Sinetron Alisa mula menemui penonton di TV3 pada 8 Jun 2010 setiap hari Isnin - Khamis pada pukul 2.00 petang - Sinopsis Episode 74
Sila klik di sini untuk mengikuti kisah sinetron Alisa mulai Episode 1
* Alyssa Soebandono
* Christian Sugiono
* Nia Ramadhani
* Ali Syakieb
* Marcel Chandrawinata
* Didi Riyadi
* Farish
* Hanna Hasyim
* Riyanto RA.
* Frans Tumbuan
* Shinta Muin
* Ana Pinem
* Ivanka Suwandhi
* Donna Harun
* Cindy Fatika Sari
* Adjie Pangestu
* Rima Melati
* Leuvenia Fernanda

Sinopsis sinetron Alisa
Alisa (ALYSSA SOEBANDONO) dan Evan (CHRISTIAN SUGIONO) bertemu dalam situasi yang tidak menyenangkan. Alisa yang bekerja sebagai SPG minuman menabrak Evan hingga jatuh saat mengejar pencuri dagangannya. Evan marah besar karena jasnya menjadi kotor, padahal saat itu ia sedang bergegas menemui klien incarannya.
Namun takdir mempertemukan mereka kembali. Ternyata Alisa kemudian menjadi salah satu mahasiswa bimbingan Evan. Karena kesan awal yang sudah menyimpan amarah satu sama lain, maka mereka selalu bertengkar dan berdebat sengit. Alisa tidak suka dengan sikap Evan yang angkuh, sok playboy, mengajar malas-malasan, kasar dan meremehkan orang miskin. Sementara Evan tidak suka sikap Alisa yang sok pintar, sok punya harga diri, membangkang, tidak menghormatinya dan sering mempermalukannya di kelas.
Alisa adalah gadis sederhana yang harus bekerja macam-macam untuk membiayai hidup sehari-hari juga pengobatan ayahnya. Salah satunya, Alisa bekerja menjadi tukang cuci bajunya Natasha (NIA RAMADANI), yang ternyata adalah pacar nomor satu Evan diantara sekian banyak wanita yang mengelilingi Evan.
Setelah melalui lika-liku permusuhan yang panjang, Evan dan Alisa akhirnya sama-sama tak bisa mengingkari suara hati mereka yang paling dalam, dimana sebenarnya mereka saling menyukai satu sama lain. Mereka pun menjalin hubungan hingga akhirnya bersiap menuju ke pelaminan.
Tapi kemudian pernikahan mereka digagalkan oleh kenyataan bahwa keduanya adalah bersaudara. Alisa ternyata adalah putri dari perselingkuhan Henri, ayah Evan. Mereka berdua pun sama-sama terpukul menerima kenyataan ini.
Bagaimana kelanjutan kisah cinta mereka?.. akankan Alisa dan Evan bersatu?.. atau apakah mereka akan kembali pada kehidupan dan pasangannya masing-masing?
Ost Sinetron Alisa -Lirik lagu- Cinta Sampai Disini - D'Masiv
mencoba tuk pahami
mencari celah hatimu
bila harus menangis aku kan menangis
namun air mata ini telah habis
Chorus :
segalanya telah kuberikan
tapi kau tak pernah ada pengertian
mungkin kita harus jalani
cinta memang cukup sampai di sini
mencoba tuk rasuki
menyentuh palung jiwamu
bila harus mengiba, aku kan mengiba
namun rasa ini telah sampai di ujung lelahku
Chorus :
segalanya telah kuberikan
tapi kau tak pernah ada pengertian
mungkin kita harus jalani
cinta memang cukup sampai di sini
Sinopsis/synopsis Sinetron Alisa Episode 73
Alisa Ep.73
Synopsis by Tharifz
Translation by harahap
Part 1:
Natasha is in her room, irritated with Evan and Alisa who was hugging in public. She doesn’t understand why Evan is still going after Alisa. When Evan saw Alisa with another guy, she thought that he would stop going after Alisa, but apparently not. Natasha thinks that she needs to get rid of Alisa because if not, Alisa can ruin all of her plans.
Evan goes to the hospital, he asks Hendri why he never told him about this problem to him. Now it’s too late, but he feels calm because he has confided to Alisa. Evan also admits that he doesn’t know if he can get through all of this.
Evan gets home, he calls the maid (Bibi) to get everybody in the house together in the family room. Bibi then knocks on Natasha’s room, Natasha got worried thinking that Evan called everyone to talk about the Alisa issue. Natasha tried to be sweet to Evan, but Evan was cold towards her and pushes away Natasha’s hand that she put on his shoulder. Sofia asks what is going on that everybody has to get together. Evan tells them that Hendri has a really big debt and it has to be paid within one week, if not then the office and the house will be repossessed. Natasha panics in her head because she doesn’t want to be homeless. Sofia panics, Linda tries to be calm and says that she will try to talk to the creditors and ask for more time, she asks to meet with the creditors tomorrow. Linda also asks everybody to rest tonight and they will fight this tomorrow. Evan then calls his people to arrange to meet with the creditor’s lawyers at Hendri’s house the next morning.
Eddie is at home, Nuno arrives home and sees his dad and avoids him, but Eddie sees it and he immediately calls Nuno and tells him to sit down. Nuno asks his to cut to the chase, Eddie then tells him that he saw Alisa and Evan hugging at the park. Nuno laughs, he says that his father is making this up, Eddie tells him that he’s not lying. Nuno tells Eddie that from now on Eddie doesn’t need to meddle in his business anymore and walks away. Via shows up and says that Eddie is never satisfied hurting their child. Suddenly Eddie cell phone rings, it’s from his lawyer who’s trying to arrange a schedule to meet with Hendri’s family the next morning. Eddie agrees, the faster the better.
Alisa is in her room, thinking about Evan, she feels so bad for him who has to deal with such a difficult problem alone. Alisa can’t help him more (than what she has already done), if she could, she would help him. She only has one parent left, but she can’t do anything to help him.
Natasha is stressed out in her room, afraid that she will become poor and homeless. Evan goes in the room and Natasha pretends to cry. Evan becomes mad because he wants to sleep but she’s being loud. Natasha says that she’s sad, thinking about the fate of his family. Evan says that Hendri must have had a reason, he doesn’t act carelessly. Evan then asks why she’s stressed when it doesn’t affect her at all. Natasha says to herself, of course it affects me, she had married him because of his family’s money . Evan then goes to sleep hugging a body pillow with his back against Natasha, he’s smiling because he’s thinking about the hug with Alisa at the park. Natasha sees this, she’s annoyed because Evan is smiling by himself thinking about Alisa.
Nuno is laying down but he has a headache thinking about what his father said. Is it true that the reason Alisa wasn’t at home is because she was with Evan and they were hugging. Nuno feels that his father is making this up because Alisa wouldn’t be like that.
Eddie is waiting for his lawyer at home, the lawyer comes and Eddie says that he’s ready. Via shows up and asks if Eddie is sure about his decision, Eddie is certain because this is for their own success.
At Evan’s house, everybody is together and they are all tense except for Linda, she looks calm. Suddenly the doorbell rings, Linda asks Bibi to open the door. Bibi lets Eddie and his lawyer in. Evan is surprised to see Eddie, he remembers when his car was scraped by Eddie’s car. The lawyer introduces Evan as the one and only son of Hendri. Eddie then looks at Linda and smiles. Linda tells Natasha to make something to drink, Sofia goes and helps Natasha. Linda tells Evan to get the documents, Eddie tells his lawyer to help Evan in checking the documents. When they were left alone, Linda then asks what Eddie wants, she asks him not to hurt Hendri, her brother. She feels that he’s still holding a grudge because she did accept his love 10 years ago. Eddie says the he genuinely didn’t know that Hendri is her brother and really just that he wants his money. Natasha and Sofia comes over bringing some tea, they feel that it seems like Eddie and Linda already know each other. Evan comes over with the documents, he asks Eddie to take a look at the documents. Eddie teases that Evan can be polite, not like the time he scraped his car. Evan apologizes, he also asks for more time but Eddie doesn’t give it to him, he wants his money. Linda asks Eddie to watch his behavior, Eddie obliges. Seeing that, Natasha becomes suspicious because it seems like Eddie whos mean, listens to Linda. Sofia then says that she needs more time, she needs time to figure out how that much money was used. Eddie asks that Sofia as a wife doesn’t know how that much money was used? Of course he used it for the women that he has affairs with. Evan becomes infuriated, he doesn’t like Eddie saying bad things about his father, he’s about to punch Eddie but Eddie repel Evan’s hand. Eddie says that he doesn’t need to act like a hero, he also says he can throw Evan in jail for not being able to behave.
Eddie and his lawyer leaves, Linda follows them and call out to Eddie. Linda asks Eddie not to do this to her brother whos dying. Eddie says that as long as she’s nice to him, he can give them more time. Natasha is eavesdropping and curious about what is between Linda and Eddie. Linda asks Eddie what he wants and Eddie answers that he want’s his money back.
Evan persuades his mother that it would be impossible that his dad would do what Eddie says. Sofia says that it would be impossible for Hendri to have other women besides Larasati and herself. Linda suddenly shows up and says that Sofia doesn’t need to make the situation worse. She tells everybody to be calm and think of a way so that they don’t get kicked out of the house. Linda then asks Evan to look over the paperwork again to see if there are any loopholes. Evan agrees, that’s what he was planning to do. Evan then leaves, Linda tells Natasha to come with her to the hospital and Natasha goes and gets ready. Sofia and Linda are left, Sofia wonders how she doesn’t know what Hendri could have done with that much money. Linda calmly replies that is a sign that Hendri doesn’t trust Sofia, maybe Hendri already knew about Sofia’s affair.
Evan is looking over the paperwork, Natasha tells Evan to be patient. She also tells him that with this problem, she will prove her love to him. Evan sarcastically asks her that if their house gets repossessed and they become homeless if she’s still going to love him. Natasha says that she can become a model again and work for his family. But if Evan becomes homeless, she will still stand beside him. Not like his mistress, Alisa who in a short period of time is already with another guy, who’s family is trying to ruin Evan’s family.
Part 2:
Nuno goes to the office in a suit, he immediately asks Alisa if it’s true that she was hugging Evan yesterday. Alisa asks where Nuno saw that, he then asks for an answer, Alisa says that is it’s true or not, it’s none of his business. Nuno just doesn’t want Alisa to get hurt. He keeps on pushing and in the end Alisa says that yes, she was hugging Evan. Nuno is confused why Alisa whos trying to avoid Evan ends up hugging Evan back when he hugs her, while Nuno who tried to hug her ends up getting a slap in the face. Alisa says that no matter what Evan had a place in her heart. Evan is going through a lot right now, so she hugged him back to give him strength to his heart that’s delicate. Nuno asks about the problem Evan has, Alisa just says “dunno…” and leaves him. Alias says that Nuno has read her journal, so he must know that Evan is her brother, she then walks away. Nuno doesn’t go after her, and he says that her behavior to Evan is not like a sister.
Alisa passes Eddie, he tells her that she’s arrogant, She tells him that she’s in a hurry. Eddie says that she chose Evan from Nuno because he has more money. Eddie also says that Alisa is a materialistic girl who uses guys to get to a higher social status. Alisa tells him that he’s a know it all. Eddie says he already know how women like her act.
Alisa is annoyed, she says not father or son, they’re both the same, they terrorize. Nobody’s going after Nuno, or his money.
Nuno’s admirer plays another trick on Alisa, she places some gum on Alisa’s chair, but she ends up sitting on it herself. [I don’t feel like telling the story, it’s not important]
Sofia goes to the hospital, Linda asks her why she’s there at the hospital. Linda says that she doesn’t need to pretend to be the one whos suffering the most, only Linda and Natasha are the ones that care about Hendri. Evan is busy going after another woman, while Sofia is busy with her affair. Sofia then says how Hendri has also done a big mistake, he also had an affair where they had a child. Linda doesn’t believe her, she knows Hendri, her own brother would never have done that. Linda then walks away.
Evan is looking over paperwork in his office, he really has a headache. He the goes to the bathroom, he washes his hands, looks in the mirror and says that he hasn’t slept in two days. Evan remembers Alisa, only she can calm him down.
Alisa is in a meeting in her office, Nuno is holding the meeting, suddenly Alisa’s hand phone goes off. Nuno and the others all look at Alisa and she excuses herself to take the call outside. Nuno can only watch and let her go, it seems like he knows that the call is from Evan.
Outside, Alisa takes the call from Evan, he’s happy that Alisa answered the phone. Alisa immediately asks why he called because she was in a meeting. Evan apologizes because he has bothered Alisa, she tells him that it’s ok and that if he has a problem to go ahead and tell her. Evan then says that he’d like to confide to her and asks her to come to his office. Alisa asks if they can talk on the phone but Evan says that the problem is pretty deep, he can’t face it alone and because the situation is critical he can’t leave the office. In the beginning she was hesitant but she ends up agreeing that she’ll go to his office, and she hangs up. Evan smiles, still looking at his cell phone and says that maybe the insight from the problem he’s facing, he can be close to Alisa again.
Natasha is hanging out with her friends, she tells them that while in Hong Kong, she wants to shop everything that’s not available in Jakarta yet. Natasha’s friends feels that it’s weird that her in-law is in the hospital while Natasha is out having fun. Natasha accidentally says that she told her family that she has a photo shoot in Hong Kong. Her friend questions it and Natasha says that she has a photo shoot for an electronic calendar. She then tells them that she has to leave.
Evan is not in the mood and down in his office, then there’s a knock on the door, he says enter. The door opens and it’a Alisa, Evan smiles happily seeing Alisa came. He immediately stands up and goes up to her, he’s about the hugs her but she takes a step back. Evan notices that and apologizes. Alisa only smiles and asks him what’s going on. Evan feels that Alisa is in a hurry and asks if she doesn’t want to spent time with him. Alisa explains that she hopes he understands that their situation is different now. Evan understands what Alisa means, he then says that yesterday he had told her about Hendri’s debt, apparently the person that lent the money is Nuno’s father, Alisa is surprised. Evan says that Nuno’s father is bad and he doesn’t have a heart because he won’t give more time for them to pay him back while Hendri is still in a coma. Alisa who now knows that Eddie is lecherous didn’t think that he could be so mean. Evan then says that he and his mother doesn’t know where the money went. Eddie had a chance to say Hendri used the money for his mistresses. Alisa doesn’t believe it, Hendri isn’t like that. Evan also doesn’t believe it because as far as he knows only Sofia and Larasati is in Hendri’s life. Alisa is also goes into deep sadness, she puts her hand on Evan’s shoulder, Evan is surprised and immediately holds her hands, and Alisa lets him hold her hands.
Suddenly Natasha comes in, sees them holding hands and becomes mad. Alisa lets go of his hands, but Evan is still holding Alisa’s hands, Evan ends up letting go of Alisa’s hands because she kept of tugging her hand. Natasha insults Alisa who keeps on going after her husband. Alisa fights back and says that she has never gone after Evan, she also says that Natasha knows that she and Evan can never get together forever. Natasha then says that she knows that it’s trus and if Evan knows he would hate Alisa. Evan then tells Natasha that no matter what he will never hate Alisa, he’ll probably hate Natasha. Natasha become furious because Evan is defending Alisa instead of her, when she’s his wife. Alisa excuses herself, Evan tries to hold Alisa but he didn’t succeed and he was going to go after her but Natasha forbids him because they are at his office and he needs to be watchful of what he does. He obeys her but he asks her to leave because he’s tired of her and she leaves.
Linda tells Eddie on the phone that she will never surrender to him, she then hangs up. She doesn’t know why Hendri has to be involved in debt with Eddie who’s a jerk.
Natasha meets up with Jay, she’s irritated because Alisa is still with Evan. Jay says that maybe Alisa already knows that Evan isn’t her brother. Natasha says that Alisa who is stupid wouldn’t know. The only ones who know are her, Jay and stupid Sofia. Unless Jay sells her out. Jay then wonders how much can Alisa give him. Natasha then states that apparently Jay’s loyalty can be measured by money. Natasha then threatens her that if he sells her out, she wont’ hesitate to kill him. Jay then wonders why Evan prefers Alisa compared to Natasha, she then tells him that it’s his duty to find out. Jay then says that Evan sees something in Alisa that Natasha doesn’t have.
Alisa runs out while crying, Nuno calls to her. He’s been looking for her. He asks her what’s wrong and Alisa ends up telling him that Evan’s father who’s also her father owe a lot of money to his dad and Eddie won’t give them more time to pay, meanwhile Hendri is in a coma. Nuno is surprised to hear this.
-to be continued-
sumber sinopsis Episode 73:
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 73 pada 19 Oktober 2010 di TV3
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Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 73 Part 2
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 73 Part 3
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 73 Part 4
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Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 74 Part 1
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 74 Part 2
Sambungan kisah sinetron Alisa Episode 74 Part 3
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