Thursday, June 5, 2008


Ching-wan meets Cho again when he was taking his mother for a walk at the hospital.

Cheung saw Ching-wan took a ride home in Cho's car. Cheung and Wan talking about what Cheung bought.

Ching-wan told Cheung Cho took her back. She told him she met him at the olf folks home. Wan noticed from Cheung's expression, he was a bit jealous but he told her he was not and he trusted her since she is his girlfriend.

I thought Cho wouldn't see them together but instead he just watched them for far and I guess he still have feelings for her from the expression of his face.

Cho, Fu and Chan at the golf course. Cho asked Chan where his girlfriend is. Chan told Cho that he met a girl at the casino and gave her a branded handbag.

Chan further mentioned that the girl already accepted his invitation to go out with him and will be coming to see them at the golf course. He asked if both of them mind. Fu shakes his head and Cho said no he wouldn't mind as he did not bother about the casino relationship among the staff there.

Fu was indeed surprised and felt upset seeing the girl was Mei but he didn't show it to her.

Mei took a long the handbag Chan gave her. She said he gave it as a present to her so she must take it along.

Cho realized Fu is not feeling really good about the whole situtation.

At Japanese Restaurant. Wondering what Chan whisper to Mei.

Mei told Fu that Mr. Chan got other plans with her after dinner. Instead, Fu replied her that he thought she already knew this was going to happen. Mei asked her not to look down on her and said she is cheap. She asked Fu to help her out.

Fu: We are going off now as we already have Karoke singging appointment.
Chan: You leave first as Mimi is not going off yet.
(Cho helped them out by asking Chan to accompany him) Chan: Fu you please help to take Mimi back for me?
Fu: No problem. Okay! So we go now. Bye.

Cho asked Mei to report to him whatever Fu does daily. Why did Cho asked Mei to do that for? I am starting to wonder. Naive Mei thought Cho is just being caring for Fu. She agreed to report to Cho whatever Fu has been doing daily and said that she won't let Fu finds out about it. Isn't she being silly? In return Cho paid Mei money. Guess what, Mei is just being greedy and she accepted the money.

Another scene, shows Fu bought some stuff for Mei's family and they are really happy about it. Mei asked Fu to further on their relationship other than just being friends. Fu thought Mei going to tell him she wants to be his girlfriend, instead she said she wanted to be his manager. What a joke. This surprised Fu.

Fu started to reports his daily routine to Mei the following day.

Mei insisted Fu tells her further what is on his mind other than his routine. He denied. But Mei said she knows he has been lying. She forces him to say it out and in the end Fu said he has a crush on her ever since the first time he met her. But he kept it to himself as he was afraid she would reject him until now she forced him to say and he revealed.

Mei expression after knowing the truth. She ran off after Fu told her about his feelings towards her. At home, Mei thought about how she first met Fu. She told herself she can't fell inlove with Fu after accepting Cho's money. But she fells for Fu too. What is going to happen next?

Mei happy to see Fu at the door.

Fu arrived Hong Kong but he stayed in a grand expensive hotel instead of staying with Cheung.

Fu gives his brother, Cheung and Wan's family a treat at an expensive restaurant. At the same time while at the restaurant they were talking about those days where they took care of Fu by letting him stay at the place where Cheung is staying now.

This trip back to Hong Kong, seems that Fu and Cheung relationship is drifting apart. Cheung told Wan could be due to influenced by Cho but Wan asked him to concentrate on the competition instead.

Bobby match for the first round was with World Gambler Rank 4. He don't look too confident in this game.

Cheung was sweating due to nervous during the game and he took out the red undies out of his pocket to wipe his sweat on his face which Ching-wan has earlier put it in. Was that really suppose to be good luck to him? When the family members asked Ching-wan about it, she said that she didn't know Cheung would take it out to use.Cheung felt really embarrassed about it when everyone saw it.

Cheung lost in the first round. But this also means that he did not have to face Cho yet in the second round. Will they meet again after the next round of the competition?

Episode 26 ends here. To be continued...

(Thank you and credits to all sources for this episode of the series)


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