Whenever we sprinkle some of the cinnamon in our daily coffee, oats or tea or when we have toast, it may help us:
1. Reducing and normalize blood sugar levels in our body.
2. Helps us lower cholestrol level .
3. Prevent blood clots
4. Helps to lower high blood pressure.
5. For those who are on a diet, cinnamon will help promote weight loss.
6. Lower the risk for heart disease, etc.
Besides cinnamon, there are some food too that may help to reduce risk of stroke and other sickness such as apples, almonds, fish, strawberries, dark chocolate and tomatoes, grapes and oatmeal (oatmeal may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease). Drinking tea is also good for you. and they also act as antioxidants.
To know more about health benefit in these food, do spend sometime clicking to the articles found when you online.

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