I did not feel very hungry and so I just had something very light, a small piece of kaya puff and plain water. I did not leave anything behind to take along to take up the Konsortium bus. We reached Medan Gopeng bus station at 6.15am and the bus was not there yet. In the end the bus arrived the station at 6.34am and I went in.. the bus was not full and it left the station around 6.42am. Not very punctual. The aircon was so cold and I was nearly freezing already. Luckily I remembered to take along my jacket. Felt like going to the toilet through out the journey but I just tried my best to control till I arrived Kuala Lumpur.
Arrived Central Bus Station at 8.39am.. the bus must have been speeding and I really did not understand why the bus driver had to rush like that.. after all it was the first schooling day and busses won't be full and packed with passengers.
Got on an Airasia Sky Bus and it cost me RM9.00 to LCCT terminal. The bus departed at 9.00am sharp and I arrived LCCT at around 10.05am.. then I straight went to the mini kiosk for self checked in.

Haha I was so early that I was the first to check in.. After checking in I could feel my stomach calling to refill food in it. So I ordered Nasi Lemak and it was expensive cost me RM8.90 without drinks. Still had a little plain water left so I did not order any drinks.

Looks yummy?? When anyone is hungry anything that is put in the mouth tasted well and delicious. Agree?
After eating I came across a banner written just like this as below:
Since I had another five more hours or so before the flight I went and hunt for the newly opened shop.. I asked around and found out that the shop was situated right at the end outside the terminal building.
Nice neat makan place
Still not packed with people as it was still early
Convenience store for people to have mini shopping
Lunch hour so you can see the crowd coming in.
The ladies toilet is cool.. so nice like a Five Star toilet.. I can't show you all how the men toilet looks like as I dare not enter.. what if i am caught? I don't want to create history as menceroboh just to take a picture of it.
Had 1 and half roti canai with fish curry gravy. I asked the roti canai man not to put so much oil to fry and so it looks like this. Want to try this roti canai come to LCCT
After eating the time was already 2 something so I thought I better go in the waiting hall for my 3.25pm flight or I might miss the flight.. Who knows maybe I could have fallen asleep at the new makan place because the aircon was so cooling and cozy and the chair was such a comfort to me. As I was looking for a seat thinking it was full house already and no place to sit just look at the picture below: I can afford to choose whatever seat I want. eenie minie mainee mo and I was sitting there till the plane arrived.. There was no delay and I arrived Cats City again at 5.10pm. It's a long long journey and waiting for me during this trip home. Till another day.. Daa daa...