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The Orange Box is an online game by Valve. Half-Life 2 is known as a high-rated Pc game of all time and has earned over 40 Game of the Year Awards. Episode One was the first in the trilogy of the new episodes for Half-Life 2 and it was named - Action Game of the Year.
Half-Life 2 is a science fiction first-person shooter game and was released for Windows in the year 2004.The package of The Orange Box has two expansions - Episode One and Episode Two.Half-Life 2:
Half-Life 2 Episode One is the first of a trilogy of episodes originally released in 2006 for Windows,a continuing game from the events of Half-Life 2 online game. The game was well received although the length of the game is short in length and lack of new features.
Half-Life 2: Episode Two is the second of a trilogy of episodes continuing from the events of Half-Life 2. Episode Two focuses on expansive environments, travel, and less linear play.This episode of the game was well received and being praised for its new environments and features.
Introducing Portal from Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Portal is a single -player-first-person action/puzzle game that was made available as part of the Orange Box.
Team Fortress 2 is a multiplayer team-based of first-person shooter that is sequel to the original Team Fortress mod for Quake. It was first made available as part of The Orange Box. Team Fortress 2 is built around two opposing teams competing for an objective.
That will be a little that I have read about this online PC game.To know more about Orange Box Half-Life 2: Episode Two - Team Fortress 2 and the introducing Portal by Valve you can buy it online. Happy playing this PC Dvd-Rom game.
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