - Light Change The World tetapi tidak mengetahui kisah filem Death Note iaitu filem animasi yang sedikit seram yang diadaptasikan daripada siri anime Jepun.
Dalam cerita Death Note mengisahkan seorang pelajar genius Universiti, Light Yagami, filem ini telah menemui sebuah buku bertajuk Death Note yang dimiliki oleh Shinigami dalam Bahasa Jepun atau Tuhan Kematian. Buku Death Note memberi kuasa kepada sesiapa yang menjadi pemiliknya untuk merancang pembunuhan dengan cara menulis nama orang yang dikehendakinya dan cara kematiannya di dalam buku tersebut.
Satu watak lain yang dilakonkan oleh Kenichi Matsuyama bernama Lawliet atau lebih dikenali sebagai L. Dia merupakan seorang dektektif yang sangat bijak dalam penyiasatan setiap kes mangsa-mangsa yang mati dengan tiba-tiba.
Di penghujung cerita Death Note Bahagian Kedua "Death Note the Last Name" dia berjaya membongkar misteri kematian manusia yang mempunyai kaitan dengan buku Death Note. L berjaya mengesan penulis buku tersebut yang juga adalah perancang kematian mangsa-mangsa tersebut.
Filem yang dinanti-nantikan oleh saya dan telah saya telahpun menontonnya di pawagam baru-baru ini. Filem tersebut adalah Death Note 3 - L Change The World di mana kisah ini menceritakan bagaimana L cuba untuk menyelamatkan dunia pada hari-hari terakhir sebelum kematian L. Dia cuma mempunyai 23 hari untuk berbuat demikian. L menulis namanya sendiri di dalam buku nota Death Note dan ini akan menyebabkannya mati akibat serangan penyakit jantung dalam masa 23 hari selepas itu.
Pada awal cerita mengisahkan Watari yang telah menemui ajalnya dengan tiba-tiba dan L berkabung dalam kesidihan di atas kematian Watari. Dia mengumumkan kematian Watari kepada semua orang termasuk K yang juga anak murid Watari. Apakah watak K dalam filem ini? Misi yang perlu L selesai adalah menyelamatkan dunia daripada serangan sejenis virus iaitu "virus ebola" yang sangat merbahaya dan boleh menyebabkan kematian. Virus ini bermula dengan serangan ke atas seorang budak perempuan yang dijangkiti virus merbahaya ciptaan ayahnya sendiri.
Jalan cerita untuk Bahagian Ketiga Death Note kali ini adalah amat berbeza daripada dua filem "Death Note" dan " "Death Note The Last Name".
Dalam filem Death Note Bahagian Ketiga, L dibantu oleh seorang rakan FBI iaitu Sugura. Dua watak lain yang turut membawa adengan cemas dan menarik adalah L bersama dengan seorang budak lelaki yang bernama Near dan anak perempuan Profesor Nukuida yang seorang pencipta virus yang amat merbahaya. Nama anak perempuan profesor tersebut adalah Mika yang memegang peranan penting dalam filem ini.
Untuk mengetahui bagaimana L menyelesaikan misinya dalam hari-hari terakhir kehidupannya, marilah kita pergi menonton filem Death Note 3 - Light Change The World yang mempunyai jalan cerita yang agak berbeza daripada dua filem Death Note sebelum ini.
Filem ini telah mula ditayangkan di seluruh pawagam Malaysia bermula hari Khamis yang lalu, 3 April 2008. Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk pergi menonton filem yang penuh dengan aksi cemas.
Sekian daripada Sapphire Blu dengan sedikit sipnosis yang diketahui dan dikongsi bersama anda.