The twelve animals cycle for the years
1 -Rat(mouse)--loving, keeper of secrets, charming, hard-working
2 -Ox--patient, easy-going, slow to anger
3 -Tiger--courageous, proud, cautious
4 - Rabbit--gentle
5 -Dragon--successful,bold
6 -Snake--elegant, sensible
7 -Horse--popular,clever, capable
8 -Sheep(ram)--sincere, sensible, artistic
9 -Monkey--original, talented
10 -Rooster--dependable, adventurous, forgiving
11 -Dog--responsible, gracious
12 -Pig(boar)--trustworthy, loyal
When I was much younger I heard and read of people saying there is a legend behind the twelve animals: a dog, a pig, a rat, an ox, a tiger, a rabbit, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a (ram) or sheep, a monkey, and a cockerel.
The legend of the story goes this way I if I have not forgotten.. One day, the twelve animals were quarreling about who will be head of the cycle in the years and each of them wanted to be first . A race was then held by the gods to decide who will be the head. Which ever animals reaches the opposite of the river bank would lead the year and then the rest of the animals that reaches second, third and so on would go according to their years.
All the twelve animals were very excited about it and without thinking much longer all of them agreed and gathered together at the river bank and splashed in the river as quickly as they could.
The clever rat had a good idea and grabbed hold of the ox's tail and climbed up onto his back very qucikly without it's knowledge. The ox did not even know he was there and felt sure that he was going to win, so as the ox was about to jump excitedly ashore to the other side of the river bank, the rat then quickly jumped off the ox's back, and say "Yay!" shouted the rat, "I am won the race and I am the winner, this means I am first."
Though the ox was very surprised and could not believe or understand why it is behind the rat when earlier on it thought it could be first and won the race. faster than him.and in conclusion the rat won the race. And in conclusion of the legend, the pig, who was a very lazy animal was the last to come ashore of the opposite river bank.
No wonder the rat is the first year of the animal cycle followed by the ox and definately the pig is the last of all in the animal cycle. The cycle continues to repeat after all the twelve animals took their turns in the years until now and they were very happy and never quarreled about this matter anymore and the happiest among them was the rat as he was the winner and lead the cycle of the years.
i love the story. this show how cunning rats are. hahahaha...
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