Saturday, February 23, 2008


Bought this dragon fruit or in Chinese is called "huo long guo" (fire dragon fruit when it is direct translated) from Boulevard Hypermarket this morning. Another name for this fruit is pitaya fruit. The fruit is very bright pink in colour.

It comes with three types that are white flesh with pink skin and red maroon flesh with pink skin. Another type that I have not seen so far is white flesh with yellow skin.. Have any of you seen the yellow flesh dragon fruit? Let me share with you some of the benefits you will get when eating dragon fruit.

This unique fruit is prickly, cactus-like. The dragon fruit is also known to be a healthy low fat fruit which is rich in vitamin C, fiber and have lots of minerals. When buying dragon fruit I prefer to buy the red maroon flesh as it is rich in antioxidants.

Dragon fruit has lots of water, which gives it the soft creamy texture when eaten fresh. The dried dragon fruit will be chewy and much darker in colour than the fresh ones.

Eating dragon fruit will maintain your heart healthy and it is a low cholestrol diet. People might be wondering why when mention eating dragon fruit will lower down the cholestrol level. It is the seeds from the flesh that is actually has lots of nutrition that helps to improve cholestrol level in our body.

This fruit is eaten raw, is mildly sweet and low in calories. For those of you who is on a diet I recommend dragon fruit. You will not have any regrets when eating this fruit as in dragon fruit vitamin C is more easily absorbed in the body system rather than taking a pill supplement of vitamin C. There are lots of vitamin C in dragon fruit. However the skin is not edible. When you eat it cold it has better improved flavour which I do not really understand why too.

Another benefit we can get when eating dragon fruit is it helps to lower down blood glucose levels in diabetes.


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