Astro Battleground 2009 - Audition - Astro《舞极限》面试活动 (ASTRO BATTLEGROUND 2009 - AUDITION) PART 1 ON OCTOBER 24, 2009 AT 7.00 PM OVER ASTRO WAH LAI TOI
Astro《舞极限》面试活动 Astro Battleground 3 Audition Part 1
Astro《舞极限》面试活动 Astro Battleground 3 Audition Part 2
Astro《舞极限》面试活动 Astro Battleground 3 Audition Part 3
Astro《舞极限》面试活动 Astro Battleground 3 Audition Part 4
Astro《舞极限》面试活动 Astro Battleground 3 Audition Part 5
With ‘No boundaries, No limits’ as our theme for this year audition, we were taken aback by the response of this years’ participants. With 32 teams, it was indeed a global affair as not only Malaysians took part, but also participants who hailed from Japan, New Zealand and Germany.
Last year’s champion, ECX made a comeback by collaborating with Dennis Yin, who was one fifth of 2007’s champion, Racken Force and formed Elecoldxhot. Audiences were astounded right when this ‘double-champion’ group took centre stage. Also branching out from Racken Force, Becky and Shake teamed up with 3 new members and formed a new team, Street WreckerZ.
Local dance extraordinaire, Alam, together with 5 Malay boys came as Wakaka Fever in hopes to compete for top spot in the competition. Judges were also delighted with the participation of Haru Haru, a female dance duo. With their participation, they became Battleground’s first ever female duo group. We had a refreshing experience as well with the participation of La Bella Trio, a group formed by Pan Asian girls.
For this year’s audition, we have Marcus Tucker, Bobby Tan and also renowned local choreographers cum dancers Zero Havoc and Boojae. People from all over flocked to watch the participants display their best dance moves. On top of that, there were parents and teachers of participants whom attended to give support as well.
Contestants this year came well prepared as we saw a breakthrough in music creativity. What's more is that, we could see that the participants managed to capture the attention of the audience through their creative outfits as much effort was being put in their appearances.
Which 16 teams would advance to the next round? What are the opinions from the panel of judges? To find out, remember to tune in to Battleground on Astro Wah Lai Toi (Channel 311) on the 24th of October at 7 p.m.
来参赛的舞队皆来头不小,从新晋舞者、历届参赛者、专业舞蹈员到由不同宗族组成的舞队,个个人强马壮、气势如虹。去年的冠军队伍ECX不仅在众人瞩目下再度出击,还找来了07年冠军队伍Racken Force的成员之一Dennis加入新舞队Elecoldxhot,这支“双冠军舞队”一出场果然引起哗然,真不是盖的!Racken Force的Becky和Shake也不遑多让,与三名新队友组成“华巫舞队”Street Wreckerz,同样旗鼓相当。
另一边厢,本地舞坛的佼佼者Alam也带领其五位巫裔朋友组成Wakaka Fever,务求在比赛中分一杯羹;以双人姿态虏获评审芳心的Haru Haru,是《舞极限》史上首个双女生组合;而三个由欧亚混血女生组成的La Belle Trio,也为比赛注入了一股新鲜的活力。
担任这次面试活动的包括《舞极限》的御用评审Marcus Tucker、Bobby陈忠民,还有本地著名舞蹈员兼排舞老师Zero Havoc和Boojae。现场除了一大群观众慕名而来观看比赛,也不难看见家长和老师们到场给予参赛者们加油打气。
Courtesy of Astro Battle Ground Facebook
Themed 'No Boundaries, No Limit', the "Battleground" Street Dance Competition returns with a call for audition seeking for diversifications in term of the participants. For the first time, the competition will be open to everyone aged 15 and above, residing in Malaysia disregard of their nationalities or races. Ultimately, the formation of a universal culture in dance and music is anticipated.
Debuted in 2007, "Battleground" is a street dancing arena specially designed for dancers to compete, from Break Dance, Popping, Locking, New Jack Swing to New School Hip Hop. This year, the competition intensifies as participants from previous seasons are welcomed to make a comeback!
Rambo, a well-known choreographer from Taiwan returns as one of the judges - from auditions right up to the finals. Rambo who has previously work with numerous stars well-known for their outstanding choreography such as Wilber Pan, Show Lo, Vanness Wu, Jolin Tsai and Tata Young (to name a few) will also be part of the trainers for the qualified semi-finalists.
Exclusively produced by Astro Ben Di Quan (Local Belt), this widely-watched dancing competition is mainly sponsored by Gatsby with MY FM being the official radio station. In order to promote street dance as a fashionable dance sport in Malaysia, the winners of the competition will be rewarded with a chance to win a total of RM50,000 worth of cash prize sponsored by Gatsby.
Arising as the arena for street dancers to showcase their dancing talents and passion, Battleground will premiere on Astro Wah Lai Toi (Channel 311), starting 24 October, 7pm every Saturday.
Nothing is stopping anyone to participate and dance their way towards their dreams. Come to join the event and give your full support to the participants in the one and only audition this year, details as below:
Walk-in Audition
Date: 6 September 2009, Sunday
Registration time: 10am - 3pm
Venue: Sunway Pyramid Main Entrance
Hotline: + 603 - 9543 9421
•A team of minimum 2 and maximum 6 members, without limits of nationality, race and gender)
•The participants must be residing in Malaysia aged 15 and above
•Participants below 18 years old are required to bring along parent/guardian's consent letter
•No individuals can be a member of more than 1 team
•All walk-in participants are required to bring along the following documents/items:
•Music for performance in CD format, approximately 1 minute 30 seconds
•Original and photocopy of Malaysia Identity Card or International Passport of each participant
•4R group photo and 4R photo of each participant
EXC ( Champion 2008)
Twister (1st Runner-up 2008)
Ultimaxx (2nd Runner-up 2008)
由 Astro本地圈制作及主办、Gatsby主要赞助、MY FM为指定电台的《舞极限》已确定邀请台湾星级编舞老师——蓝波担任选拔赛至决赛的评审。成功晋级半决赛的参赛者还有机会接受蓝波老师的专业舞蹈训练,挑 战新颖且高难度的街舞技巧和动作,与不同国籍的街舞高手互相切磋,展开舞艺大对决。
《舞极限》的五大街舞技巧挑战包括Break Dance、Popping、Locking、New Jack Swing和New School Hip Hop。有别于往年,今年的《舞极限》不仅向街舞新人王招手,也欢迎所有曾经参与或晋级决赛的队伍再度回来挑战舞蹈极限。来自不同国籍的街舞达人与众 “舞”林高手的正面交锋,相信足以增添今年比赛的可看性。
入围的参赛队伍将有机会获得由Gatsby赞助总值5万令吉的奖金,角逐《舞极 限》冠军荣衔,成为大马街舞界的佼佼者。Astro本地圈也诚意邀请所有观众前来比赛现场观看这一年一度的舞坛盛事,除了为参赛者加油打气,也肯定他们对 街舞的付出与热诚。千万别错过从10月24日启播的《舞极限》,每逢星期六晚上七点于华丽台 (311频道) ,一起追随比赛见证众舞者在汗水与眼泪交集之下的成长。
询问热线:03-9543 9421
1. 2至6人的组合(国籍、种族、性别不拘)
2. 每位参赛组员年龄必须满15岁
3. 18岁以下的参赛者必须携带父母或监护人的同意书
4. 每位参赛组员仅限报名参与一个组合
5. 每位参赛者必须携带以下文件 / 物品:
a) 正副本身份证 / 国际护照
b) 一张4R尺寸的组员合照和每位组员的个人照各一张
c) 每组1分钟30秒长内的表演音乐(CD格式
Courtesy of Astro
(Thank you and credits http://www.astro.com.my, Astro Battle Ground Facebook and all sources for the information and pictures)