Sinopsis dan video klip Drama Asia (Korea)- The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 61/ Synopsis and video clips of The Great Queen Seon Deok of Episode 61 with English subtitles
Title: Queen Seon Duk
Format: Drama
historical drama
Yowon Lee
Hyeonjeong Ko
Yejin Park
Taewoong Uhm
Country of origin South Korea South Korea
No. of episodes 62

Deokman (later known as Queen Seon Deok) was born as a twin but was abandoned as a baby. She was later brought back to the Silla palace, where she joined forces with her twin sister Princess Cheonmyeng to oppose Mi-shil, who wanted to seize power. Mi-shil devised sinister plans to have the two Silla princesses exiled from the kingdom, and in a secretive battle, Princess Chonmyong was assassinated by Mi-shil. However, Princess Deokman shrewdly enlisted the help of General Kim Yusin and eliminated her archenemy Mi-shil. She became the first female ruler of the Silla kingdom.
Video clips of OST The Great Queen Seon Deok ( Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕) - 아이유(IU) - 바람꽃 Wind Flower
- Lee Yo Won as Deokman/Queen Seondeok
- Nam Ji Hyun as young Deokman
- Ko Hyeon-jeong as Lady Misil
- UEE as young Lady Misil
- Park Ye-Jin as Princess Cheonmyeong
- Shin Se Kyung as young Princess Cheonmyeong
- Uhm Tae Woong as Kim Yushin
- Lee Hyun Woo as young Kim Yushin
- Kim Nam Gil as Bidam
- Park Ji Bin as young Bidam
- Yu Seung-ho as Kim Chunchu
- Lee Seung-hyo as Alcheon
Extended Cast
- Jo Min Ki as King Jinpyeong (Deokman's Father)
- Baek Jong Min as young Jinpyeong
- Kang San as child Jinpyeong
- Baek Jong Min as young Jinpyeong
- Yoon Yoo Sun as Lady Maya (Deokman's Mother, Kim Jinpyeong's wife)
- Park Soo Jin as young Lady Maya
- Seo Young Hee as So Hwa
Summary of The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Episode 61
Synopsis/summary of The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 61
Dam shouts at the Household guards Heuk San & demands to know who has send him to kill Bi Dam. Bi Dam in his confusion starts jumps to the conclusion to realise that it could be Queen Seon Deok. Then Heuk san confirms Bi Dam insecurity as he answer Bi Dam after Heuk San gets a prompt nod from Yeom Jong to answer Bi Dam. Heuk San scream at Bi Dam that he is to kill the enemy of the state & long live Her Majesty Queen Seon Deok as Heuk San takes Bi Dam blade & commit suicide & dies. Yeom Jong comes to add dramatics that conclude that Heuk San is from the Household guard & Queen Seon Deok personal security staff therefore would Heuk San perhaps was send by…..Queen Seon Deok. Bi Dam recalls Kim Chun Chu whether does he think that Queen Seon would engage in personal sentiments for him & the recollection of Queen Seon Deok removing her hands from his before he left then recalls Queen Seon Deok to asked him to trust in her
Bi Dam confuse & screams that he just gone ballistic in madness. Yeom Jong is happy that he has force Bi Dam into “dark side of the force” as Yeom Jong recalls telling Mi Saeng that he will tear down & demolish Bi Dam trust for Queen Seon Deok. Mi Saeng express doubt that Bi Dam trust can be so easily crush & subdue by just mere deceptive of schemes. Yeom Jong said what this involve in regards to Queen Seon Deok. MI Saeng laughs that this might work
Return to the presence, Bi Dam adds more dramatics that it is Queen Seon Deok who has sent the assailant for Bi Dam’s life & emphasis to drive that this is Queen Seon Deok’s doing. Yeom Jong laughs that the truth is now settling in Bi Dam in regards to Queen Seon Deok that this now spell the end. Bi Dam has betrayed his faction for his devotion of his life to Queen Seon Deok & in the end this is the ultimate result of the betrayal & jeers at Bi Dam’s stupidity to believe Queen Seon Deok. Bi Dam grabs Yeom Jong by his collar & points the blade ready to pierce his throat that he will killed Yeom Jong if he doesn’t shout the contraption mouth of his. Yeom Jong dares Bi Dam to go ahead & kill him, but even killing Yeom Jong will not be able to improve or appease the situation that Bi Dam is now in that he can’t do nothing about. Yeom Jong’s ability to evoke Bi Dam’s vulnerability as he emphasis & drill it to BI Dam that he has now been forsaken yet again this time by Queen Seon Deok. Yeom Jong incite that Queen Seon Deok has abandoned Bi Dam as Bi Dam believes Yeom Jong & drops his swords & to resign to Yeom Jong fabrication
In Geumjeongsan mines, Bi Dam’s faction is training mercenaries for their appending revolt. Mi Saeng is getting impatient & anxious that Bi Dam & Yeom Jong is not here yet & there is no news of them as yet & how could they be kept waiting. Bo Jong queries whether Yeom Jong has the ability to persuade Bi Dam to join their revolt. Ha Jong said that they private garrison has been relinquish of their command that Bi Dam must be here for them. Lord Jujin agrees that without Bi Dam as the frontrunner it doesn’t justify for them to stage the revolt in principle whatsoever. Mi Saeng asked what is the wretched Yeom Jong trying to do now. Ha Jong said that this is all because of Yeom Jong’s deceptive stratagem that has gone awry. The other nobles said that they shouldn’t have trusted Yeom Jong & their expression is written with anxiety
Meanwhile Yeom Jong incites like a whispering demon conscience to Bi Dam that it is still not late that if Bi Dam wishes to have Deok Man then he will have to snatch Silla from her. Silla is now seen as Queen Seon Deok’s suitor. Yeom Jong said that everything has been organise & prepared that he was his intention from the beginning was to become King. Bi Dan stands up & staggers away as Yeom Jong asked where is he going & hold Bi Dam back only to get a dead stare from Bi Dam as he walks away stupor like a zombie as Yeom Jong tries to call Bi Dam
Queen Seon Deok writing a letter that appear to be for Bi Dam writing that this is the last & final instruction that she will decree as Silla’s Sovereign & after this is accomplish. Queen Seon Deok said that she will abdicate the throne & depart for Chuhwa country therefore to asked Bi Dam to prepare a small lodging for them & wait for her there. Queen Seon Deok assures him that it is only momentarily & then she will be with Bi Dam
Seon Wi is abdication or to give up the throne
At least Lee Yo Won is holding the writing brush correctly when she is writing
Bi Dam still staggering in the woods as he contemplates whether Queen Seon Deok intend to have him killed as this plays in his mind. Then Bi dam recalls that Queen Seon Deok saying that Bi Dam declares that he love her but she asked him what about Silla as she has one & only have one devotion that it is to Silla. Queen Seon Deok said that it is this devotion that one must stake his wholehearted life to protect it at all cost & if this is therefore wholehearted how can she ever going to place or share her devotion on someone & if she did then one of them will be untrue. BI Dam ponder with “untrue” then recalls that the time that Bi Dam should have told her that Mi Shil was his mother & has insist that Bi Dam should have at least told her about it. Bi Dam tell her that if he has did so, will Queen Seon Deok wouldn’t have forsaken him & left him that he is no longer of any use to her. As the truth digest & settle in, Bi Dam takes out Queen Seon Deok’s ring & look at it & looks perplexed & hold it dearly
Queen Seon Deok finishing her letter to Bi Dam that no matter what happens that Bi Dam must trust in her & wait for her to come. Queen Seon Deok pause a moment signed her name as Deok Man in the letter then folds the letter to put into the envelope where Joo Bang comes in to asked whether Queen Seon Deok summons him. Queen Seon Deok passes the letter & tells Joo Bang to hasten his journey to Chuhwa Gun & deliver this to Bi Dam & that Joo bang must personally deliver this to Bi Dam’s hands. Joo Bang acknowledge Queen Seon Deok’s instruction & takes it from her & leaves. Meanwhile Bi Dam is rather confuse that it play on his head that Queen Seon Deok declares that she only have Silla in her heart for love then Bi Dam tells himself looking at Queen Seon Deok’s ring that he will become Silla & if he doesn’t then he will join the people who are now impediment of Silla’s aspiration & void from existence. Bi Dam said that either method on how it will progress, it is fine with him. Bi Dam said that if the throne proves such a cumbersome to bear that Queen Seon Deok finds it necessary to have him killed & forsake him, then BI Dam vows to release Queen Seon Deok from that laden. Bi Dam is determined to do just that
Mi Saeng is upset that Yeom Jong came back alone minus Bi Dam. Ha Jong queries where is Bi Dam. Yeom Jong assures that Bi Dam will appear & he definitely will come. Bo Jong said that Yeom Jong has guarantee to bring Bi Dam & assures that Bi Dam assures that he will be responsible to make Bi Dam come. Yeom Jing has nothing to counter. Mi Saeng warns Yeom Jong as he grabs Yeom Jing’s collar that if by chance Bi Dam doesn’t appear then he will personally kill Yeom Jong himself. Lord Sueulbu said that this is not the time to go finding faults at each other. Mi Saeng release Yeom Jong’s grip as Lord Sueulbu said that it is a priority of urgency that they must leave here at once. Ho Jae concurs that as the Ministry of Military Affairs may learn of their whereabouts in this place. Phil Dan said that if they prolong their stay at this place, there will be surrounded & be caught. Lord Jujin suggest that they will go to the shelter residence in Yul Bo Hyeon. Hwang Yun said that if they go there, they can buy some time to cumulate their military might. Mi Saeng agrees that they can’t sit here idle & wait for Ministry of Military Affairs to get them & they shall adjourned to shelter residence. Then Lord Jujin notice Bi Dam at the door as he is all dressed & makes his entrance. Bi Dam looks at them & tells them that they are a bunch of pathetic idiots to see their panic stricken expression. Mi Saeng is surprise as the rest is glad that BI Dam is now with them. Yeom Jing the happiest among them all
Yu Bo Hyeon is formerly Ulsan
Al Cheon with his Household guards to be diligent in their posting & be sensitive in awareness & order any suspicious activities & to act on it to report the matter. The household guards acknowledge as Al Cheon dismiss then back to their posting & leaves then one of them reports to Al Cheon that Heuk San from the Gap garrison has been missing for days. Al Cheon queries about Heuk San & the household guards said that Heuk San’s movement has been suspicious of late. Al Cheon queries about the imply of suspicion as Al Cheon realise that there is something amiss
Bi Dam tells his faction that they will not leave to avoid confrontation; in which Mi Saeng express that if they are not retreating Yu Bi Hyeon’s shelter residence & asked what does Bi Dam plan to do. Bi Dam related that during Chil Sook’s revolt & the reason why Mi Shil had failed & was defeated is that she took the confrontation away from Seorabeol & did it to Daeya fortress instead. Bi dam said that those who abandon Seorabeol will declare as high treason. Bi Dam said that the principle of righteous of Silla only exist & based in Seorabeol. Lord Jujin is shock but nods in affirmation. Ha Jong then asked what will it be. Bi Dam said that they will overtake Seorabeol & depose the Queen from her throne & he will be King. The nobles pledge their support for Bi Dam to ascend the throne. Bi Dam tells his faction that a new era will set at dawn. Bi Dam said that he will attack & overtake Seorabeol before dawn. Mi Saeng asked that Bi Dam is suggesting that they attack Wyol Seong fortress where the Queen Seon Deok is residing just like that
Wyol Seong fortress is Banwolseong (半月城, literally “Half Moon Fortress”); also commonly known as Wyolseong palace/castle is the royal palace compound of the Korean Silla monarchy in Seorabeol (Gyeongju) during Silla & Unified Silla (BC47-AD938). It takes its name from the outline of the palace walls which is crescent in shape. Banwolseong is also known as Sinwolseong or Jaeseong which means where the Sovereign resides. Today the ruins of the palace set among the lush forest & hills can still be seen in Gyeongju
Bo Jong tells Bi dam that they military assistance from the nobles has not been fully cumulated as Yeom Jong said that their presence military support is not feasible overtake Seorabeol & engage with Ministry of Military Affairs or even the Royal Household guards at Wyolseong Bi Dam merely sly smiles.
Courier arrive in Seorabeol as Kim Seo Hyeon runs the logistics brief with Queen Seon Deok whether Bi Dam’s faction will be perhaps heading off to Yu Bi Hyeon Shelter residence. Kim Yong Chun concurs that Yu Bo Hyeon’s shelter residence in operated by personnel of Ministry of Audit & it is frequently use by Bi Dam & Yeom Jong as base. Kim Seo Hyeon suggest that therefore they must use the shelter residence as their headquarters to instigate the insurgency. Kim Seo Hyeon said that the immediate action is that they need to blockage of all access routes from Yu Bo Hyeon to Seorabeol to prevent the insurgents from coming to Seorabeol. Then Guk San Heun announce his presence that he informs that courier that there is deployment of soldier in Geumohsan & moving towards Seonggi county that observe couriers has discover 2,000 troops on the move. Kim Yu Shi said that if they follow the route from Geumohsan to Seonggi country that they will be heading for east of Seorabeol that is Daedeoksan. Queen Seon Deok queries about Daedeoksan. Then Dae Pung comes to report that they have receive report the garrison believe to be commanded Lord Jujin has crosses Chil Guk ridge. Kim Seo Hyeon looking at the map to point up the location of Geumohsan, Seonggi County & Chik Guk ridge then Kim Chun Chu derives that the indicated places & realise that insurgents are now heading for the capital. Kim Yu Shin said that all of them had pointed their direction towards Wyolseong where Queen Seon Deok is residing. Queen Seon Deok said that if they were to bring their conflict to the capital then location in Seonggi county & Chil Guk ridge will suffer heavy casualty especially towards the civilian population. Queen Seon Deok said that the path for a garrison that exceed 1,000 will likely be Deoksan ridge. Queen Seon Deok order Kim Yu Shin to block the access route of Deoksan ridge & prepare for defensive measure to block their advancement towards the capital. Kim Yu Shin acknowledge Queen Seon Deok’s order & will expedite it & leaves
In Bi Dam camp. Bi Dam opens the map to look at Deoksan ridge as he smiles in affirmative. Lord Jujin & Ho Jae comes to report that everything has been prepare as per instructed. Bi Dam asked whether all the garrison has been cumulate. Lord Jujin said that they are now assemble in Yeo Do county. Ho Jae asked what is the next course of action. Then Yeom Jong comes in to report that Kim Yu Shin has just depart from Wyolseong with his deployment. Bi Dam asked how many is the strength of the troops’ force. Yeom Jong report the number to be 2,000 that they are heading to Deoksan ridge to built up & fortified defensive position. Ho Jae said how are they going to engage, whether it will be all frontal offensive attack. Bi Dam queries on the frontal offensive
Queen Seon Deok disagree & object to that they must at all cost prevent an offensive attack on Seorabeol. Kim Yong Chun agrees that they must do vanquish the insurgents as they are to prevent any risk of taking the offensive to Seorabeol where the conflict will spiral out of control. Kim Chun Chu queries whether the private garrison troops that deserted from the frontline has join up with them in combined forces. Al Cheon said is that fact is not confirm but marching towards Wyolseong indicate that they are confident in the present strength of forces to launch the offensive attack. Anxiety written in Queen Seon Deok’s face
Bi Dam order Ho Jae & Lord Jujin to take their command & launch an offensive against Kim Yu Shin in Yeo Do County. Bi Dam said that they must launch the offensive in full strength of their forces but they need to cease all offensive when the sound of the retreat is alarm & they must withdraw immediately. Lord Jujin is surprise that there will to withdraw. Bi Dam orders that the deploy at once. Lord Jujin & Ho Jae acknowledge. Bi Dam study his map as Yeom Jong wonders what is in Bi Dam strategy. Bi Dam asked about Phil Dan garrison readiness. Yeom Jong tells him that they are battle ready to launch the offensive. Yeom Jong asked whether he needs to convey Phil Dan the orders. Bi Dam said there is no need but to wait on stand by
Phil Dan & his garrison are outside of Myeonghwal fortress waiting on stand by
Myeonghwal Mountain Fortress was built in the 4th with Silla skilled in advanced architecture & construction technologies that were later passed on to Japan.
Yang Gil reports to Kim Seo Hyeon that Kim Yu Shin is facing an offensive attack from Bi Dam’s faction in full military strength at Yo Do country. Kim Seo Hyeon is surprise that they has launch a massive frontal offensive. Kim Seo Hyeon asked for the full details as Yang Gil tells that Kim Yu Shin managed to subdue Ho Jae command but then Lord Jujin’s commands with Bo Jong had launch an attack at Kim Yu Shin from the flanks in simultaneously. Kim Seo Hyeon said that this summarise that they are indeed going to target Wyolseong as affirmative & confirmed with the engagement of conflict in Yo Do county. Yang Gil said that Kim Yu Shin barely able to block their advancement as Kim Seo Hyeon warns that if Yo Do is breach, it will be an open path to Wyolseong as the next target of offensive. Kim Seo Hyeon orders that garrison from Yangsan & Muhwasan to deploy to give Kim Yu Shin reinforcement In Yeo Do county. The military staff acknowledged & leaves after the briefing
Yangsan is north of the city of Busan in Gyeongsangnamdo
In Bi Dam camps, Yeom Jong reports from their express courier that the garrison from Yangsan & Muhwasan has been mobilise to give Kim Yu Shin support that it has been all part of what Bi Dam has planned that it will occurred. Bi Dam said that this is fine & orders Phil Dan to proceed to carry out according to the plan as Yeom Jong acknowledge & Bi Dam calls Yeom to convey orders for Ho Jae & Lord Jujin to withdraw their force from Yeo Do county with Kim Yu shin. Yeom Jong is surprise that they need to withdraw. Yeom Jong question isn’t that they are to launch the frontal offensive at Yeo Do county in order to advance to access into Wyolseong. Bi Dam tells that Wyolseong is not their intended target
Kim Seo Hyeon receiving reports that the insurgent are withdrawing from the Yeo Do county as he asked whether the reinforcement of Yangsan & Muhwasan has arrival at Yo Do county. Guk San Heun replied that they have not. Kim Seo Hyeon can’t comprehend the call of withdraw from offensive attack then realise there is something amiss then asked in which direction is the withdraw. Guk San Heun said that it is the direction of Yangsan. Kim Seo Hyeon said that Yangsan is currently vacated
In the Myeonghwal fortress as the guards at the gate tell that Wyol Seong may face a siege offensive as the other guards said that why troops are being deployed to Yo Do county then Phil Dan & his garrison laid siege to Myeonghwal fortress as Phil Dan finds to overtake the fortress without much resistance
Kim Yong Chun informs Queen Seon Deok that Kim Yu shin has defeated Ho Jae, Bo Jong & Lord Jujin’s garrison & the insurgent are retreating from Yeo Do county. Queen Seon Deok is curious why the sudden retreat from YO Do county. Kim Yong Chun said that they evade danger by pushing them back & force a retreat. Kim Chun Chu finds there is some oddity in the retreat. Kim Yong Chun explains that Kim Seo Hyeon has deployed garrison from Yangsan & Muhwasan to help Kim Yu Shin at Yeo Do country. Kim Chun Chu said that Yangsan is currently vacated as Kim Yong Chun said that this is most definite. Kim Chun Chu voice his concern to Queen Seon Deok & in return Queen Seon Deok realise that perhaps…..Kim Yong Chun asked what is wrong….that Yangsan is currently not their priority. Queen Seon Deok looks at the map & pinpoint Myeonghwal Sanseong fortress. Kim Yong Chun asked whether Myeonghwal San Seong was actually their intended target. Queen Seon Deok said that they are now 2 political forces in Wang Kyeong
Sanseong is a mountain fortress. Myeonghwal fortress in part of the Sanseong belt of fortress. Myeonghwal fortress is at the east gateway of Seorabeol. It is Gyeongju Historic Relic No. 47 & is registered a World heritage. Myeonghwal Sanseong fortress was also used as a palace for 13 years until the 10th (AD 488) of the 21st reign of Silla ruler King Soji & from the 18th year (AD 475) of the 20th year reign of King Jabi. In Queen Seon Deok’s reign, Bi Dam rose in insurgency, camped out in the Myeonghwal Sanseong Fortress & fought a fierce battle with Kim Yu Shin. One day, when a big star fallen in Wyolseong the palace of Silla monarch residence, Bi Dam was pleased to see it, thinking that it was a sign of the Queen Seon Deok’s defeat. Then, it is said that Kim Yu Shin flew a burning kite the next day, saying ‘The star dropped yesterday went up to the sky again’, thereby stimulating the fighting spirits & morale of his soldiers & defeating Bi Dam and his followers
Information on the Myeonghwal fortress http://eguide.gj.go.kr/detail_view/Detail_view.jsp?cid=8422
Wang Kyeong is Royal Capital
Kim Yu Shin learns that the insurgent has retreated to Yangsan. Dae Pung confirmed that they has converge in Yangsan. Kim Yu Shin said that perhaps as Go Do asked what is the matter as Kim Yu Shin adds that the insurgent initial target was Myeonghwal fortress & not Wyolseong. They wanted to gain access to Myeonghwal fortress. Go Do & Dae Pung are shocked. Phil Dan & his garrison greets Bi Dam at Myeonghwal fortress. Bi Dam praise Phil Dan on the effort well done. Phil Dan said that it is not at all, since it was Bi Dam’s deceptive stratagem that planned to have this fortress vacated, it was easy offensive to siege the fortress. Bi Dam & his faction enter Myeonghwal fortress
Kim Chun Chu tells Queen Seon Deok that the insurgent initial target was never intended to be Wyolseong of Seorabeol but it was always Myeonghwal Sanseong fortress. Kim Chun Chu said that they stage the offensive attack at Yeo Do, so that Queen Seon Deok was force deployed their troops to Yeo Do from Yangsan & they did this without much effort to siege the Myeonghwal Sanseong fortress. Queen Seon Deok said that the insurgent doesn’t want history to be repeated with Mi Shil. Kim Chun Chu confirm that when Mi Shil abandon Seorabeol, it was the gravest mistake she made on her part in her revolt. Kim Yong Chun said that the distance between Myeonghwal Sanseong fortress & Wyolseong is barely 10 ri. Kim Seo Hyeon confirms that it only takes 15 mins by cavalry to reach Wyolseong. Kim Yong Chun said there will be 2 political forces that is going to engage with each other in Wang Kyeong. Kim Seo Hyeon apology for his poor foresight on the matter. Queen Seon Deok asked how dare they engage their conflict in the capital & tells that this is really intrepid strategy to conjured to engage a full blown war in the confines of the capital
Ban Sik Kyeong is approx 15 mins
In Myeonghwal Sanseong as Ha Jong tells that in Silla 700 years of history, it is the 1st time they has engage a full blow insurgency so close proximity with Seorabeol that they have 2 political forces engaging in the confines of the capital, this should be the 1st. Lord Jujin agrees that there are only 10 ri between Myeonghwal Sanseong & Wyolseong from each other. Lord Jujin said that they can’t maintain this unstable venture for long & asked Bi Dam for his next course of action. Bi Dam asked what will they think it will be. Mi Saeng said that first & foremost this situation must be publically announced. Bo Jong question about public, & where should they do so. Lord Sueulbu queries that to whom & about what agenda. Mi Saeng said that there is an importance that an offensive will be stage in the proximity of the capital. Currently although Queen Seon Deok is a woman but graciously thanks to the support of her stability of her reign is due to Kim Yu Shin & Bi Dam & the nobility that she able to have such divine Royal authority. Lord Jujin & Ha Jong nods in affirmative as Mi Saeng said however if the presence situation of climax is publically known the nobility & the citizen will start to cast doubt about the ability & capability of Queen Seon Deok on her Royal authority & whether a woman will be able to rule as Queen Regnant. Bi Dam confirmed that this is correct. Bi Dam said they must spread rumours mongers far & wide about the Queen Regnant & the imminent & expected war in proximity within the capital to prolong this standoff as long as they can. While else the people in Wyolseong will need to dwindle & extinguish these rumours as fast as possible
Kim Chun Chu confirms from his deduction that Bi Dam who is the mastermind that is behinds this insurgency & the strategy input with the cooperation of the nobility & to those private garrison who has deserted from the frontline has all join up to Bi Dam’s faction & stage the insurgency to revolt & Bi Dam is now the main focal principal in this revolt. To them there is no Mi Shil or Seol Won Rang that exist among them but how would they able to conjured such a intrepid strategy like this. Kim Chun Chu said there is only person & in which that is Bi Dam. Queen Seon Deok said to Kim Chun Chu that it is enough said on the matter & put a full stop on the matter. Kim Chun Chu tells Queen Seon Deok that she already knew & could have concluded the matter as a fact from her own perspective that it is Bi Dam & asked Queen Seon Deok whether it is indeed that she had. Queen Seon Deok confirmed that she indeed has concluded that Bi Dam is the person but she hope to wonder that this is untrue will have be great & wish it was untrue
Joo Bang arrives in Chuhwa Gun. Joo Bang learns from San Tak that Bi Dam didn’t arrive in Chu Hwa Gun at all. San Tak said that he was send by BI Dam to prepare & organise the details but yet he hasn’t arrive Joo Bang is worried that Bi Dam should have already here with all the time that he needs to come here. San Tak asked Joo Bang what is the letter in his hands that he will convey to Bi Dam when he arrives. Joo Bang hisses that this is imperial decree & he needs to deliver the letter personally to Bi Dam has he has been instructed.
Bi Dam tells his faction that he intends to depose Queen Seon Deok. Ha Jong said that Bi Dam has just mention that they are going to prolong this standoff for a long period. Hwang Yun asked that once they cumulate their strength of forces are they going to march straight for Capital. Bi Dam said they are not. Bi Dam said that they will win the nobility to their faction even with staging any battles or war as they now have Lord Jujin, Lord Sueulbu & him & Bi Dam has 7 out of the 10 members of the Hwa Baek council in his faction. Mi Saeng said that therefore as BI Dam affirms that he as the Sangdaedeung will preside to convey an emergency Hwabaek council on the proposal for abdication of Queen Seon Deok. Bi Dam leaves the meeting & holding to Queen Seon Deok’s ring
Bi Dam preside the Hwabaek council in proposal to force the abdication of Queen Seon Deok from the throne. Bi Dam reads the proposal that Queen Seon Deok is not fit or qualify to inherit King Jinheung’s Silla throne & therefore Silla suffer the never ceasing conflict with neighbouring kingdom of Goguryeo & Baekje & therefore conceit Daeya fortress to Baekje & she has already been scorn & contempt by the Tang emissary for being Queen Regnant & already tarnish the pride of Silla in the eyes of the world. The nobility get a copy of the proposal for abdication. Then he adds that Ashoka the Great of Maurya Dynasty has send an auspicious doctrine that depicts that a new King must ascend the Silla throne & therefore Queen Seon Deok must cease her read as this is the will of divinity. Bi Dam as the Sangdaedeung with consensus of the Hwabaek council states this 3 reasons & has propose that Queen Seon Deok be depose & it will way to save Silla for embarrassment. Joo Bang & San Tak ready the BI Dam notice in public. Bi Dam said that Queen Seon Deok must relinquish her divine right of Kings to preserve the dignity of Silla as the proposal signed by Sangdaedeung Bi Dam
Joo Bang queries whether Bi Dam is stating a proposal to depose Queen Seon Deok & asked what is on earth is this happening here. Joo Bang said is this mean that Bi Dam is instigating to revolt against Queen Seon Deok. San Tak tells that it has a taste that this is going to be insurgency. Joo Bang realise that Bi Dam is indeed now in Myeonghwal Sanseong fortress at this moment. San Tak affirms it. Joo Bang said that he needs to deliver Queen Seon Deok’s decree but then Myeonghwal Sanseong is now the base camp of the insurgent. San Tak said that if Joo Bang enters Myeonghwal Sanseong, Joo Bang will surely meet his instant demise. Joo Bang know that if he enters, he will died, but yet he needs to deliver this decree to Bi Dam, what he is going to do. Joo Bang recalls Queen Seon Deok insistence that Joo Bang must hands this letter to Bi Dam personally without failed. San Tak said that Joo Bang has no alternative that he can’t go to Myeonghwal Sanseong as he will surely dies. San Tak said that Joo Bang code of survival is to avoid confrontation & he needs to avoid this at all cost & runs. Joo Bang is determine that he needs to go to Myeonghwal Sanseong. San Tal reminds Joo bang that if he goes, he will die. Joo Bang said that this is why he needs San Tak with him for this & drags San Tak along
Queen Seon Deok gets a copy of the proposal as Kim Yong Chun said that this is absurd that how can they preside to convene a Hwabaek council to propose this proposal & how dare they be so insolence. Kim Seo Hyeon said that this is all the doing of the nobility to cause a stir uprising of confusion for the Silla population. Queen Seon Deok said that the Hwabaek council is not legitimate without Sangdaedeung presiding. In Silla, Sangdaedeung needs to preside so that the Hwabaek council is valid & legit & will be forfeit, if the preside the Hwabaek council on their own accord. Princess Man Myeong points out that the proposal has been signed & endorse with Sangdaedeung Bi Dam. Queen Seon Deok said that she will not jump into conclusion without prior verification of the authenticity & validate this proposal as without the presiding of Sangdaedeung in a Hwabaek council, this is consider a forfeit & unlawful against the law. Kim Seo Hyeon & Kim Yong Chun surprise that Queen Seon Deok is still persisting to disbelieve that the proposal authenticity. Kim Chun Chu asked whether perhaps by chance that this proposal was indeed presided by Sangdaedeung Bi Dam & therefore this proposal is legit in every sense of protocol & procedures then what will Queen Seon Deok do. Queen Seon Deok said that if this is the truth then she will never forgive or pardoned the Sangdaedeung. Kim Chun really wanted Queen Seon Deok to say it with her words. As they said that the Sovereign’s words is consider law
Al Cheon comes in & asked Queen Seon Deok to step outside for a while to take a look at courtyard of In Gang Jeon. Al Cheon showed Heuk San’s body that is attached with a letter. Al Cheon said that this is Heuk San was a Household guard who has gone missing a few days ago. Kim Yong Chun asked how can such an incident be happening to Queen Seon Deok own personal guards. Kim Seo Hyeon said that they are sending this corpse as a sign of their threat for the Royal Household. Then Kim Yong Chun sees Queen Seon Deok ring tied to the corpse’s neck & takes it down as Kim Yong Chun said that doesn’t this belong to Queen Seon Deok & how did the corpse posses this with him. Queen Seon Deok instantly recognise that it is the ring she gave Bi Dam as a parting gift. Queen Seon Deok takes it from Kim Yong Chun to have a closer look & recalls giving the rings to Bi Dam. The ring to Bi Dam is the exact replica that she wearing on her right middle finger since she took the throne. Queen Seon Deok with this conformation know that this is indeed Bi Dam own doing
Joo Bang & San Tak goes to see Bi Dam as he reads Queen Seon Deok personal letter then crushes after reading it & grabs Joo bang by the collar as Joo Bang asked what is the matter. Bi Dam asked who actually sent this letter. Joo Bang confirms that this was send by Queen Seon Deok herself. Bi Dam knows that Joo Bang is now the vassal of Kim Chun Chu & this is part of Kim Chun Chu’s list of ploys & plots. Joo Bang said that this is not, this letter was actually send by Queen Seon Deok & asked Bi Dam to believe that it is indeed Queen Seon Deok’s letter & telling that the current situation is now amiss. Joo Bang said that if it isn’t why would he has risk his life to come here to deliver Queen Seon Deok’s letter, he will be consider mad that knowing & aware that this is a path leads to his early demise. San Tak confirmed that Joo bang indeed went to Chuhwa Gun first to wait for Bi Dam before coming here seeking for BI Dam. Joo bang confirm that they reads the proposal on the notice & comes to Myeonghwal fortress & risk his very life to deliver this letter. Bi Dam relents & release his grip on Joo Bang & laughs that he has yet again been conned. Joo bang doesn’t understands Bi Dam’s remark. Bi Dam asked Joo Bang to convey to Kim Chun Chu & Queen Seon Deok to tell them that he is still alive & to emphasise that the person they so wanting to killed is alive & kicking & asked that Joo Bang to make sure that they receive his message. San Tak & Joo Bang having lumps in their throat over BI Dam’s statement
Queen Seon Deok looking at Bi Dam’s rings & clenching the ring in her fist that was found in the corpse then recalls over his promissory contract that he will relinquish all political power & posting after Seon Deok’s passing & retires into reclusive life & take a tonsure. Bi Dam said that this can’t be consider a promissory as it is not such a difficult task for Bi Dam to realise it. Kim Chun Chu wakes up Queen Seon Deok’s thought & asked that she must make a decisive & conclusive decision on the matter. Kim Yong Chun concurs that the proposal is swooping in rumours like a tided waves. Kim Seo Hyeon said that the proposal of edict has been endorse by Sangdaedeung will warrant the edict to be validated, the this resolution will gain weight in favour of the insurgents as the days goes by. Kim Chun Chu & Kim Yong Chun & Kim Seo Hyeon pressure Queen Deok to make the conclusive decision on the matter. Queen Seon Deok decree that Bi Dam is relinquish & remove from his designation as Sangdaedeung hen declares him as the enemy of the state. Queen Seon Deok decrees that all Silla subject has the right to suppress the revolt & vanquish this insurgency & death to all the insurgents in order to preserve the peace & the sovereignty of Silla as Queen Seon Deok said that to proceed with the edict as Kim Chun Chu, Kim Yong Chun & Kim Seo Hyeon acknowledged & leaves. Meanwhile Queen Seon Deok commands Al Cheon to investigation on the backgrounds of Heuk San the dead Household guard
Bi Dam has a private word with San Tak to confirm with him whether in fact that Joo Bang did indeed when to Chuhwa Gun to deliver the letter to Bi Dam last night. San Tak confirm that indeed he did. Bi Dam said that the person who attempt to assassinate Bi Dam was one of Queen Seon Deok’s personal household guards. Bi Dam instruct San Tak to investigate on the background of Heuk San. San Tak acknowledge but Yeom Jong has out a tail on him as Yeom Jong’s man went back to report to Yeom Jong that Bi Dam has order San Tak to investigate on Heuk San’s background check & his attempt on his assassination. Yeom Jong said that this will not do & asked his man to contact Heuk Myeong Dan to come at once. Yeom Jong’s man acknowledge
Al Cheon is conducts the investigation on Heuk San background check & proceed to Heuk San’s house. Yeom Jong’s man Heuk Myeong Dan slaughter Heuk San next of kin then as they about to leave, the bump into Al Cheon & his household guards. Al Cheon recognise that he is Heuk Myeong Dan (could be a fame assassin) & call to have them arrest as Heuk Myeong Dan runs from Al Cheon’s men. Al Cheon goes to check on the vital sign of the bodies only to notice there was someone hiding behinds that bushes that he draw his swords then went to rummage through, only finds a very scare girl. Al Cheon put his swords as it was intimidating & assures the girl that he is from the Royal Household guards & asked whether she is hurt anywhere. The scare girl cries that she is alright but her parents…Al Cheon asked what has happened in their house. The scare girl is the sister to the deceased Heuk San who told by the assailants that his brother has done something wrong & they need to leave at once. Al Cheon asked what is that matter that is wrong. Heuk San sister said there is a person by the name as Heuk San’s sister is trying to recall Yeom Jong’s name & has said that he is from Ministry of Audit. Al Cheon is surprise that Heuk San has taken orders from Yeom Jong. San Tak who was also going for the same led for Bi Dam overhears that Heuk San acted on Yeom Jong’s orders & leaves
Queen Seon Deok has learn from Joo Bang that Bi Dam is indeed at Myeonghwal Sanseong as Joo Bang regretfully confirms. Queen Seon Deok asked whether Joo Bang actually personally meet with Bi Dam in private. Joo Bang replied that he did. Queen Seon Deok is dumb stricken as Joo Bang explains that on what he observe that Bi Dam thinks that Queen Seon Deok has sent someone to assassinate him. Queen Seon Deok is surprise. Joo Bang said when he delivers Queen Seon Deok’s letter, he has rejected the content of the letter & thinks that it is a deceptive ploy. Queen Seon Deok looks more befuddled over Joo Bang’s statement as Bo Dam has asked to reply to Queen Seon Deok that Bi Dam is very much alive & well even with her failed attempts on his life. Joo Bang asked what are they supposed to do now.
Al Cheon comes in as Queen Seon Deok enquire about his background check on Heuk San in his finding. Al Cheon reports that it is Yeom Jong’s doing that Heuk San has taken order from Yeom Jong. Joo Bang asked does that imply that the person who mastermind Bi Dam attempt assassination was Yeom Jong then the blame was place on Queen Seon Deok was a deceptive poly from Yeom Jong. Al Cheon confirms that this is indeed so. Queen Seon Deok asked how can trust between 2 people are so lacking in self restraints & being frail & incapable that trying to abide by human mindset can be so incapacitated in vigour. Joo bang said that Queen Seon Deok must try to work out this misunderstanding with Bi Dam & must allow this dispel from doubts. Queen Seon Deok dejectedly saying that all is already too late to do anything for Bi Dam that she has no more option that can come of beneficial use. Queen Seon Deok suffer another attack of dyspnea as Al Cheon & Joo bang showed concern about her health as Queen Seon Deok is trying to fight for breaths. Queen Seon Deok assures them that she is fine & asked them to be excuse from the chambers. Al Cheon understands that he will summon the Royal Physician & asked Joo Bang to leave with him. Joo bang leaves as Al Cheon take a 2nd glance at Queen Seon Deok struggles with discomfort from her breath. Queen Seon Deok that her condition is not faring well
Dyspnea may be a sign & symptoms that Queen Seon Deok might been having pre-congestive heart failure condition. We may finds that this might be hereditary for the Silla Royal household as King Jinpyeong died of heart ailment while King Jinheung dies of consumption & don’t know whether it was led to his heart condition that suggest a family history of hereditary heart disease
San Tak returns to Myeonghwal Sanseong telling that he was out for an errand for Bi Dam & wants to access to the fortress. The guards asked San Tak for his name. San Tak said that Bi Dam said that instruction to allow San Tak to access to the fortress. The guards acknowledge San Tak as San Tak said that he needs to enter at once. Yeom Jong comes with his men then Yeom Jong looking at San Tak & wants to have a private moment aside for a while with San Tak. San Tak recalls Heuk San’s sister that it was Yeom Jong of Ministry of Audit. San Tak said that he has something for BI Dam then makes his escape from Yeom Jong as Yeom Jong shouts to pursue San Tak. San Tak running as Yeom Jong’s men call him to halt as San Tak flees for his life with arrow missing him by inches then as he reaches a ridge & no way of turning back, San Tak chose to jump off the ridge as Yeom Jing’s men lost sight of San Tak over the ridge. San Tak was actually clinging to the edge of the ridge to give the assumption that he has jump off the ridge to ward off his pursuers. Bi Dam impatiently pacing to wait for San Tak return & rereads Queen Seon Deok hand written letter that she signed her name Deok Man. Bi Dam asked whether San Tak is still not return yet as she shouts for attention
Lord Jujin comes in as Bi dam hides Queen Seon Deok letter behinds him. Lord Jujin reports good tidings as Lord Jujin asked someone to come in. Lord Yeong Jin has come to join their faction as Lord Yeong Jin greets Bi Dam. Lord Yeong Jin said that he will do his utmost for Bi Dam’s cause. Bi Dam said that his decisive decision is well, then Ha Jong said that in addition Lord Hoyeon has join the cause the Mi Saeng tells the Commandant of Gurahwa Hyeon has also join the faction with his garrison. Bi Dam knows that the garrison in Gurahwa Hyeon is a large garrison. Lord Jujin agrees that if Gurahwa Hyeon garrison comes to give support then their military strength will not be a concern of worries. Ha Jong congratulate Bi Dam for the addition members to their faction. Mi Saeng said that many nobles has now sided in believe of Bi Dam’s righteous cause. Bi Dam said that he is gracious move of their generosity. Bi Dam faction is all praise for themselves but Bi Dam is still doubts over Queen Seon Deok’s private letter as he keeps it on his side
Bi Dam leaves as Yeom Jong comes to see him & asked where he is going. BI Dam asked whether San Tak has return to Myeonghwal Sanseong. Yeom Jong tells that he didn’t see San Tak & asked what errand did Bi dam send him to do. Bi Dam said that he has asked him to run a small errand. Bi Dam tells that of San tan return to bring San Tak to him at once. Yeom Jong said he will & tell Bi Dam that the nobles has assembled & Bi Dam should make his presence there at once as Bi dam said he will proceed over to the place. Then a Courier comes in shouting for Bi Dam
Meanwhile at Wyolseong. Kim Yu Shin said that he has adhere to Queen Seon Deok’s decree of edict to all 4 corner of the country to declare Bi Dam as enemy of the state & every Silla subject right to vanquish Bi Dam & his faction for high treason & there deserve death. Queen Seon Deok acknowledge it but Queen Seon Deok looks preoccupied. Kim Yu Shin said that he is weary of the action of the nobility has turn sensitive since the exercise that has involve in the absorbed their private garrison into Silla Military that arouse their suspicious & insecurity. Queen Seon Deok asked that do they really need to settle this score within the proximity of the capital to engage in a war & conflict. Kim Yu Shin assures that they all in preparation for the assault & defensive plans has been placed. Queen Seon Deok looks rather blank as Kim Yu shin asked whether she is fine. Kim Yu Shin said that he has already received word that this was actually a scheme that was instigated by Yeom Jong that led to the misunderstanding between BI Dam & Queen Seon Deok. Queen Seon Deok said no matter if it is a deceptive ploy or just a general misunderstanding whatsoever it may be, there are just avertable incidents that cause by consequences & history is always determined & created by those said consequences. Queen Seon Deok said that she & Bi Dam has gone too far forwards that it is impossible for them to track back as they have cross the point of no return on the matter but the fact that it is most regrettable is that Bi Dam has never seek confirmation from Queen Seon Deok personally therefore she feel regretfully sorry for Bi Dam. Kim Yu Shin asked what she is so apologetic to Bi Dam & what she is implying
Queen Seon Deok tells Kim Yu Shin that in rumination of the past occurrences. Queen Seon Deok wonders whether she said to have sudden liking for him only because that she require him to get the hold of the nobles’ private garrison . She can’t dare to be certain that it is not so. Queen Seon Deok contemplates whether she chose martial ties in order to divorce Bi Dam from his faction. She is can’t be definite whether it is for that. But however Queen Seon Deok is affirm on a matter that she sincerely wholeheartedly wanted to abdicate her throne & to spend the rest of her life reclusively with Bi Dam, it is her final aspiration to do so.
Bi Dam read Queen Seon Deok decree of edict declares Bi Dam has been relinquish & removed being Sangdaedeung & decree him as an enemy of the state. All Silla’s righteous subject has the noble right to kill Bi Dam for high treason. Bi Dam crumples the notice & throw it down to the ground. Yeom Jong picks the notice up from the ground & reads the edict. Yeom Jong asked what is this as the courier said that Queen Seon Deok has pasted all this notice at every market & village in the country as Yeom Jong asked what is the next course of action. Bi Dam asked whether Queen Seon Deok was the person who writes that she will abdicate her throne & to spend the rest of her life reclusively with Bi Dam
Queen Seon Deok declares to her war cabinet that they will use this insurgency as an opportunity to destroy the insurgent & make this example as the foundation for the unification of the 3 kingdoms. Al Cheon comes in to report that the Silla’s Seorabeol population has congregating & assembled in Yong Mu Jang voicing that they will volunteer to sign up to protect Silla & Queen Seon Deok from the insurgents. Kim Chun Chu said that the Seorabeol population has volunteers themselves for the conflict. Al Cheon confirms as Queen Seon Deok said that they should head for Yong Mu Jang at once
Then in Myeonghwal Sanseong, BI Dam speaks to his faction, while else in Wyolseong, Queen Seon Deok address her Seorabeol subject in Yong Mu Jang with interchanging scenes from both Myeonghwal Sanseong & Wyolseong
Bi Dam: Silla is weeping. This is due because of an incompetent Queen Regnant…
Queen Seon Deok: Silla is in risk of danger. This is because the nobility who do not desire to lose anything they had….
Bi Dam: We have been defeated in war campaign & scoff by other nations…
Queen Seon Deok:.. The population are losing out on even more & that we must plea from other kingdoms…just like that
Bi Dam: Just like that … Silla is in distress & despair
Queen Seon Deok: …As it is Silla is in crisis of venerability facing risk of danger
Bi Dam: We cannot stand aside idle & watch this continue to pass before our eyes any longer
Queen Seon Deok: We cannot no longer permit this to happened
Bi Dam: We shall depose the Queen Regnant
Queen Seon Deok: We shall vanquish the insurgency
Bi Dam: We shall raise a new era of Silla
Queen Seon Deok: We shall …..forever protect the pride of Silla
Bi Dam: We will built a new Silla
Queen Seon Deok: We shall convene the 4 corners of Silla & protect Silla from danger.
Myeonghwal Sanseong & Wyolseong each cheering for their respective leader as Bi Dam & Queen Seon Deok will engage themselves on a collision course of self destruction that only one will come out a winner
Previous Episode:
BiDam demands to know who sent the assassin. The assassin and YeomJong claims it is the queen. As BiDam recalls ChunChu's words (do you think her majesty loves you) and DeokMan's words (Do you trust me?), he screams in agony.
Episode 61
YeomJong's memory: YeomJong tells MiSaeng that he will destroy BiDam's trust in her majesty. When MiSaeng expresses doubts, YeomJong says it pertains to her majesty.
YeomJong: Her majesty ordered your assassination? Her majesty?
BiDam: (in agony)
YeomJong: Ha ha ha ha ha. What is this? In the end? You betrayed us all for love, and this is all that is? ha ha ha ha ha.
BiDam: You S.O.B. I will kill you.
YeomJong: Kill? Kill me? Yes, go ahead. You kill me and that erases this incident from history? You kill me, and then what will you do? Once again, you have been discarded. Her majesty discarded you.
Nobles' men training. MiSaeng is angry there is no news of YeomJong and BiDam. They are panicking that they have already pulled their private troops but there is no sign of their leader, and without BiDam they have no excuse to rebel. They say they should never have trusted YeomJong.
YeomJong: It is not too late. If you want DeokMan, take the heavenly kingdom. We are all prepared. You had wanted to be king. Huh? Where are you going, BiDam?
(BiDam struggles and wanders)
YeomJong: BiDam.
DeokMan: (Writing) This appears to be my final act in Serabol. Once this is finished, I shall abdicate the throne and leave for Chu-A-Gun. So find a place to build a small house and wait for me. Even if it is only for a little while, I wish to spend it with you.
BiDam, YeomJong
BiDam struggles. He wonders whether she really did want to kill him. He recalls DeokMan saying even if he loves her, she can only love the kingdom. It is because love means you must place everything on it and she cannot place her all on a person. If she did, wouldn't it be false?
BiDam recalls: You should still have told me, to which BiDam replied and if I told you and you didn't need me... BiDam pulls out the ring DeokMan gave him.
(Writing) No matter what happens, trust me. And wait for me. DeokMan.
DeokMan gives the letter to JokBang and asks him to go Chu-A-Gun and deliver it to BiDam.
Recalls DeokMan's words that she can only love the heavenly kingdom.
BiDam: (thinks) In that case, I shall become the heavenly kingdom. If not I will join those who are obstacles to heavenly kingdom and disappear. Either is fine with me. If the position of king is so burdensome that you find it necessary to kill me, then I shall relieve you of that burden.
The nobles are angry YeomJong did not come with BiDam. YeomJong reassures them he will surely come. MiSaeng promises to kill YeomJong if BiDam does not join them. They decide they must leave because the army would surely know where they are by now. They suggest going to the hidden palace at Yul-Po-Yeon (present day UlSan). BiDam is announced.
BiDam says they are idiots.
AlCheon and troops
AlCheon orders his troops to act and report any suspicious activity. He receives a report that HeakSan is missing and that he was acting suspiciously of late.
BiDam declares he will not seek safety. MiShil lost the war because she left Serabol and went to fort DaeYa. He who abandons Serabol is a traitor. The righteous of Silla are only at Serabol. He says he will depose the queen and seize the throne. The nobles pledge their support. BiDam says it will be dawn soon. He says he will march on Serabol. When the nobles ask whether he plans on taking fort Weol (the nobles are not at full strength and will not be able to take ft Weol), BiDam merely smiles.
Messengers arrive in Serabol
Queens HQ
SeoHyeon surmises the rebels are on their way to Yul-Po-Yeon. That will be their base and the road to Serabol must be blocked. The messenger says they discovered 2000 troops on the move. YuShin says the troops are moving to mt DeaDeuk to the east of Serabol. Another messenger says JuJin's army crossed Chil-Gok-Je. The generals surmise the rebels are moving towards Ft. Weol where her majesty is staying. DeokMan says if there is battle in Ft. Weol, the civilian casualties would be large. She says there is only one road that a large army trying to besiege ft Weol can take. It is at Deok-San. She orders YuShin to block the road.
BiDam's camp
BiDam looks at Deok-San on the map. HoJe and JuJin says the troops have all arrived. YeomJong reports YuShin has led his army out of ft. Weol. YuShin has about 2000 men and are raising defenses at Deok-San. They ask BiDam whether it will be a frontal attack.
DeokMan does not want a frontal battle on Serabol. Her generals are not sure if all the rebel troops have concentrated, but if they are marching on ft Weol, they have confidence in their strength.
BIDam orders HoJe and JuJin to take all the private troops and attack YuShin. He says they will use all the troops but if there is an order to retreat, they must follow it immediately. BiDam asks about Piltang's troops. YeomJong says they are ready to attack. BiDam orders them to wait.
[Piltang's troops outside Ft Mt. MyeonHwal wait in readiness]
DeokMan's army HQ
ImJong reports YuShin is facing concentrated attacks. HoJe's army is attacking with BoJong and JuJin's troops in support. SeoHyeon surmises that ft Weol is the target and if YuShin is defeated the road to Serabol is open. He orders troops from Nang-San and MyHwa-San to reinforce YuShin.
YeomJong reports troops from Nang-San and MyHwa-San are moving to YuShin. He orders PilTang to carry out the plan and orders JuJin and HoJe's army to retreat. When YeomJong asks whether he does not plan to attack ft Weol, BiDam replies "Ofcourse.......not".
Receives report the rebels are retreating before the reinforcements from Nang-San and MyHwa-San have arrived. They rebels are retreating towards Nang-San. Nang-San is empty.
Ft. Mt. MyeonHwal
The fort guards say the fort is empty of troops. Suddenly they are attacked.
YongChun reports YuShin defeated HoJe, BuJong and JuJin's army. The rebels retreated. The troops at nang-San and MyHwa-San were deployed to reinforce YuShin. ChunChu is alarmed and asks whether Nang-San is empty. Ft. Mt. MyeonHwal is there. DeokMan says there are now two powers within the capital.
YuShin learns the retreating troops are concentrating on Nang-San. YuShin realizes the rebels target was never ft Weol. It was ft. mt. Myeongwal. They intended to take ft. mt. Myeongwal.
Ft. Mt. Myeonwal
The nobles have taken the fort that was emptied of troops, thanks to BiDam's strategy.
ChunChu tells the queen the rebels never intended to take ft Weol. It was always ft. mt. Myeongwal. It was because the rebels did not want to repeat MiShil's mistake of abandoning Serabol. The distance between ft. Weol and ft. mt. Myeongwal is less than 15Ri. It can be covered in 15 minutes by cavalry. There is now an enormous rebel army within the capital. DeokMan says it is a bold strategy to create a battle front within the capital.
HaJong says this is the first time in the history of the kingdom to have such a large army moved to within striking distance of the capital. The situation is precarious and cannot last long. What does BiDam intend to do now? MiSaeng says The situation should be announced. Previously, thanks to YuShin and BiDam's and nobles' loyalty, the power of the throne had been strengthened despite the fact that it was occupied by a woman. But now if the current situation is known the nobles and the peasants will all have doubts about the ability of the queen. Their doubts about whether a woman can truly ..... BiDam affirms this. He says the fact that there is a battle front in the capital should be proclaimed far and wide and the situation maintained for as long as possible. On the other hand, their adversaries will try to eliminate the problem as quickly as possible.
DeokMan and ChunCHu
ChunChu has deduced that BiDam is behind all this. The strategy, the co-ordination of the nobles... all point to BiDam having joined the rebels. To them, MiShil and SeolWon no longer exist. Such a bold strategy can only have been devised by BIDam. DeokMan asks ChunChu to stop. ChunChu says DeokMan has already deduced this fact. DeokMan confirms this. However, she wishes it were not true.
Santak tells JokBang that BiDam is yet to arrive. JokBang is worried. he must deliver the royal command personally.
BiDam announces he intends to depose the queen. When the nobles ask whether he intends to march on the capital once the forces concentrate, BiDam says no. He says even without starting combat, many nobles are coming over to their side. Furthermore, JuJin, HoJe, Su-Heol-bu, and he... Out of the ten members of the Hwabaek council, BiDam has seven on his side. Sang-DaeDeung BiDam convenes the Hwabaek counsil.
Outside BiDam holds her majesty's ring.
Hwabaek council. BiDam says the council will discuss deposing the queen. BiDam reads that DeokMan was unable to protect the realm, had been repeatedly attacked by BaekJe and Goguryo, had lost fort DaeYa, and
other nobles read the proclamation
as a woman king was taunted by the envoys of Tang, to the extent that the strength and the self-respect of the kingdom was weakened. Further king Ayodha's omen shows that a new king will ascend. This must be the will of heaven. Therefore, the prime minister BiDam and the Hwabaek council have resolved that the queen should abdicate the throne and give up her administrative duties, and for the queen to remove herself from the throne is the only righteous way to preserve the kingdom. (Hwabaek council, prime minister BiDam)
JokBang wonders whether BiDam is truly leading the movement to depose the queen. SanTak says this is a rebellion. JokBang realizes BiDam is in fort Mt. Myeongwal. He needs to deliver the queen's message, but if he enters, JokBang is dead. He recalls DeokMan's orders to make sure BiDam receives the letter. SanTak advises him to run away. JokBang is resolved to go. JokBang says he need Santak to get in.
DeokMan and nobles
YongChun, SeoHyeon and ChunChu says it is impossible for the rebels to form a Hwabaek council on their own. SeoHyeon says it is a plot to gain the support of the nobles and the peasants. DeokMan says only the prime minister has the right to convene a Hwabaek council. Without the prime minister any resolution passed by the council is void and illegal. Princess ManMyeong says the proclamation has the name of the prime minister on it. DeokMan says they must have proof that the prime minister is there. ChunChu asks what if the prime minister is indeed there? He asks what if the prime minister's name is valid? DeokMan says if that is the case, she will never forgive the prime minister.
AlCheon asks the queen to come out for a minute. In front of the hall.....
AlCheon shows the dead assassin. AlCheon confirms the dead body is indeed one of the queen's guards. SeoHyeon wonders whether it means the rebels are threatening the safety of the queen. YongChun discovers DeokMan's ring on his neck.
DeokMan: (to hereself) BiDam. Truly Bidam is.....
BiDam reads DeokMan's letter. He asks JokBang who sent the letter. JokBang says the queen did. BiDam says JokBang had submitted to ChunChu. BiDam demands to know whether ChunChu is up to no good. JokBang says it is indeed her majesty and at present things are really going wrong. Why else would JokBang risk his life and walk in here? SanTak confirms that JokBang came to Chu-A-Gun last night and waited all night for BiDam. And then JokBang read the proclamation and rushed over. He risked his life to deliver the queen's letter.
BiDam bursts out laughing. He says again, he was almost fooled. He orders JokBang to tell ChunChu and DeokMan: He is still alive. Tell them that the BiDam they wanted to kill and eliminate is still safe and sound.
DeokMan contemplates the ring that BiDam returned. She recalls BiDam's vow to relinquish power should she die before him. ChunChu says she must make a decision now. They say if the prime minister's signature validates the Hwabaek council's resolution, time is on the side of the rebels and the rebels will gain strength every day.
DeokMan deprives BiDam from his position of prime minister and declares him an enemy of the state. She orders all her subjects to suppress and defeat the rebellion and preserve the security of the kingdom.
She asks AlCheon to investigate the dead guardsman.
BiDam asks Santak to confirm JokBang came last night with the letter. Snatak confirms it. BiDam says the person who tried to assassinate him was one of her majesty's guard. He orders SanTak to investigate him.
YeomJong finds out about BiDam's order to SanTak. YeomJong orders his spies to come in for orders.
Alcheon on the streets
YeomJong's men kill the dead guard's family but run into AlCheon's guards. AlCheon recognizes YeomJong's men and orders the guards to bring them in. AlCheon searches the house and discovers the assassin's sister in hiding. The girl tells AlCheon that her brother was following YeomJong's orders.... SanTak overhears.
JokBang tells DeokMan that BiDam was indeed at the rebel HQ. JokBang had personally spoken to BiDam. JokBang says for seom reason, BiDam thinks her majesty tried to assassinate him. BiDam did not want to accept the letter and that it was all a plot. BiDam sent a message that the BiDam that her majesty wanted to kill is still alive.
AlCheon reports the assassin worked for YeomJong and it was all YeomJong's doing. YeomJong tried to assassinate BiDam and then blame her majesty. DeokMan wonders how impotent is trust between two people. JokBang says she must try to resolve the misunderstanding. But DeokMan says it is too late. There is now nothing that she can do for BiDam.
(DeokMan struggles for breath. She asks AlCheon and JokBang to withdraw)
AlCheon promises to call for a doctor and as he withdraws, looks on the sruggling DeokMan with concern.
Santak hurrying to BiDam
SanTak tries to go into the fort. YeomJong arrives with his men and asks for a private audience. SanTak runs away and is chased by YeomJong's men. SanTak manages to get away.
Pacing in his room, BiDam rereads DeokMan's letter. He asks for SanTak.
JuJin comes in. Lord YongBin has come to join his cause. Also Lord HoHeum will join. Also the lord of Gul-A-Hwa-Yeon will join with his men. The lord of Gul-A-Hwa-Yeon commands a large army. Once he arrives, all their worries are over. MiSaeng says many nobles believe in BiDam. BiDam is still unsettled at DeokMan's letter.
YeomJong confronts BiDam. BiDam asks YeomJong for news of SanTak. YeomJong has not seen him. He tells YeomJong to bring SanTak to him when he arrives. YeomJong says the nobles are gathered.
YuShin reports to DeokMan that he has proclaimed to all the subjects that they should kill BiDam and his followers.
DeokMan approves.
YuShin is concerned about the movement of the nobles, especially since this is a matter concerning the private armies.
DeokMan concedes that they must now face combat within the capital.
YuShin says he is making preparations. he asks whether she is okay. He has heard news that it is all a misunderstanding caused by YeomJong.
DeokMan says whether it is a misunderstanding or whether it is a result of enemy plotting, these inevitable incidents are caused by co-incidences. History is always determined thus. DeokMan, BiDam, both of them have crossed the line. But she is disappointed that BiDam did not seek confirmation from her. And she also feels sorry towards BiDam.
YuShin asks why she feels sorry towards BiDam.
DeokMan says in retrospect she wonders whether she liked him only because she needed him to get the nobles' private army. She cannot be sure. She wonders whether she chose marraige in order to separate him from his faction. She is not sure. The only thing she can affirm is that she sincerely wanted to give up her throne and spend the rest of her life quietly with BiDam.
BiDam read the proclamation that BiDam has been removed from the office of prime minister and proclaimed an enemy of the state. All righteous subject of the kingdom are ordered to kill BiDam.
The proclamation was plastered all over the markets and villages.
BiDam wonders: Your majesty wanted to give up your throne and spend the rest of your life with me.
DeokMan: We shall use this rebellion as an opportunity to destroy the rebels and use it as a base for the unification.
AlCheon reports that peasants are volunteering and congregating on the training grounds saying they will protect her majesty and the guard the kingdom from the rebels. DeokMan will go there.
BiDam (To his troops): The heavenly kingdom weeps. Because of an incapable queen...
DeokMan: The heavenly kingdom is in danger. Because of nobles who do not desire to lose anything....
BIDam: we have been defeated in war and are scorned by other nations...
DeokMan:.. the peasants are losing even more and we must beg from other kingdoms...
BiDam: ... the kingdom is in distress
DeokMan: ... the kingdom is in crisis
BiDam: We cannot stand aside any longer
DeokMan: We cannot permit this any longer
BiDam: We shall depose the queen
DeokMan: We shall suppress the rebels
BiDam: we shall raise a new kingdom
DeokMan: we shall protect it from danger.
Preview of Episode 62 (The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕))
1. BiDam: The star fell on fort Weol (WeolSeong). It implies the complete defeat of fort Weol.
2. AlCheon : Your Majesty. Your majesty
DeokMan: Keep this a secret. A secret .
3. BiDam: I will become the heavenly kingdom and then you, DeokMan, will be mine.
4. YuShin: You must overcome. I still need your majesty to live.
5. HaJong(?): How can a fallen star rise up again?
6. BiDam: It is a signal, a military signal
7. YuShin: After you arrest BiDam, what do you intend to do?
DeokMan: Are you worried.....
BiDam: He who strikes me down, shall be remembered in history.
DeokMan: .... that I will let him live?
BiDam: There is a message to be delivered, but someone who couldn't deliver it. I shall go and deliver that message.
BiDam: Is that her majesty yonder?
The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕)) Conclusion (Episode 62) Spoiler
Thanks to girlgirl007
선덕여왕의 마지막 이야기...
덕 만은 몸 상태가 좋지 않고, 알천의 부축을 받는 덕만을 본 유신은 의아해 한다. 그 순간 하늘에서 유성이 떨어지고 이를 본 비담은 하늘이 자신들과 함께 하는 것이라며 마음을 다잡는다. 한편, 유신은 비담의 난을 진압하기 위해 온 힘을 다하는데...
The Final Tale of Queen Seon Deok
DeokMan is ill and requires AlCheon's support. When YuShin sees this, he is filled with doubt. At that moment a star falls from the sky. When BiDam sees this, he concludes that heaven is with him and firms his resolve. On the other hand, YuShin exerts his utmost to suppress BiDam's rebellion.
The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕))Episode 61
The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕))Episode 61 Part 1
The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕))Episode 61 Part 2
The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕))Episode 61 Part 3
The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕))Episode 61 Part 4
The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕))Episode 61 Part 5
The Great Queen Seon Deok (Queen Seon Duk (선덕여왕))Episode 61 Part 6
Source of synopsis/summary of The Great Queen Seon Deok Episode 61 & Preview of 62 - taken from: (Thank you and credits to msrshin: http://www.soompi.com & )
Source of synopsis/summary of The Great Queen Seon Deok is taken from: (Thank you and credits to http://bimbibap.com/)
Source of picture: (Thank you and credits to cute girl: http://www.soompi.com)
(Terima kasih dan kredit diberikan kepada http://www.indosiar.com, http://www.koreanmovie.com, http://forum.koreandramas.net dan semua pihak atas sumber maklumat dan video)
(Thank you and credits to http://www.indosiar.com, http://www.koreanmovie.com, http://www.dramastyle.com, http://www.viikii.net/, http://en.wikipedia.org and all sources for the information and videos)
QSD will be end with sad ending?? I don't like it. I've watch all of the episode. It's a long journey. Should the ending like that?? Can DM life happily after this rebellion??
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