Sinetron Alisa mula menemui penonton di TV3 pada 8 Jun 2010 setiap hari Isnin - Khamis pada pukul 2.00 petang
Sila klik di sini untuk mengikuti kisah sinetron Alisa mulai Episode 1
* Alyssa Soebandono
* Christian Sugiono
* Nia Ramadhani
* Ali Syakieb
* Marcel Chandrawinata
* Didi Riyadi
* Farish
* Hanna Hasyim
* Riyanto RA.
* Frans Tumbuan
* Shinta Muin
* Ana Pinem
* Ivanka Suwandhi
* Donna Harun
* Cindy Fatika Sari
* Adjie Pangestu
* Rima Melati
* Leuvenia Fernanda

Sinopsis sinetron Alisa
Alisa (ALYSSA SOEBANDONO) dan Evan (CHRISTIAN SUGIONO) bertemu dalam situasi yang tidak menyenangkan. Alisa yang bekerja sebagai SPG minuman menabrak Evan hingga jatuh saat mengejar pencuri dagangannya. Evan marah besar karena jasnya menjadi kotor, padahal saat itu ia sedang bergegas menemui klien incarannya.
Namun takdir mempertemukan mereka kembali. Ternyata Alisa kemudian menjadi salah satu mahasiswa bimbingan Evan. Karena kesan awal yang sudah menyimpan amarah satu sama lain, maka mereka selalu bertengkar dan berdebat sengit. Alisa tidak suka dengan sikap Evan yang angkuh, sok playboy, mengajar malas-malasan, kasar dan meremehkan orang miskin. Sementara Evan tidak suka sikap Alisa yang sok pintar, sok punya harga diri, membangkang, tidak menghormatinya dan sering mempermalukannya di kelas.
Alisa adalah gadis sederhana yang harus bekerja macam-macam untuk membiayai hidup sehari-hari juga pengobatan ayahnya. Salah satunya, Alisa bekerja menjadi tukang cuci bajunya Natasha (NIA RAMADANI), yang ternyata adalah pacar nomor satu Evan diantara sekian banyak wanita yang mengelilingi Evan.
Setelah melalui lika-liku permusuhan yang panjang, Evan dan Alisa akhirnya sama-sama tak bisa mengingkari suara hati mereka yang paling dalam, dimana sebenarnya mereka saling menyukai satu sama lain. Mereka pun menjalin hubungan hingga akhirnya bersiap menuju ke pelaminan.
Tapi kemudian pernikahan mereka digagalkan oleh kenyataan bahwa keduanya adalah bersaudara. Alisa ternyata adalah putri dari perselingkuhan Henri, ayah Evan. Mereka berdua pun sama-sama terpukul menerima kenyataan ini.
Bagaimana kelanjutan kisah cinta mereka?.. akankan Alisa dan Evan bersatu?.. atau apakah mereka akan kembali pada kehidupan dan pasangannya masing-masing?
Ost Sinetron Alisa -Lirik lagu- Cinta Sampai Disini - D'Masiv
mencoba tuk pahami
mencari celah hatimu
bila harus menangis aku kan menangis
namun air mata ini telah habis
Chorus :
segalanya telah kuberikan
tapi kau tak pernah ada pengertian
mungkin kita harus jalani
cinta memang cukup sampai di sini
mencoba tuk rasuki
menyentuh palung jiwamu
bila harus mengiba, aku kan mengiba
namun rasa ini telah sampai di ujung lelahku
Chorus :
segalanya telah kuberikan
tapi kau tak pernah ada pengertian
mungkin kita harus jalani
cinta memang cukup sampai di sini
Sinopsis/synopsis Sinetron Alisa Episode 76
-Presenting Sinetron Alisa Episode 76-
Synopsis by bluedolphin
Translation by harahap
Evan and Sofia hug each other…
Nuno goes to see Alisa who’s working. Alisa smiles, Nuno asks for Alisa’s help. Nuno wants to hold a ceremony to officially open a school in Banten. Initially Alisa refuses because she has a lot of work but Nuno insists. In the end Alisa agrees if she gets permission from Via. Nuno’s admirer listens to this conversation.
Evan is talking with Sofia and Natasha comes over, she’s wondering why he hasn’t left for work. Natasha says that she can take care of aunt Sofia so that Evan can go to work. Natasha also tries to find out why Sofia is sad. Evan says,”Nat, can you not act up for just one day?” Linda shows up and also asks what’s going on. Sofia who doesn’t want things to get worse, asks Evan to go ahead and go to work. Evan is annoyed by Natasha and Linda says,” What’s wrong with a mother who’s asking for some attention from her own child?” Natasha blurts out, ”Own child??”. Sofia’s facial expression becomes tense…..Natasha tries to rectify the situation be saying that Sofia’s child isn’t only Evan, but she’s also Sofia’s child. Linda becomes mad at Sofia, because Natasha cares so much about her while she likes to talk bad about Natasha!! Linda and Natasha leaves, Evan then goes to work.
Alisa is in the car with Nuno, he then says that they won’t be done till late tonight and they’ll just star overnight at a hotel. Alisa refuses, she just wants to go straight home. Nuno says that he doesn’t mean anything by this, he’s just afraid fro their safety if they go home so late. Anyway, he reserved 2 rooms. Alisa is relieved and apologizes for assuming negatively about him.
Natasha goes to Sofia and says that Sofia’s trying to get Evan’s attention. Sofia kicks Natasha out, but Natasha says that Linda has given her the duty to manage the household, and that’s why she has to kick Sofia out! Linda comes over and asks what Natasha and Sofia is hiding. Natasha says that she was just asking if Sofia wanted to go to the hospital, Linda asks is Sofia is going. Sofia responds, what wife doesn’t want to be with her husband while he’s dying!” So they don’t even need to ask what the answer is. After Sofia leaves, Natasha badmouthed Sofia to Linda saying that Sofia didn’t want to go to the hospital because she’s tired. Linda becomes more hateful towards Sofia.
Evan goes to Alisa’s office, but the receptionist says that Alisa’s not there. Then Nuno’s admirer comes over and tells Evan that lately Alisa has taken time off and has been really close with Nuno. Even today, they both are going out of town, the hotel called earlier to ask for payment. Nuno’s admirer continues telling Evan that Nuno is a jerk! She claims to be one of Nuno’s victims…..but she can’t do anything about it because she doesn’t want to loose her job. Evan had his reservations and had a chance to ask, if Nuno was planning something bad, why would the hotel ask for payment to the office. Nuno’s admirer then says that is Nuno’s trick so people think that they are going out of town for work. The admirer then gives Nuno’s address to Evan after telling him not to tell anyone.
Natasha calls Evan who’s driving, Evan refuses her offer to bring him lunch and he tells her that he’s not coming home tonight. Natasha asks where he’s going but Evan tells her that it’s none of her business. Natasha is annoyed and suspicious that he’s with Alisa, she calls Alisa. Alisa takes her call after finding a place away from Nuno. Natasha immediately accuses her being with Evan, Alisa argues back that he’s not. Nuno sees this and grabs the phone from Alisa and scolds Natasha. Natasha tells him that she doesn’t feel like talking to him and Nuno (in such a cute way) says that he also doesn’t feel like talking to Natasha. [this was hilarious, I was laughing hard watching Nuno’s style of acting]
Evan calls Alisa repeatedly but she doesn’t answer the phone. Alisa is at the ceremony at Nuno’s school but her mind is somewhere else, thinking about Evan.
Natasha hires two big bodyguards to take care of Jay! Jay is walking and the two bodyguards follow him, he felt that he was being followed so he hid. Natasha calls one of the bodyguards and tells them not to loose track of Jay because she has paid them a lot of money.
Nuno invites Alisa to eat at the hotel, he says that they should eat in her room but he promises that he will leave right away after they eat. Alisa laughs and that she trusts him.
Alisa and Nuno eat at the hotel, Alisa tell Nuno that she’s happy that Nuno took her there, Nuno comforts her so that she’s not sad anymore. Outside, Evan just got to the hotel. Nuno confides to Alisa and tells her that he had loved a girl before and he was hurt. Ever since he met Alisa, he feels that he has found real sincere love. Nuno puts his hands on Alisa’s shoulders and says that he’s like to marry her. Alisa is surprised….. suddenly Evan comes in and sees that Nuno has his hands on Alisa’s shoulder and holding her hands. Evan becomes really sad, he never thought Alisa would do this.
The two bodyguards finds Jay and they hit and stab him, they leave Jay who’s all beaten up and injured.
Jay still injured goes to Riska, she was initially afraid of him and wanted to run away but Jay stops her, Jay falls to the ground. Riska notices the wounds on his body immediately approaches him. Riska panics and screams for help! Jay is dying and slowly tells succeeds to tell her that their child has a birthmark on his shoulder and their son is Evan……. After saying that, Jay blew his last breath. Riska yells hysterically seeing her husband had just passed away.
Evan asks Nuno what he means by bringing Alisa to a hotel? Evan immediately punches and hits Nuno!! Alisa yells to stop Evan. She asks what Nuno did wrong? Evan says that Nuno has a hidden agenda with her, Nuno wants to sleep with her! Alisa disagrees, she says that Nuno is a good friend to her. Alisa then says that she’s going to marry Nuno!! Evan is surprised….. He doesn’t believe this!!!! That Nuno is a jerk!! Alisa emotionally says, “Don’t’ badmouth my future husband!!!!” Evan still doesn’t believe Nuno and Nuno punches Evan’s stomach….. Evan just surrenders, he says that he just wants Alisa to know that while he’s been married to Natasha, he’s never liked Natasha, Alisa is the one that he loves. Evan adds that he knows that there is something that Natasha is hiding that has something to do with Alisa. Evan asks Alisa not to lie to herself because he can see it in her eyes. Lastly Evan tells Alisa and Nuno to have a happy life. Evan then leaves. Alisa then goes after him but she’s too late, he has already driven off in his car. Alisa asks Nuno to leave her alone, Nuno gets irritated and tells Alisa to go after Evan and tell him that she loves him! And she cares about him! Alisa leaves Nuno, he then starts yelling that he really loves Alisa.
Alisa is in her room crying, while Nuno is at the yard of the hotel screaming, “Why can’t you love meSsa?? Tell me Sa? Why Sa?” Suddenly it starts to rain heavily and Nuno becomes dripping wet. Alisa who sees Nuno from the window says to herself, “Please forgive me Nuno…”
Sofia is thinking, Is it really true that Jay is Evan’s father? Sofia starts to become suspicious, how did Jay know about the time and place Evan was found. Sofia calls Jay because she wants to give him a lot of money to keep his mouth shut, but his phone isn’t active.
*flashback to the scene Evan, Alisa, and Nuno at the hotel earlier* Alisa goes back to see Nuno from the window, Nuno is still there, alone, all wet. Alisa becomes sadder.
Natasha goes to her room, so happy because Jay is gone!! Natasha still feels unsettled because Alisa is still around. Natasha calls Evan to find out who he’s with. Evan shuts off his phone when he saw Natasha calling. Evan is in the car and leaning on the car seat, and it’s raining heavily out there. Nuno goes in the hotel all drenched. He was about to knock on Alisa’s door but then changed her mind, while Alisa is deep in thought in her room.
Evan wakes up, he fell asleep in the car. Evan still doesn’t believe that Alisa wants to marry that jerk, Nuno.
Nuno wakes up and starts to sneeze…..He’s sick!! There’s a knock in his door, Nuno gets out of the bed and opens the door, apparently it’s Alisa! Alisa apologizes for her behavior yesterday. They agree to forget what happened the night before. Nuno suddenly sneezes; Alisa becomes concerned and says that he was silly because yesterday he sat in the yard while it was raining. Nuno is happy in his head because Alisa was paying attention to him last night. Alisa gives him a cup of warm ginger water so he can warm up. Nuno happily accepts the cup and drinks it.
-to be continued-
sumber sinopsis Episode 76:
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 77
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 77 Part 1
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 77Part 2
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 77Part 3
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 77Part 4
sumber: (Terima kasih dan kredit diberikan kepada
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