Time and tide waits for no man. To capture time, treasure every moment in your life and let the time that slowly slips away memorable and worthy to be kept as sweet memories.
taken at the main entrance of Boulevard. Wanted to take a picture there but no one was with me at that time so I just take a picture of it without me. Just love the spring flowers that are nicely decorated
what a cute loving pair of rabbits. The are about to hold each other closely waiting for Valentine's Day on 14th February 2008
did our Chinese New Year marketing at the hypermarket. Guess how much that has been shopped for our marketing?
ohh.. they cost RM93.99 and we have to come here again to shop in a few days time waiting for more fishes and chicken to be sold
Went to Boulevard two times before after it has been officially opened in December and this evening is my third time there. The beautiful KFC shop is newly opened and the decorations just captured my heart. Wanted to have a meal there but what am I suppose to do with my yam rice at home so in the end I just took some pictures of it. Mr. Kentucky the founder of KFC
people are facinated with the newly opened KFC and start looking for a place to sit
just look at how beautiful and colourful the balloons are being decorated there
the main entrance of KFC
KFC staff at work. Most of the workers are waiting for their exam results
there are many places for people to sit so there is no need to rush in to get a seat
Bought his new white vinca or I have always been calling these type of plant EVERYDAY IS SPRING. A direcet translation from chinese. Why do I call it everyday is spring, simply because it blooms and have many flowers all the time either it is a sunny or rainy day.. it loves water and it is even better when it is sunny then the flowers will look gorgeous and attractive. This vinca plant is easy to plant and all you need to do is just let it have enough water and enough sunshine. Simple right?
The rest of my vinca plants that are in their home at my mini garden
behind the vinca plants are the white hibiscus and also purple hibiscus Just love to do a bit of gardening whenever I can.. loves to see how the happy plants bloom daily
Remember about what I ate at the airport? It was last wednesday and I took a piece of roti telur for my early lunch and today I went to have something light before I take my yam rice for lunch and did I say something light?? haha.. roti telur is not so something light right? When we start counting the calories ahaa.. then we will know how much calories and how hight the cholestrol level is in roti telur but as long as I like the food all those things I just leave aside for a while. roti telur with not so much oil when I ordered is nice to eat with curry RM1.50 considered very cheap already over here
my housemate ordered roti canai RM1.00 and it is a very small piece though the price is considered cheap
sweet very sweet herbal tea and all I can taste is only the sweetness like sugar water RM1.20 and it is boiling hot
can you see the roti canai guy?Very very blur. I dare not go near him and take his picture.. he sure said tak naklah janganlah..so will just have to take from a very far distance
This roti canai guy is very friendly.. when I approched him and ask what race he is, he gladly answered me with a smiling face, oh I am mix indian mix with bidayuh. No wonder he has fair complexion
Found this pair of twins spicy chilles in my fridge. Has anyone seen before such twins before? They are unique stick together in one stem. Was about to cut them but I just put them back in the fridge as they are just too nice to be cut away. They will remain in the fridge drawer till when the time comes when they have to be parted. I wonder if they can stay fresh till Valentine's Day. Time being i just feel too sorry if I part the two of them. So I will just have to leave them alone for them to be together. Mama chilli gave birth to twins chilles so cute as they cuddled closely to each other
Don't know what to have for lunch sometimes.. remember I once told you all how to cook Yam rice? Hmm.. to refresh your memory there are the ingredients needed to boil Yam rice for a meal and the method of cooking you can scroll down and look them out from my older post with the title Yam Rice and ABC soup
INGREDIENTS one Yam cut into cubes 2 chicken chinese sausages cut thinly after frying a while in the pan or wok ginger slice thinly 3 small onions chopped finely red chillies cut thinly as garnishing after the rice is boiled dried prawns chopped finely a few mushrooms cut thinly chicken breast meat chopped till fine
so big so beautiful... my white hibiscus flower.. actually there are suppose to be two that bloom today. One of them ended its life and died cos bitten by the evil red ants.. I was nearly bitten by one of the ants too. Luckily this one survived because it was hidden under it's leaves and did not touch the wall.. The other flower did so she was bitten and had many holes.. can't open wide the petals.. then I just cut it away and left this alone on the plant.