Sinopsis dan video klip Drama Asia (Korea)- The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16/ Synopsis and video clips of The Great Queen Seon Deok of Episode 16
Title: Queen Seon Duk
Format: Drama
historical drama
Yowon Lee
Hyeonjeong Ko
Yejin Park
Taewoong Uhm
Country of origin South Korea South Korea
No. of episodes 62

Deokman (later known as Queen Seon Deok) was born as a twin but was abandoned as a baby. She was later brought back to the Silla palace, where she joined forces with her twin sister Princess Cheonmyeng to oppose Mi-shil, who wanted to seize power. Mi-shil devised sinister plans to have the two Silla princesses exiled from the kingdom, and in a secretive battle, Princess Chonmyong was assassinated by Mi-shil. However, Princess Deokman shrewdly enlisted the help of General Kim Yusin and eliminated her archenemy Mi-shil. She became the first female ruler of the Silla kingdom.
Video clips of OST The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕) - 아이유(IU) - 바람꽃 Wind Flower
Sinopsis The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕))Episode 16Cast
- Lee Yo Won as Deokman/Queen Seondeok
- Nam Ji Hyun as young Deokman
- Ko Hyeon-jeong as Lady Misil
- UEE as young Lady Misil
- Park Ye-Jin as Princess Cheonmyeong
- Shin Se Kyung as young Princess Cheonmyeong
- Uhm Tae Woong as Kim Yushin
- Lee Hyun Woo as young Kim Yushin
- Kim Nam Gil as Bidam
- Park Ji Bin as young Bidam
- Yu Seung-ho as Kim Chunchu
- Lee Seung-hyo as Alcheon
Extended Cast
- Jo Min Ki as King Jinpyeong (Deokman's Father)
- Baek Jong Min as young Jinpyeong
- Kang San as child Jinpyeong
- Yoon Yoo Sun as Lady Maya (Deokman's Mother, Kim Jinpyeong's wife)
- Park Soo Jin as young Lady Maya
- Seo Young Hee as So Hwa
Kebencian yang membara nyaris saja membuat Deok Man menusuk Chil Sook dengan belati sampai ia sadar kalau penglihatan pria itu sudah rabun. Sempat menanyakan apakah Deok Man (Lee Yo-won) tidak apa-apa, Chil Sook (Ahn Kil-kang) langsung pergi terburu-buru begitu mendengar suara-suara orang mencarinya. Rupanya, kehebohan disebabkan oleh menghilangnya So Hwa (Seo Young-hee), yang belakangan bisa ditemukan kembali.
Seo Ri berkata So Hwa pasti tersesat. So Hwa mengenal benar tempat itu karena dulu ia dan Raja Jinpyeong sering bermain disitu. Deok Man mengikuti Chil Sook. Chil Sook menanyakan So Hwa dan lega saat So Hwa ditemukan. Dayang istana melihat Deok Man dan bertanya apa yang ia lakukan di tempat ini karena ini tempat khusus wanita. Deok Man berkata ia mencurigai sesuatu dan sebagai Nang Do ia harus memeriksa. Deok Man tetap diminta untuk pergi.
Belum tahu kalau ibunya masih hidup, Deok Man cuma bisa termenung sambil meneteskan air mata, ia sadar kalau Mi Shil-lah yang mengirim Chil Sook untuk memburunya saat di padang gurun. Semakin penasaran tentang jati dirinya, keesokan paginya, Deok Man menemui Putri Cheon Myeong. Sedang sang putri bersandiwara dengan berlaku dingin pada Deok Man. Deok Man minta waktu bertemu. Deok Man lapor pada Cheon Myeong bahwa Chil Sook sudah kembali ke Seorabol. Cheon Myeong kaget. Deok Man berkata bahwa tugas Chil Sook adalah untuk menangkapnya. Deok Man tidak tahu alasannya, itulah yang akan ia cari, itulah alasan mengapa ia pergi ke Shilla untuk menemukan alasan dan identitasnya yang sebenarnya.
Deok Man memperlihatkan lukisan So Hwa pada Cheon Myeong dan berkata So Hwa adalah ibunya. Deok Man ingin Mi Shil mengaku padanya mengapa ia ingin membunuh ibunya dan dirinya.
Deok Man berkata Chil Sook ada di Kaputren. Cheon Myeong heran, Kaputren ‘kan hanya untuk wanita, tidak mungkin pria dapat masuk. Deok Man yakin ada jalan rahasia jadi ia berharap Cheon Myeong masuk dan mencari informasi untuknya. Sang Putri setuju.
Cheon Myeong mengembalikan lukisan So Hwa. Saat mengemasnya lagi, secara tidak sengaja, Sang Putri melihat belati kecil Deok Man (milik Raja Jinheung) jatuh. Cheon Myeong memungutnya dan berkata apa ini milik Deok Man dan dia mengagumi keindahan belati itu. Deok Man mengiyakan.
Pagi harinya, Pendeta Seo Ri (Song Ok-sook) meminta Raja Jinpyeong (Jo Min-ki) untuk upacara ritual untuk menghindari bencana dari Langit. Seperti yang sudah diduga, Mi Shil-lah yang diminta sebagai penanggung jawab. Setelah sekian tahun hidup damai, keruan saja berita tentang bakal diadakannya upacara ritual menjadi bahan pembicaraan yang meresahkan rakyat.
Pasalnya, upacara kerap diiringi sejumlah kejadian yang tidak bisa dijelaskan. Kubu Raja Jinpyeong sendiri sadar upacara ritual kerap digunakan oleh pihak Mi Shil untuk mengajukan permintaan yang tidak masuk akal. Repotnya lagi, apa yang diramalkan Mi Shil tidak pernah meleset.
Setelah mendapat petunjuk dari Pendeta Wyol Cheon, Mi Saeng (Jung Woong-in) telah menyiapkan rancangan strategi untuk membuat rakyat tunduk dengan menggunakan patung Buddha dan kacang kedelai mentah. Dibalik gayanya yang santai dan ketidakmampuan di bidang bela diri, Mi Saeng rupanya memiliki otak brilian dan mampu memikirkan hal yang belum bisa dipikirkan oleh dimasanya.
Begitu mendapat kesempatan bersama Mi Shil, Deok Man tanpa henti bertanya pada sang pemegang segel kerajaan tentang banyak hal, yang dijawab Mi Shil dengan sabar. Yang menarik, Mi Shil punya konsep menarik tentang penguasa : sampai kapanpun, seorang raja tidak akan mampu memenuhi keinginan rakyatnya yang begitu beragam.
Kebersamaan dengan Mi Shil membuat Deok Man mulai mendapat banyak hal dari wanita yang disebut-sebut sebagai harta sekaligus racun kerajaan Shilla tersebut, namun ia langsung terbelalak saat Mi Shil menyebut tidak percaya dengan apa yang dinamakan ‘Kehendak dari Langit.’
Di tengah rapat para hwarang, Putri Cheon Myeong mengajukan diri untuk mendampingi Mi Shil dalam mempersiapkan upacara ritual dan menunjuk Yu Shin (Uhm Tae-woong) sebagai pembantu utamanya. Setelah rapat selesai, Yu Shin dipanggil untuk menghadap Mi Shil.
Mi Shil berkata, dalam ritual ini ia selalu mendapat wahyu dari surga. Ia membujuk Kim Yu Shin untuk bergabung di pihaknya. Dengan gayanya yang khas, Mi Shil mengingatkan akan nasib bangsa Gaya sambil mengingatkan Yu Shin untuk tidak menjadikan dirinya sebagai musuh. Kim Yu Shin merasa berterima kasih tapi hanya ada satu cara membuat Kim Yu Shin bergabung dengan Mi Shil, yaitu Mi Shil harus membunuhnya. Kim Yu Shin hanya akan bergabung dengan Mi Shil kalau ia mati.
Yu Shin membuat Mi Shil marah, ia bertanya apa Kim Yu Shin tahu jalan apa yang akan ditempuhnya di masa depan. Yu Shin berkata ia belum memutuskan jalannya. Yu Shin permisi pergi setelah sebelumnya meminta Mi Shil tidak mengancam ayahnya dan Putri Cheon Myeong. Mi Shil berkata tidak peduli sebesar apapun seseorang, ia memerlukan bantuan dari kuasa yang lebih tinggi atau surga. Mi Shil menulis 3 karakter bahasa Cina, Ren (Orang), Li (Kekuatan), dan Kou (Mulut), kombinasi ketiga karakter ini membentuk Ga Ya. Kim Yu Shin tidak peduli dan pergi.
Bo Jong masuk dan tidak akan melepaskan Yu Shin. Mi Shil memintanya melepaskan masalah ini. Mi Shil dapat melihat Kim Yu Shin akan menjadi orang besar. Dia tahu Yu Shin tidak takut padanya.
Deok Man dan Yu Shin berjalan di selasar. Yu Shin berkata ia akan bertugas sebagai Jae Rang. Deok Man senang, itu berarti Yu Shin memiliki kesempatan menyelidiki tempat itu. Deok Man berkata, ada satu tempat di Royal Celestial Shrine yang hanya diketahui oleh Mi Shil. Kim Yu Shin bertanya mengapa Deok Man meminta bantuan Cheon Myeong, bukan dirinya.
Ritual dimulai. Strategi Mi Shil memang luar biasa, ia mampu membuat para anggota keluarga kerajaan, terutama Putri Cheon Myeong, dan rakyat bertekuk-lutut dengan meramalkan munculnya patung Buddha dari dalam tanah di wilayah Nahjong.
Mengaku mendapat perintah dari Langit, Mi Shil meminta Raja Jinpyeong untuk mengusir bangsa Gaya dari pinggiran kota Seorabol. Tidak main-main, bila kehendak dari Langit itu tidak dituruti, maka dalam waktu tiga hari bakal terjadi gerhana bulan.
Deok Man dan Yu Shin tidak percaya begitu saja, namun keduanya terkejut saat di tempat terpisah, mereka sama-sama melihat bulan menghilang untuk sesaat, yang sekaligus menjadi bukti kalau ramalan Mi Shil telah menjadi kenyataan. Dengan lemas, Deok Man melangkah ke kediaman Mi Shil untuk meneruskan tugasnya menerjemahkan buku berbahasa Latin.
Siapa sangka, Mi Shil malah menyampaikan hal mengejutkan : ia sudah tahu kalau Deok Man adalah mata-mata Putri Cheon Myeong. Tidak ragu menyebut kalau bunga Sadaham adalah buku penanggalan tentang kejadian alam yang bakal terjadi, Mi Shil menantang Deok Man dan kubu Putri Cheon Myeong untuk melawannya.
Di tempat terpisah, Putri Cheon Myeong berlutut di kuil sambil menangis, ia mengira kalau Mi Shil benar-benar utusan dari langit sehingga tidak bisa dikalahkan. Ditengah kesedihannya, tiba-tiba tangan Putri Cheon Myeong dibelai dengan lembut oleh seorang wanita.
Sinopsis Drama Asia (Korea) - The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16
Tayang: 1-Dec-2009 16:30 WIB
Sempat menanyakan apakah Deokman (Lee Yo-won) tidak apa-apa, Chilseok (Ahn Kil-kang) langsung pergi terburu-buru begitu mendengar suara-suara orang mencarinya. Rupanya, kehebohan disebabkan oleh menghilangnya Sohwa (Seo Young-hee), yang belakangan bisa ditemukan kembali.
Belum tahu kalau ibunya masih hidup, Deokman cuma bisa termenung sambil meneteskan air mata, ia sadar kalau Mishil-lah yang mengirim Chilseok untuk memburunya saat di padang gurun. Semakin penasaran tentang jati dirinya, Deokman mendatangi Putri Cheonmyeong (Park Ye-jin) untuk menceritakan apa yang terjadi. Secara tidak sengaja, sang putri melihat belati kecil Deokman.
Pagi harinya, Pendeta Seori (Song Ok-sook) meminta Raja Jinpyeong (Jo Min-ki) untuk upacara ritual untuk menghindari bencana dari Langit. Seperti yang sudah diduga, Mishil-lah yang diminta sebagai penanggung jawab. Setelah sekian tahun hidup damai, keruan saja berita tentang bakal diadakannya upacara ritual menjadi bahan pembicaraan yang meresahkan rakyat.
Pasalnya, upacara kerap diiringi sejumlah kejadian yang tidak bisa dijelaskan. Kubu Raja Jinyeong sendiri sadar upacara ritual kerap digunakan oleh pihak Mishil untuk mengajukan permintaan yang tidak masuk akal. Repotnya lagi, apa yang diramalkan Mishil tidak pernah meleset.
Setelah mendapat petunjuk dari Pendeta Wolcheon, Misaeng (Jung Woong-in) telah menyiapkan rancangan strategi untuk membuat rakyat tunduk dengan menggunakan patung Buddha dan kacang kedelai mentah. Dibalik gayanya yang santai dan ketidakmampuan di bidang bela diri, Misaeng rupanya memiliki otak brilian dan mampu memikirkan hal yang belum bisa dipikirkan oleh dimasanya.
Begitu mendapat kesempatan bersama Mishil, Deokman tanpa henti bertanya pada sang pemegang segel kerajaan tentang banyak hal, yang dijawab Mishil dengan sabar. Yang menarik, Mishil punya konsep menarik tentang penguasa : sampai kapanpun, seorang raja tidak akan mampu memenuhi keinginan rakyatnya yang begitu beragam.
Di tengah rapat para hwarang, Putri Cheonmyeong mengajukan diri untuk mendampingi Mishil dalam mempersiapkan upacara ritual dan menunjuk Yushin (Uhm Tae-woong) sebagai pembantu utamanya. Setelah rapat selesai, Yushin dipanggil untuk menghadap Mishil.
Dengan gayanya yang khas, Mishil mengingatkan akan nasib bangsa Gaya sambil mengingatkan Yushin untuk tidak menjadikan dirinya sebagai musuh. Siapa sangka, Yushin dengan tegas menyebut hanya akan tunduk bila nyawanya telah tiada dan malah balik mengancam supaya Mishil juga tidak menjadikannya sebagai musuh.
Kebersamaan dengan Mishil membuat Deokman mulai mendapat banyak hal dari wanita yang disebut-sebut sebagai harta sekaligus racun kerajaan Shilla tersebut, namun ia langsung terbelalak saat Mishil menyebut tidak percaya dengan apa yang dinamakan 'kehendak dari Langit.'
Strategi Mishil memang luar biasa, ia mampu membuat para anggota keluarga kerajaan, terutama Putri Cheonmyeong, dan rakyat bertekuk-lutut dengan meramalkan munculnya patung Buddha dari dalam tanah di wilayah Nahjong.
Mengaku mendapat perintah dari Langit, Mishil meminta Raja Jinpyeong untuk mengusir bangsa Gaya dari pinggiran kota Seorabol. Tidak main-main, bila kehendak dari Langit itu tidak dituruti, maka dalam waktu tiga hari bakal terjadi gerhana bulan.
Deokman dan Yushin tidak percaya begitu saja, namun keduanya terkejut saat di tempat terpisah, mereka sama-sama melihat bulan menghilang untuk sesaat, yang sekaligus menjadi bukti kalau ramalan Mishil telah menjadi kenyataan. Dengan lemas, Deokman melangkah ke kediaman Mishil untuk meneruskan tugasnya menerjemahkan buku berbahasa Latin.
Siapa sangka, Mishil malah menyampaikan hal mengejutkan : ia sudah tahu kalau Deokman adalah mata-mata Putri Cheonmyeong. Tidak ragu menyebut kalau bunga Sadaham adalah buku penanggalan tentang kejadian alam yang bakal terjadi, Mishil menantang Deokman dan kubu Putri Cheonmyeong untuk melawannya.
Di tempat terpisah, Putri Cheonmyeong berlutut di kuil sambil menangis, ia mengira kalau Mishil benar-benar utusan dari Langit sehingga tidak bisa dikalahkan. Ditengah kesedihannya, tiba-tiba tangan Putri Cheonmyeong dibelai dengan lembut oleh seorang wanita.
Episode 16 synopsis:
Cheon Myeong announced that she too will participate in this Wie Cheon Jae. Mi Shil asked that Cheon Myeong was to participate in the rites. Cheon Myeong said that Mi Shil has always done it alone, so she wants to render a helping hand. Cheon Myeong said that since she is permit to participate, she asked that the staff allocation of Jae Rang will be decided by her. M Shil said let them allocated Bo Jong & Kim Yu Shin to designate as Jae Rang
Jae Rang is curator or custodian like a superintendent that oversees the rites
Mi Shil asked whether Cheon Myeong has someone in mind beside the choice she had made. Cheon Myeong leaves the meeting but before glancing at Kim Yu Shin where he acknowledge. Seok Bum is jealous that he has not been selected. Seok Bum said that Kim Yu Shin has been long in his tenure in Seorabeol & he is assign to be major task. The rest of the Hwa Rang Captain had some general consensus of praise of criticism. Al Cheon tells Kim Yu Shin not to mind them too much. Kim Yu Shin said he is fine & not perturb by the remarks. Al Cheon advice that the task as Jae Rang is not too be taken lightly as they are many protocol involves than he could imagine. Al Cheon tells of the ill benefits of the designation where Kim Yu Shin can’t move from his spot or have anything to eat for the whole day. It wouldn’t be half bad if they were standing but at the sitting position it is easily to be tempted to doze off. While struggling to battle to stay awake, he may lose concentrate & replied to the question by the rites, then Al Cheon tells that Kim Yu Shin will be treated in ridicule in Hwa Rang’s history. Al Cheon tells his with a back of the back to be caution
Bo Jong comes in to inform that Mi Shil wants to have a meeting with Kim Yu Shin. Kim Yu Shin comes to Mi Shil as Mi Shil invites him to sit. Kim Yu Shin asked what is the purpose of the meeting. Mi Shil said that it will be his 1st time being Jae Rang. Mi Shil boasts that in Wie Cheong Jang, she will always receive a revelation from Heaven. Kim Yu Shin said he is well verse of that fact. Mi Shil asked what does he thinks that this time revelation will be. Kim Yu Shin replied how would he know of such things. Mi Shil tells that the people from former Gaya had received prejudices from the society since their annexed to the Silla Empire. Mi Shil tells that the aristocrats from the former Gaya Household are also a sense of threat to the Silla aristocrats in Seorabeol. Mi Shil asked that Kim Yu Shin should mark & prepare his future path he has to take for his own benefits. Kim Yu Shin said that he is not sharp in comprehending what is Mi Shil trying to imply with her hints. Mi Shil tells him directly that he must not be seen as being her adversary. Mi Shil wants Kim Yu Shin to be in her camp
Kim Yu Shin answers that he is a man will many lackings & it is praise to have heard this from Mi Shil & he graciously grateful for her comment. Mi Shil is happy but Kim Yu Shin added that if Mi Shil wishes to have him in her camp, there is only one method to go about it. Mi Shil is curious to know what is that method. Kim Yu Shin said that she will have to kill him & she can only take his corpse, then it the only way that Mi Shil can have him. It must hurt Mi Shil to hear that refusal & rejection straight at her face. Kim Yu Shin said that he will not go to Mi Shil’s side when alive, the only way is when he is dead, then she can have his anatomy
Kim Yu Shin said that Mi Shil also had attempted to get his father to sided her, then he heard that Mi Shil had utter threaten to Princess Cheon Myeong’s life when she was young. Mi Shil said that Kim Yu Shin is outright rude with his tone of speech, she is angry that Kim Yu Shin uses the word threaten. Kim Yu Shin apologise & gave the excuse of his lacking ability, he can’t find any other word on his vocabulary then threaten
Mi Shil asked had asked does Kim Yu Shin know what path he needs to take for his future. Kim Yu Shin reiterate that he is lacking & downright rude has not decided which path to take but will always choose the proper path no matter how hard is the righteous path. Kim Yu Shin excuse himself to take leave, if Mi Shil has nothing to say. As he about to leave, Kim Yu Shin tells Mi Shil not to utter threatens to his father or princess Cheon Myeong. Kim Yu Shin said that he is telling straight to Mi Shil as Seju that she must also never become his adversary
Mi Shil calls out to Kim Yu Shin, no matter how great a man can be, he also need assistance from divine providence. Mi Shil wrote 3 Chinese characters. Person (人/Ren), Strength (力/Li), Mouth (口/kou) in the combination of this 3 character adds to 伽 (Ga) (倻ya). Mi Shil tells that she is now receiving hints from heaven. Kim Yu Shin showed no sign of deters fear in him. Kim Yu Shin leaves as Bo Jong comes in being upset the way Kim Yu Shin’s behaviour of being outright rude towards his mother. Bo Jong said he will not this pass. Mi Shil said to let that matter pass. Mi Shil foresees that Kim Yu Shin can achieve greatness. Bo Jong is surprise that his mother will let this rudeness pass. Mi Shil acknowledges that Kim Yu Shin had no fear for her at all. This is the 1st for her. Mi Shil names, Kim Yu Shin, Deok Man & Princess Cheon Myeong are people who have In Ri
In Ri – People who bestow Heaven’s truth acknowledgment
Joo Bang gather the Yonghwa Hyangdo around to tell them that they are excuse for training as Kim Yu Shin is assign to the Royal Celestial Shrine, Joo Bang said once he is in there, he will not able t make a move from dawn to dusk in which it meant to them that they will be having any training during that time. Yonghwa Hyangdo exclaimed with joy as Deok Man comes in to ask what is the commotion all about as everybody keep quiet. Kim Yu Shin comes in then walks with Deok Man in a stroll. Kim Yu Shin inform that during this Wie Cheon Jae that be been assign to be Jae Rang. Deok Man got excited that Kim Yu Shin will be in the Royal Celestial Shrine. Kim Yu Shin said that Cheon Myeong has set a golden opportunity for them, so they must find what they are looking for. Deok Man said that there is a place in the Royal Celestial Shrine know only to Mi Shil. Deok Man said that Kim Yu Shin must thoroughly search the place carefully. Kim Yu Shin said that Deok Man must not let go of any hints about the Sadaham’s plum blossom. Kim Yu Shin asked why Deok Man went to Cheon Myeong instead of him. Deok Man no matter what, Kim Yu Shin now has knowledge of it. Deok Man said that Kim Yu Shin must find the Royal Celestial Shrine’s secrets
Wie Cheon Jae rites begins as Mi Shil & Princess Cheon Myeong leads the rites in pray & offering as Bo Jong & Kim Yu Shin seconded behind them in formation with highly ritualistic with burning of this, pouring of that & burning of those.
Deok Man comes for her daily story telling as Mi Shil sets up the incense in the urn. This day we have Lampe Berger. Deok Man asked what the reason she is lighting incense is. Mi Shil said that during Wie Cheon Jae, the incense is use for purification of the body & soul. Buddhism uses incense for their mystical aroma for purification rites.
Mi Shil then asked Deok Man to strip off. This surprise Deok Man as everybody this it will mean clothings. Mi Shil laughs that Deok Man may thinks of her an old & worn out & had past her yesteryears. Mi Shil there once a time that Hwa Rang will pawn their lives & soul for her. Mi Shil asked whether Deok Man believes her. Deok Man hesitate in her answer. Mi Shil said it come be help if Deok man doesn’t believe. Mi Shil sat to continue her sketching of her drawing. Deok Man just stare at Mi Shil. Mi Shil asked her to read the book. Deok man continues to read passage from Plutarch’s Parallel Lives (Bioi parallèloi).
Cheon Myeong asked Kim Yu Shin whether there is anything amiss in the Royal Celestial Shrine, but Kim Yu Shin didn’t detect anything. Cheon Myeong said that she had went to the Royal Celestial Shrine daily since she was a child & could detect anything, how could Kim Yu Shin detect it in just one visit. Kim Yu Shin assures before Wie Cheon Jae ends, he would have thorough go through the Royal Celestial Shrine & find some answers. He will observe the movement of Mi Shil & Seo Ri. Cheon Myeong tells that it is fully aware in everybody’s knowledge that each time Wie Cheon Jae is perform, something is bound to happened & is definitely will not be in their favour. Cheon Myeong said they must find the source of the secret
The palace maid comes in to inform whether she needs to reheat the tea for them as Kim Yu Shin observe the direction of the incense smoke that there may be a draft in the room. Cheon Myeong asked what the matter is. Kim Yu Shin brushes of as nothing & he will reports once he has something solid
2nd day of Wie Cheon Jae. Another ceremonious rituals. Kim Yu Shin & Bo Jong looks like altar boys. Kim Yu Shin detected something in the passage that may indicate a secret door. Deok man reading the book in her daily assignment about a story of a righteous General raise an army to answer the called of divine providence. Mi Shil tells Deok man they are just lies. Mi Shil said that divine providence has nothing to do with righteousness. Deok man debates what do Mi Shil thinks is accurate term for divine’s providence. Deok man said that Mi Shil perform the rain rites, it will rain. Prophesy made by her will eventually come true. Deok Man whether divine providence is at her side
Mi Shil turns around to tell Deok Man a secret within a secrets & asked whether Deok man will able to keep it. Deok Man promise to keep it. Mi Shil asked Deok Man to lend her ear close for her to whisper the secret. Mi Shil tells Deok Man there is no such thing as divine providence. Deok Man is surprise. Mi Shil said that Deok man looks disappointed with her answer that Mi Shil told Deok a secret as Deok Man brush it off as nonsense. Eve there is such things as divine providence that exists; it is not coherent with human being. Mi Shil said that although human can’t foretell their own future but if anything was to occur tomorrow, it will be said that it is Mi Shil’s providence & not divine providence
Keep your friends close, & your enemies even closer. Sun Tzu, the Art of War. This is what Mi Shil is doing to Deok Man. I am sure with all her palace intrigue & intelligence as a sly as a fox; she will not be so readily open to Deok Man in such a confession. There must be something up her sleeves. Mi Shil must have a bloated her ego to said that she is greater than divine providence, amusing she doesn’t believe in religion or the religion she believe is herself. She is using heaven as her advertising gimmick
The next day, Mi Shil gave her performance that she has a revelation reveal to her by heavens. Mi Shil claims in riddles that in Dong Shi’s Najeong well resides the divine providence & to receive in acceptance. Cheon Myeong is surprise. Mi Shil said that heavens will show a sign at Najeong when the sun sets
Dong Shi- East City
In Najeong well everybody waits for the sign from heaven. This is of course the theory of experiment that Mi Saeng has showed Seo Ri on the law of physics that Mi Saeng had showed with the soak beans theory. This is of course play out in the grander scale to the public as a phenomenon. Then exploding dust of sand blows up as people kneels believe in the existence of divinity. Then through time a statue sprout from the ground like what was demonstrate. A statue of Buddha rise from the ground with marking “be certain to pursue to chase people strength mouth (mandarin bi必 zhu逐 ren人 li力 kou口).
Kim Yu Shin is shocked as it is exactly what Mi Shil wrote for him when the met as he recalls Mi Shil tells that man can achieve greatness but yet need to have assistance from divinity to realise man’s ambition. Mi Shil looks at the shocked Kim Yu Shin to say “touché
King Jinpyeong gets the report about the Inryeolku伽 (Ga) (倻ya). King Jinpyeong queries what does Inryeolku imply the meaning as they have to pursue to chase it out. Mi Shil with her theatrics saying that the revelation she receive is beyond comprehension what is heaven’s true sense of the meaning is but her theory to the meaning is that Inryeolku indicate in combination the word Gaya as she writes the 3 characters & combines to become a word Ga ren人 li力 kou口as in 伽 (Ga) (倻ya).
Kim Yu Shin tells his father that Inryeolku indicate them as in Gaya. Kim Yu Shin said that the reference means the Gaya people. Kim Yu Shin said they are set to lose their population. Kim Seo Hyeon can’t understand how can Inryeolku means Gaya.
Mi Shil writes the character (ren/In人; li/Ryeol力;kou/ku口) then combines character to become the character 伽 (Gaya). Mi Shil passes the paper & tell that the combination implies to this character & it is the 1st character to the word Gaya 伽 (Ga) (倻ya)
Obviously the person who is the stand in writing the calligraphy has rather thin hands than Go Hyeong Jung’s. It is the same with Dae Jang Geum, the stand in who did all that speed cutting of the food ingredient has large hands rather to Lee Yeong Ae slim hands
King Jinpyeong asked whether they really needs to chase the Gaya of their nation. Mi Shil said that they need to as they is a settlement in the south of Seorabeol. Mi Shil suggest that they need to be out of a 100 li perimeter from Seorabeol. Eul Jae asked if this is not done accordingly what will be the result. Mi Shil said that she only relaying the message of what she received in revelation from heaven. Mi Shil said that if the Gaya people are not push outside the 100 li perimeter of Seorabeol in 3 days the moon will loses its light. Mi Shil had predicts a lunar eclipse. Then within 29 days if the Gaya are not chase out of the perimeter, natural disaster will follow & besiege Silla & there will be suffering for the people. We are ascertained that this calculation came from that Abbot Wyol Cheon who did the maths from the Dae Myeong Ryeok they got from the Harsha merchant. MI Shil is really using her poker face & dare them to “call my bluff” on her hands in the deck of cards. Mi Shil reports what she has receive in her revelation during this Wie Cheon Jae. Mi Shil smiles that she has lay her stake for them to fold to her demands
Lunar eclipse is occurs when the passage of the Moon passes through the Earth’s shadow, resulting in a darkening as the earth blocks the sun’s ray from the moon. This can happen when the Sun, Earth & the Moon are aligned exactly & the Lunar eclipses can occur only at full Moon when the Moon is close to the node of its orbit around the Earth that have to be in the middle. The next total lunar eclipse occurs on 21st December 2010 while the next eclipse of the Moon is a penumbral eclipse on 6th August 2009
“Call my bluff” is a long running game show in the BBC. It was a great entertaining show. I am just using it as an idiom
Of course the media spin doctor has work their trade as the people become anxious of the prediction of natural catastrophe besiege Silla. This fear works the people to instigate that the Gaya people needs to be drive out in order for them to live in peace. They said that if the moon eclipse in 3 days that the revelation is true. Se Jong asked will the lunar eclipse occur in 3 days. Mi Shil withheld the information that she already know very well that the lunar eclipse is going to occur in 3 days to her revelations from heaven. The lunisolar calendar’s knowledge is only exclusive to Mi family. Seol Wong Rang said that if the prediction is deem false that there will be chaos. Seol Won Rang makes preparation with his son Bo Jong to do damage control. Mi Saeng said that it may occur as predicted. Ha Jong concur that his mother has said it is so, it will be so. Seol Won Rang concern that the lunar eclipse had been hype & if it doesn’t occur then the reputation will suffer being tarnish. Mi Shil said that if that doesn’t occur then Mi Shil didn’t do her utmost effort in the Wie Cheon Jae. Mi Shil is full of confidence
Plutarch’s Parallel Lives takes dialogue concerning with features of the Moon’s phases where illuminations decreases into eclipse, one of the characters in the chapter in Aemilius Paulus, there was a general named Lucius, deduces from the phases of the Moon and the phenomenon of eclipses a similarity between Earth and the Moon. Lucius reiterate his argument & theory by means of a recent eclipse of the Sun, which, “beginning just after noonday, made many stars shine out from many parts of the sky and tempered the air in the manner of twilight.” This eclipse in the story has been scientifically identified as the one that had occurred on March 20, AD 71, which was total eclipse in Greece that year according to historical records. But however whether Plutarch wrote in that description is genuine real of that fact or the event was just merely basing his description on some accounts written by earlier writers before has been is in debate. However, his description in the book is so vivid and clear in definition that it seems likely that Plutarch had witnessed the said eclipse for himself. Later in the same writings, Lucius refers to a brightness that appears around the Moon’s rim in total eclipses of the Sun. This is one of the earliest known allusions to the solar corona. Plutarch was unusually interested in eclipses, and his Parallel Lives, an account of the deeds and characters of illustrious Greeks and Romans, contains many references to both lunar and solar eclipses of considerable historical importance. There also are frequent records of eclipses in other ancient Greek literature. It seems that Mi Shil is taking cues from the Plutarch’s Parallel Lives (Bioi parallèloi).
Further reading on Plutarch’s Parallel Lives reference in the chapter “Aemilius Paulus”
Cheon Ryeong In Do’s cadre comes into Yonghwa Hyangdo’s quarters. Cheon Ryeon In Do tells that the outside rumours fill in the market that catastrophe will besiege Silla as there soon going to be a lunar eclipse. Deok Man asked that there is soon going to be a lunar eclipse. Cheon Ryeol In Do said that everybody is gathering to see when the lunar eclipse will occur. Joo bang brushes it off as nonsense. Deok Man said that the lunar eclipse is done with a set of calculation & but it is not something that you want it to happened, it will occur. They know that astronomer said that the moon takes 15 days to become full. Cheon Ryeong In Do said that it was predict by Mi Shil so it will occur. Deok Man said that it is utter nonsense. Cheon Ryeong In Do’s cadre claimed that Mi Shil is a demi god, Go Do caught the wrong meaning & though it was her height. Then one of the cadre came out & shouts that the moon is risen
In the Buddhist cosmology it is describe there are Eight Races of non-human entities called Demi Gods. In Buddhism, even though these Demi-Gods are ranked higher than mortals, they are still bound to the Samsara by their own passions and desires
Everybody goes to look at the moon to wait for the eclipse. Kim Yu Shin said that whether tonight will occur the lunar eclipse as Deok Man assures him that it will not happened, therefore Kim Yu Shin has his people of Gaya wouldn’t be chase out of Seorabeol. Deok man said that she too how to read lunisolar calendar & she tells that lunar eclipse is something that can be calculated. Deok Man said although the mathematics of it is difficult & taxing but it is possible to reach an answer. The talk that it is divine providence or whatsoever, Deok man said there is no such nonsense. Kim Yu Shin asked whether she doesn’t believe there is divine providence or is she in self denial that she can’t accept the will of divine providence. Deok Man still insist that there will be no lunar eclipse tonight. Kim Yu Shin said that why she looks so frightened on her face. Her eyes have gave way that she is in doubt. Kim Yu Shin asked whether she is perturb that it may occurs as said. Deok Man asked if that occur what are they supposed to do then. Kim Yu Shin said that the worst will be that he & his Gaya people will be driven out of Seorabeol as they has wanted.
Deok Man said that if the lunar eclipse, how are they supposed to go against a person posses with such divinity power, even if this is a hoax & fraud, it will be really frightening to even think of that. A person can able to create such a fraud & deceive so many people to believe that it is the truth, how can be able to go against a person of such proportion. This is what Deok Man fears. If that lunar eclipse were to occur she may be too fearful that she may run away. Deok Man sat to look at the full moon & assures herself that it will not happened that it is beyond what human can achieve. Then the eclipses started & send fear into Deok Man as the moon decrease in its illumination is phases as we call the moon’s disk. Cheon Myeong observe the same moon as it eclipse, so Kim Yu Shin
Deok Man recalls that Mi Shil saying that the lunar eclipse occurs it is because of her providence & not divine providence. Deok Man starts to hyperventilating into panic. It seems she is doing it very frequently, I wonder if she take it all in to her system, before she suffer a nervous breakdown
Kim Yu Shin now doubt whether Mi Shil is even an ordinary human. Cheon Myeong also on the panic streak as she recalls Mi Shil asking her to run away. Deok Man goes to Mi Shil looking rather distraught. Cheon Myeong goes to the Royal Celestial Shrine looking tormented with worry. Deok Man goes into Mi Shil room where Mi Shil is painting her drawing. It is a depiction of King Jinheung with the tiger. Mi Shil tells that Deok Man is late & asked why isn’t she reading. Deok Man inform that the lunar eclipse has occurred. Mi Shil wasn’t startled by that fact. Mi Shil asked what are they reaction of the people; are they upset or in fear. Deok Man doesn’t know what others may be feeling but the least Deok Man is really frightened. Mi Shil asked what is her fear…of the lunar eclipse…divine providence….Deok Man said that the person providence to will the lunar eclipse, that is what she fears
Mi Shil asked do Deok man what is the significant behind Sadaham’s plum blossom is. Deok Man is surprise that Mi Shil is about to disclose the secret of Sadaham’s plum blossom to Deok Man. Mi Shil said that she will tell the reason so that Deok Man is able to report this information to Cheon Myeong. Mi Shil is really using Sun Tzu’s Art of War on Deok Man as it sends chills down Deok Man’s spine. Mi Shil bluntly tells Deok Man that she is Cheon Myeong’s mole. Mi Shil asked Deok Man how can she don’t know anything about the matter. I will assume that Mi Shil being an old hand in these games will able to read the doing of amateurs. Mi Shil give Deok Man the “touché” look.
Cheon Myeong goes to the Royal Celestial Shrine & prostrate & genuflects on the shrine & asked heavens whether divine providence is siding Mi Shil, the she asked what is the answer have for the Big Dipper’s prophesy Mizar splitting of the 8th star, what is the significant of it as Cheon Myeong really resign to her fate that Mi Shil is so strong an adversary for her. Then Cheon Myeong goes into her shiver as she did when her husband died in battle, meanwhile Deok Man also does the same shivers & trembles that was highlight in previous episode
Mi Shil tells Deok man that the Sadaham’s plum blossom is the lunisolar calendar & Mi Shil tells that she now had the latest update of the Sadaham’s plum blossom at hand. Mi Shil said isn’t it why Deok man was sent to become a mole to search for that answer. Mi Shil dares Deok Man to go & report to Cheon Myeong about the truth about Sadaham’s plum blossom, but however Mi Shil asked them what is the use if they knew the truth as the truth is they will not able to do anything about even if they know the truth. Deok man trembles even more. Mi Shil said that she had done this a long time & set a reputation that is so strong that they will never able to break or penetrate that she has will the lunar eclipse this is due to the works of Sadaham’s plum blossom. Mi Shil said that she misuse heaven to advocate her cause for her but doesn’t respect the heavens. Mi Shil tells that she will not succumb to surrender to this cold hearted world. Mi Shil will rule the people but will never depend on people on support. Mi Shil throw a dare on what can Deok Man able to do about that fact, even if she now knows the truth. Mi Shil said that this is what she is & asked Deok Man to notify Cheon Myeong
Both of them in anxiety stricken panic. Then So Hwa walks to the Shrine, rather confidently. Cheon Myeong hears footsteps coming
So Hwa knows her way around as she & King Jinpyeong use to play at the Royal Celestial Shrine when they were kids. Mi Shil holds the trembling hands of Deok Man while So Hwa with Cheon Myeong. Cheon Myeong looks up. So Hwa asked why is Cheon Myeong crying, is it because she is sad or is she frightened. So Hwa asked what is the matter. So Hwa had tears of joy as Cheon Myeong is indeed shock to see So Hwa in the shrine. Deok Man gets the worst person to comfort her anxiety as Mi Shil asked whether she is frightened. Mi Shil gives her 2 choices to rectify her fears, one is to run away, the other is her rage
Mi Shil is indeed so full of herself that Deok Man will eventually choose to run away.
Source of episode 16 synopsis taken from : (Thank you and credits to
Video clips of The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16 Part 1
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16 Part 2
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16 Part 3
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16 Part 4
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16 Part 5
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16 Part 6
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16 Part 7
The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 16 Part 8
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