Thursday, November 14, 2013

Mulai Episode 1 - Telenovela Be Careful with my Heart mula menemui penonton pada 7 Oktober setiap Isnin - Khamis jam 3.00 petang di TV3


A simple girl, Maya dela Rosa (Jodi Sta. Maria), her older sister, Cristina Rose, and Cristina's son are introduced as tour guides in their hometown of San Nicolas, with their mother runs a souvenir shop. Money is often less than the living expenses and household repairs. Cristina Rose hopes to work at sea, while Maya dreams of becoming a flight stewardess. One rainy night, after an attempt to fix the roof, Cristina breaks her leg and is thus unable to complete her schooling to become a sea woman. With a large medical bill, Maya deems it necessary to work overseas for two years to help her family. Upon arrival in Manila, Maya discovers that the woman who had offered work overseas had swindled her. Maya is stuck in Manila with no money or place to go. Relentless, Maya allows no one to stop her, not even the handsome, wealthy widower Richard Lim (Richard Yap), who reminds her of her shortcomings.

Ironically, Richard is her last hope because of his influence in the airline industry. He offers Maya to become his youngest daughter's (who has selective mutism) temporary nanny in exchange for his help. Maya agrees to become a maid and nanny in his household. Upon entering the Lim home, she finds herself involved in the private lives of Richard and his three problematic children: Luke (Jerome Ponce), Nikki (Janella Salvador) and Abby (Mutya Orquia).

Maya realizes that since Richard's wife died, the family's joy died with her; hence their problems. Maya is tasked to bridge Richard to his children and eventually she succeeds in rebuilding the family. However, in repairing their broken hearts, Maya encounters bigger challenges that test her determination and, more importantly, her heart. While fulfilling her obligation, she falls in love with the Lim children and, admittedly, with Richard.


Menceritakan tentang kisah seorang gadis bernama Maya dela Rosa (Jodi Sta. Maria) yang bekerja sebagai pemandu pelancong di kampung halamannya di Ilocos Norte, Utara Filipina. Wang sering menjadi masalah utama untuk menyara hidup dan membaik pulih rumah. Ketika hujan lebat, kakaknya, Cristina cuba membaiki bumbung rumah sebelum ditimpa kejadian tidak diingini yang mengakibat kaki Cristina cedera teruk. Dengan kos perubatan yang tinggi, Maya harus keluar dari Ilocos Norte untuk meneruskan hidup dan menampung perbelanjaan keluarga.

Maya mengembara ke bandar metropolitan Manila untuk mencapai cita-cita menjadi pramugari bagi membantu keluarganya. Maya tidak akan membenarkan sesiapa yang mahu menggagalkan impiannya, termasuklah Richard Lim (Richard Yap), seorang duda yang kaya. Ironiknya, Richard merupakan harapan terakhir Maya untuk merealisasikan cita-citanya kerana pengaruh lelaki tersebut di dalam industri penerbangan. Namun, Richard hanya akan membantu Maya jika Maya bersetuju untuk menjadi pengasuh kepada anak-anaknya.

Atas desakan keadaan, Maya terpaksa bersetuju. Apabila Maya menjejakkan kaki ke rumah istana milik Richard, beliau secara tidak langsung terlibat dengan kehidupan peribadi Richard dan tiga orang anaknya yang bermasalah, Luke, Nikki dan Abigail. Maya merasakan pemergian isteri Richard turut memusnahkan keharmonian dan kegembiraan di dalam keluarga ini.

Justeru, Maya mengambil inisiatif untuk merapatkan kembali hubungan Richard dengan anak-anaknya. Usaha dan pengorbanan gadis San Nicolas ini berjaya membina semula keluarga Lim. Pada waktu yang sama, Maya mula jatuh cinta terhadap Richard dan amat menyayangi Luke, Nikki serta Abigail. Ketika itulah Maya diuji apabila seorang wanita muncul dan mengaku sebagai ibu kandung kepada tiga anak Richard. Apakah yang bakal berlaku selepas itu? sumber sinopsis:

Preview Be Careful with my Heart

 Be Careful with my Heart Synopsis

Do click here to view Be Careful with my Heart Synopsis 

Be Careful with my Heart mulai Episode 1 (Malay Subtitles)

Sila klik di sini untuk mengikuti Telenovela Be Careful with my Heart mulai Episode 1

sumber: (Terima kasih dan kredit diberikan kepada
mychosdotcom Channel
dan semua pihak atas sumber maklumat dan gambar)

1 comment:

  1. I love this tele-series so much...I hope U can keep up on posting every episodes with Malay subs. Thank u so much!!!
