The Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant, formerly known as Miss Malaysia Chinese International Pageant is an annual beauty pageant solely organized by Astro. The winner of the pageant in each year will be nominated by ASTRO to represent Kuala Lumpur in the Miss Chinese International Pageant, organized by TVB which is held annually in Hong Kong around the Chinese New Year season.
The Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant Challenge, a separate Challenge leading up to the actual Finals, was introduced in 2007 and hosted by Angel Wong Chui Ling王翠玲).
1999 - Debbie Goh - Top 5 Finalists
2000 - Philomena Ho - No Placement
2001 - Law Shiau Pyng - Top 5 Finalists
2002 - Angela Foo - 2nd runner-up
2003 - Rachel Tan - Miss Chinese International
2004 - Vivien Yeo - Top 5 Finalists
2005 - Jolene Chin - Miss Congeniality
2006 - Annabelle Kong - 2nd runner-up & Miss Congeniality
2007 - Novel Lim - No Placement
2008 - Joanne Yew - No Placement
9月27日,星期六,7pm,Astro 华丽台,追看Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2008的《第一次挑战完美》精彩赛事。
10月4日,星期六,7pm,收看Astro 华丽台播出的《Astro国际华裔小姐竞选2008》之《第二次挑战完美》,验收成绩。
One of the contestants below are going to be crowned as the future Miss Astro Chinese International Pageant to represent Kuala Lumpur in the Miss Chinese International Pageant held in Hong Kong early 2009. Who will she be?
Joey Ng Seok Peng 黄淑平
Lam Li Naa 林丽娜
Wendy Sheng Woon Hsia 盛文佳
Iris H'ng Choy Yin 方翠莹Iris - 方翠莹
Joey Cheong Zu-Er - 张祖儿

Lyn Lim Li Yee 林绿郁
May Leong Kuan May 梁君美
Carine Choong Li Kuan 锺佳
Felicia Ku Hoi Shan 邱慧珊
Queen Tan Woan Chiann 陈婉倩

Kamen Lim Jia Voon 林嘉雯Renee吴诗敏
Ceci Cheoh Ching Xuang 蒋静萱
Eunice Tan Siew Ying 陈秀莹
Kelly Tham Kar Lai 谭嘉丽
由ASTRO 主办, iFeel杂志赞助的 ASTRO 国际华裔小姐竞选 2008, 已经掀起序幕了。从众多参赛者中,产生了五十强,再从五十强中淘汰了三十五位,剩下的十五位佳丽将进行《第一次挑战完美》淘汰赛。这项淘汰赛里共有4个环节,大会特别邀请入围金马奖最佳女配角的大马著名舞台剧演员Pearlly Chua蔡宝珠、著名主持人林佩盈以及时尚设计师Beatrice Looi担任评审团,他们将从15位佳丽当中,严格筛选出13位佳丽晋级《第二次挑战完美》。
第四环节: 5位分数最低的佳丽要留下来进行另一次的PK,她们需要在30秒内“借题发挥”自己的创意,分数最高的两位佳丽可以直接晋级。而成功晋级下一场挑战赛的12位佳丽则要从分数最低分的3位佳丽中,拯救一位佳丽晋级,这绝对考验佳丽之间的感情,过程非常紧张刺激。
(Thank you and credits to http://en.wikipedia.org, http://www.missastro2008.com and all sources for the information and pictures)
Last year, Joanne Yew was crowned as Miss Astro Chinese International to represent Malaysia for Miss Chinese International Pageant in Hong Kong 2008. What about this year?