Dicey Business episode 33 of 35: Language - cantonese over Astro Wah Lai Toi Channel 311 from Monday to Friday at 8.00pm to 9.00pm

Ching-wan decided not to see Cho again. This is a wise choice. At first I thought she will go back to Cho. She made the right choice. But is this really her dicision?

Ching-wan vomited at the casino. At the ladies washroom she suddenly told Ying that she wants to stop gambling and do not want to spend her live living like this.

Looking tired after returning home from the casino. Ying advised Ching-wan to be a better person in future and Ching-wan in return told the same to Ying too.

Back home, Ching-wan asked her granny to make a call to Cheung saying that she is fine and express her thanks to him.

Ah Wing invited Cheung to have lunch with him but due to recent incident, Cheung is still mad at him and said if he wants to have lunch just make appointment with his secretary first.
Ah Wing: Are you joking?
Cheung: Do I look like I'm joking?
Ah Wing: Having lunch won't take you much time.
Cheung: Why? Do you think I've lots of spare time? Is it like you, nothing much better to do. Looking for things to be done?
Cheung: I am very busy and have many meetings to attend to.
Ah Wing: I know you are still angry at me. I am willing to make the first move, don't tell me you are still angry with me?
Cheung: You're right. Can't I be angry infact I hate you now. I hate you from front to back. Don't bug me.
Ah Wing: I know I'm no good but I've told you before I didn't know it will happen this way. We are like brothers, are you going to be mad at me forever?
Cheung: When you don't mention the word brothers I wouldn't be that mad. Are we still brothers? Ching-wan is taken away from me due to you. Is that what you name it as brothers? If I'm not angry with you then I am not human. You owe me for life I'm telling you.
Ah Wing: Okay! Okay! we go for a steamboat and all the off all the unhapiness.
Cheung: Do you think with that everything will be fine? Why is it you're so free now. Don't have to continue with your work?
Ah Wing walked off from the office after the conversation with Cheung when he did not succeed in asking him for forgiveness.

Cho was discussing with Chan about the expensive land which is not worthwhile bought by Onisac Casino.

Ah Fu heard of their conversation from outside. Will he continue to trust in Cho?

I knew it already. Ah Fu will just put all his trust in his master, whatever he says no matter he is with his evil plans or otherwise, Ah Fu still believes in him. I wonder when will he wake up.
In another scene Ah Wing found out about the worthless land sold to Onisac and Cho is behind all this evil plan. He went to ask Fu if he knew anything about it (for sure Fu already knew about it and has already put his trust in his master, Cho about it)Fu pretend not to know anything about it.

Ah Wing called Cho and said he wil call Cheung together for an appointment.

Fu told Cho about Ah Wing telling him about Onisac and the land.

Ah Wing came out from Cho's car after an argument about Cho's evil thoughts on Onisac and before he realized he was knocked by a hit and run car. It all happened so fast, so sad to see him lying there. Is he going to die?

Cho went paniced on seeing Ah Wing on the road lying with blood all over.

Is he the guy who knocks Ah Wing down?

Chan called Cho to run away. At first Cho did as he said but then on second thoughts he went back to the accident scene and took Ah Wing to an illegal clinic for treatment. Oh no.. how could he do such a thing by not taking him to the emergency ward at a hospital. So sad to see Ah Wing suffering this way. It was so torturing seeing him in pain.
Cho called Cheung to see where he is and Cheung said he is still at Onisac. Then Cho asked if Wing was looking for him? Cheung told Cho that yes but he was not free for the appointment. On hearing this Cho felt so sad. The illegal doctor from the clinic asked Cho send Wing to the hospital for the actual treatment but Cho is reluctant althouh he really wanted to save Wing.

As Fu was at his brother's office, he found out that what he heard about Mei being pregnant is true. He asked his brother why didn't he tell him as he is the father of the child.

Cheung told Fu that it is Mei dicision asking him not to tell Fu about it and she will bring up the baby herself.

Fu went and see Mei and tried asking for her forgiveness but in vain. He was asked to leave the place by Mei's parents.

Episode 33 ends here. Two more episodes to go before the conclusion of this series. To be continued...
(Thank you and credits to all sources for the information of this series)