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Time and tide waits for no man. To capture time, treasure every moment in your life and let the time that slowly slips away memorable and worthy to be kept as sweet memories.
Kueh teow soup with chicken meat. The difference between Ipoh kai si hor fan here is the horfan here not as smooth and there was not much kao choy in the soup. Maybe it is difficult to find any kao choy here and they have to import the vege. from the west. It is very rare in the east. Regarding about the taste, well you will have to come here and taste it as different people have different taste bud.
Jangan lupa juga untuk mengikuti perkembangan pelajar di Akademi Fantasia Minggu Pertama Bahagian Pertama pada pukul 6 petang pada 21hb. Mac 2008.
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